Fun Races Chapter 9

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"Good luck Will." I said kissing him. "Thanks babe." He replied. "Do good." I then added when he looked a little sad looking at the ground. "Will do baby girl." He replied kissing me then got into his car and I put the window net up. "Don't get hurt we need you here." I said before going to the pit box.  "He's finished." Dave said after about thirty laps after a wreck that he got collected in. We went to his garage and waited for him to come back. "Bells." Will said as soon as he was out of his car. "Will." I replied hugging him making sure I wasn't hurting him. "I'll be ten minutes." Will said going to talk to Dave and his crew then when they were done we left back to the RV.

"Let's just sit on the couch." Will said laying on the couch after he changed. "Yeah sure." I replies before changing then I went and laid on Will. "This is the only thing I want after a race especially a race like that." Will said wrapping his arms around me. "This is the only thing I want any time of day." I replied pecking his lips. "I'm truly in love with you Bella Byron." Will said randomly. "And I'm truly in love with you William Byron." I replied laying my head on him. "Go to sleep baby girl." He said kissing the top of my head and I closed my eyes listening the the sound of our breathing. "Bella, come on baby girl we're going to have to pack and leave now." I heard a voice say before I was moved off the couch. "Ow." I said before getting up. "Sorry baby girl but we really have to pack now." Will said before we packed everything and left.

"Home sweet home." I said walking inside our house. "Home sweet home." Will repeated when he walked in with his things. I did the laundry then I got to doing school work. "What are you going to do when you're done?" Will asked. "I don't know, become a PR for a driver, I've been talking to Jr and his sister and Tony Stewart about working for them." I replied. "So either me or Cole?" He asked. "Yeah I was talking to Tony and he said 'well maybe a young PR would be best for a young driver' and that made me smile." I replied. "That's a good idea." He replied. "I'm done another semester of online classes." I said looking at my screen an hour after I got the last assignment sent in. "And I got all A's." I added. "Oh Bells, that's amazing we need to go celebrate I'll call our parents." Will replied.

"Come on get ready." Will said walking into the living room again. "Right now?" I asked looking at him. "Yes of course right now." He replied and we went to change. "My darling just passed another semester of school." Ny dad said hugging me. "Congratulations honey." My mom said. "Bella is one semester closer to working, hey how's your work going Will?" He mom asked. "It's going good mom." He replied and we both hugged her while I laughed at him. "Bella we are all so proud." Will's dad said as I hugged him. "Thank you." I replied and we went inside to eat. "So darling, how much longer?" My dad asked during dinner. "I'm working on the last semester now." I said. "Way to go Bella." Dana said. After dinner we went back to my parents house and Dana went to get a cake.

We ate cake and talked about things until we decided to go home. "Hey take the cake, you guys know we won't eat anymore." My mom said. "Alright mom thank you." I said hugging her one last time then taking the cake and we went home. "More cake?" I asked cutting myself another piece. "Bells, you've had enough." Will said. "I'm an adult I can do what I please." I said eating the piece. "You're right." He replied before getting the other piece I left for him. "Little marshmallow I think it's time to go to bed." Will said coming back into the living room. "Carry me." I replied pouting at him. "You're so cute I love you." He said picking me up. "You're cute too and I love you." I replied. "Let's get some sleep." Will said laying me on the bed. "I'm not tired, but you can sleep." I replied getting ready for bed.

"I'll sleep but you gotta cuddle with me." He replied getting into bed. "Ok." I replied cuddling with him. "We never fight." I randomly said. "Besides that one random fight about school, which I'm still sorry about." He said kissing the side of my head a bunch of times. "I know and I forgive you." I replied. "Go to sleep." I then said brushing his hair out of his face. "I can't with you still awake." He replied. "I'm not tired Will." I said laying on my stomach and throwing an arm over him then closing my eyes. "There's sleepy Bella." He said closing his eyes and I soon followed.
"I wanna stay in bed like this with you for the rest of our life." I said before falling asleep.

In Charlotte Will started 13th and finished 14th, in Dover he started 8th and finished 6th and in Pocono Will started 5th and finished 12th. "Where are we going?" I asked walking to the front door with my suitcases. "Michigan." He replied taking my suitcases to the truck. "Fun." I replied getting my shoes on then off we went. "Here we are, Michigan." Will said when we got to the track. "This will be a good weekend." I told him after we got settled. "Do you have the Bella feeling?" He asked, the Bella feeling is the feeling I get when I think Will be amazing, it's usually right. "Yeah the Bella feeling." I replied hugging him. "Well that's good." He said kissing me. "It is." I replied smiling at him. "Let's get this weekend going." Will said and that's what we did.

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