Phone Calls, Friends Visiting Chapter 23

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I qualified for the race fifteenth which was kind of good for my first road course in an Xfinity car. "Alright Will, I'll let you go and talk to Bells." Dave said after our conversation. "Thank you Dave." I replied and he gave me the ultrasound picture before I went back to the RV, stopping to sign things for fans. "Hey Willy." Bella said when I picked up her call. "Hi my little marshmallow." I replied smiling at her. "How did you do?" She asked. "You didn't watch?" I asked kind of upset. "I'm sorry, it's just I went for a walk outside for a bit and I had to take it easy and when I got back it was over I was going to watch on the app but the walk took longer than expected." She told me. "It's ok really sweetheart, I know you've been in the hospital for a week and the doctors and nurses want you to be safe." I replied smiling at her.

"I was just about to look at how you did before you called me." She told me. "Fifteenth for my first Xfinity road course." I replied. "Will that's good." She told me smiling. "Yeah but I would have done better if you were here." I said. "I know you would but this is what's best for the baby." She told me. "Yeah, anything to get the baby here." I replied smiling at her. "Yeah anything to do to get the baby here." She copied smiling at me. "I'll let you go baby girl, I'll call you before the race I love you." I said. "I love you bye my prince." She replied before we hung up.

*Bella's P.O.V.*

"So we are going to run some test, don't worry you will be out in time to talk to Will before the race." My Doctor told me. "Alright, why?" I asked. "Just to make sure you're alright it's just some routine blood test." She replied. "Alright let's go." I replied and we left my room to get get some test done.

"Little marshmallow." Will said. "Where's Dave?" I asked him. "Right here Bells, how's baby Byron?" He asked. "The baby is fine, I miss the track I wish I could go see everyone." I said. "Yeah, we wish you could come too." Dave replied. "Soon." I said. "Alright I hope to see you soon." Dave replied before handing the phone to Will again. "Do good." I told him. "I always will." He replied smiling. "Baby Byron and I and our parents are rooting for you." I then told him. "Good, I'll see everyone when I get home. He told me. "Alright I'll let you go." I told him before we hung up. "So let's get this race started." I said watching the TV. "William is going to end up tenth." Dana said looking at the TV. "Well hey, P10 his first Xfinity road course." I said. "Yeah that's good." My mom replied.

Will came to the hospital that night and our parents left. "What's going on dimples?" I asked Will who came in with a big smile on his face. "I have two surprises for you." He replied sitting beside me and kissing me. "Oh what are they?" I asked confused. "Not what who." He replied before Cole and Emerson walked in. "Cole, Emers." I said smiling and getting up to hug them. "Hey Bells." Emerson said hugging me. "Is baby Bryon alright?" Cole asked hugging me. "Yeah baby Byron is fine, but I miss the track." I told him. "We all miss you at the track." Emerson said. They left and said they would be back tomorrow and I went to bed with Will sleeping beside me for the first time in a long time. The next day Will got a call when we were with our parents so he walked out into the hall and answered it when he was done the call he came back in smiling. "What was that dimples?" I asked also smiling I mean who can not smile when you see him.

"You'll never guess who called and why." He said as our parents came and stood around us. "Who called and why?" I asked. "Mr.H, you know how Kasey Kahne isn't going to be in the 5 next year?" He asked. "You're taking his place?" I asked my eyes going wide. "I'm driving for Mr.H." He replied smiling. "A baby and a cup ride oh my." I said getting up and hugging him. "Yeah." He said before his smile dropped. "What is it Will?" Dana asked as our parents joined the hug. "How am I going to juggle a baby and a cup ride?" He asked sitting on the bed. "Hey Will, we have our parents and your sister Will it's ok." I said sitting down and hugging him. "Yeah all four of us are here for you two Will, and you don't have to worry about it for a while." Bill said then our parents started talking about traveling with us. "We have people to help us." I told him.

"I need to stay with you." He told me. "I'll most likely have the baby in the off season." I told him taking his hand in mine. "Yeah I know but still." He replied. "Baby Byron will be born between December twenty seventh to January thirty first." I told him. "Yeah that's true baby Byron will, but what if you go to January thirty first?" He asked. "Babe let's just focus on right now, plan when I'm coming to races." I replied. "Yeah let's do that." He replied before we got a pen and a piece of paper and we all talked about what races I could go to and what to do if something happens. "Are you alright?" I asked Will when everyone left that night. "Yeah, hey Emerson and Cole are staying in our house tonight." He replied. "William, are you alright?" I asked him more stern this time. "I'm worried about you and the baby Bells, what if something happens during the birth?" He asked. "Then something happens, we have to be prepared." I told him. "I just want you both home with me in January." He told me kissing me. "We will all be home by the time the NASCAR season starts." I told him hopefully all three of us will all be home by the Daytona 500.

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