Secrets Chapter 7

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"What's going on?" Cole asked. "I can't have children, that's all I wanted with William, but our children aren't going to be blood." I replied. "Bella, I can't imagine what's going through your mind." He said hugging me. "I tried to make it so he didn't find out but that didn't work out and so I haven't been around the tracks since Atlanta." I told him. "Bells, you can't keep everything from him, you need to tell him all of it." He told me. "It will hurt him Cole, all of it." I replied. "Bella you married him." Cole replied. "I know but," I said before he cut me off with "but nothing Bella, you married him you shouldn't be keeping secrets from him."

He's right I shouldn't be keeping secrets but he's a NASCAR driver I need him to finish races alive and unhurt. "I need him to end races alive and unhurt." I told Cole. "Yes and him stressing about you keeping secrets from him will affect his racing, what have you told him?" He asked. "I can't have kids, I'm the reason they couldn't have any more children and I hate being alone." I told him. "Bella, those are nothing." He said. "I know." I replied putting my head down. "He's your best friend Bella, you need to tell him." He replied. "But I can't." I replied. "Either you tell him or I will." He replied before I left. "Will I need to talk to you tonight." I said walking back to his car. "Alright, why?" He asked.

"I can't say here out in the open." I replied. "Ok I'll see you later." He replied kissing me. "Yeah." I replied going back to the RV to see Anna and walk her. "What did you want to talk about Bells?" Will asked walking into the RV. "I uh, I have a secret admirer I have no clue who it is but they are always sending me things and I don't know what to do." I told him. "Bells, did you think I would be mad?" He asked. "Well I mean I'm your wife." I told him. "Bella I'm mad at whoever is sending you these things, I'm the only one who should be sending you things." He replied hugging me and that's when I felt tears. "Also, you remember when I was dating Carter?" I asked. "Yeah, you were a mess because of him." He replied.

"It was right after he got his licence and we got into a fight and he left my house and got in the car accident William it's my fault he died." I said and the tears came pouring out. "Hey hey hey Bells no it's not your fault you two got into a fight." He said. "Yes it is Will, I confronted him with rumours I was hearing we started yelling and he left and then I got a call from his parents telling me that he was in a car crash." I told him. "Bella, it's not your fault." He replied. "Yes it is, I should have stopped him calmed him down, done something differently." I said. "I need some time don't wait up." He said before leaving and I sat on the ground where we were standing and started to cry.

"Bella?" Cole asked walking into the RV. "Bella sweetheart what's the matter?" He asked sitting beside me and hugging me. "I told Will all of it and he told me 'i need some time don't wait up' then he left." I said. "Bella sweetheart, it's ok, he just needs some time." Cole replied. "What if he leaves me?" I asked. "He loves you too much he's not going to leave you." He replied. "But I'm the reason," I said before he cut me off with "Bella he loves you he won't care." I just cried on his shoulder after that. "Bella, Emerson is looking for me." Cole said after a while. "Ok bye Cole thank you so much you're a good friend." I said hugging him. "I try, just hold on he'll come through." Cole said before leaving.

"Bells are you still awake?" Will asked walking into the RV. "Of course it's," I said before looking at the time. "How long has it been?" I asked. "About five hours." He said. "I've been crying on Cole's shoulder for five hours?" I asked. "Cole Custer?" He asked. "Yeah Cole Custer." I replied. "I'll be back." He said before leaving me alone again.

*Will's P.O.V.*

I knocked on Cole's RV door waiting for him to open it. "Hi Will." He said. "You went to see her." I said. "She's a friend." He replied. "I know, thank you so much for being there for her when she didn't want to tell me, thank you for getting her to tell me and thank you for being there when I had to think about what she told me, your friendship with my wife will not go unnoticed." I said before going to walk away. "Hey Will." He called. "Yeah?" I questioned. "Please talk to her about it, listen to her she needs you around, she's afraid you're going to leave her." He said before I said alright then left. "Hey Bella?" I questioned walking inside but didn't see her. "Bells?" I questioned walking into the bedroom and saw her in bed. "Will let me explain." She said sitting up. "Tell me everything baby." I replied sitting on the bed and pulling her to me and she told me all about what happened with her and Carter.

"Bella, why have you kept this from me?" I asked. "I-I-I-I was afraid that you wouldn't date me, and that I would be undateable." I said. "Oh Bells, my sweetheart, I love you you're my best friend, they said it was an accident." I said hugging her close to my body and stroking her hair. "I'm the reason the accident happened Will if I didn't talk to him he would still be here." She replied. "We wouldn't have been together." I whispered. "Yes we would have, I was going to break up with him Will that's why he left he didn't want to be broken up with." She whispered. "Well it's done baby girl, you're here, you're happy and you have me, do you want to talk to someone like your parents I'll be right beside you." I told her.

"No listen, Will they know about it all I just, I was afraid that you would uh you would hate me and stop talking to me and that was before I knew you liked me." She replied. "I understand that, you loved me and you were afraid I wouldn't like you darling don't worry Bella please don't worry." I told her rocking her trying to get her to stop crying.

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