Chapter 30

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|Taehyung's P.O.V.|

I happily walked down the sidewalk on my way to Ice Cold, where I was meeting Jihee. I had a small skip in my step, because it was the first time I was meeting her outside of school after we started dating. Well, excluding the day I asked her, of course.

I could see the Ice Cold sign in the distance, so I started walking a bit faster, making my way through the crowd of the downtown area. Out of nowhere, I was pulled off of the sidewalk harshly, and into the alley that I had been walking past.

I landed on the ground, and sat up. What the heck just happened? Why was I pulled into the alley. I sat up, and looked at the figure standing in front of me.

My eyes widened. "Jisung?" I asked in shock. "Why did you pull me off of the sidewalk?"

"We need to talk." Jisung replied with his arms folded.

"I have somewhere to be, can't we do this another time?" I asked.

"You're meeting Jihee, right? Well too bad, because she's not showing up." Jisung said.

"Wait, how'd you know I was meeting her? And why isn't she gonna show up? She just texted me to meet her!" I asked, still confused.

"Pabo..." Jisung mumbled and shook his head, before reaching into his back pocket. He pulled out a cell phone, and showed it to me. "I'm the one who texted you."

I stood up. "Wait, what? Why would you trick me like that?" I asked.

"You know, I was pretty upset when I found out that Jihee was friends with you guys... But after we had that talk that you decided to interrupt in the hallway, I realized that I wasn't gonna be able to stop it, so I let it slide," Jisung started. "But when I heard earlier today that you two were dating... I couldn't accept that. That was going too far."

He was mad over that? Then couldn't he just talk to Jihee about it instead of pretending to be Jihee and pulling me into an alley?

"And now, I've got to settle this once and for all." Jisung added, taking a few steps closer. The look on his face sent shivers down my spine. I could tell that he meant business.

As Jisung stepped forwards, I took a few steps backwards. "W-what are you doing?"

"I just need to knock some sense into you, that's all." He said, smirking. Jisung shoved me, and I stumbled backwards a bit.

"Woah, can we just talk this out?" I said, trying to calm down the situation.

"No." Jisung said in a smug manner.

Jisung then tried to throw a punch at me, but I quickly dodged it.

I backed up a bit more to dodge Jisung again, but I ended up stupidly tripping over a metal trash can and falling on my butt.

"Ouch..." I mumbled.

This wasn't working out too well for me...

"Come on, stand up and fight like a man!" Jisung stated, walking closer to where I fell.

"YAH!" An extremely familiar voice called out. We both turned to the edge of the alley where the voice came from.

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