Back At A Track Chapter 25

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Will is starting P23 which is not good for them. "The first race I come back to and you don't do good." I said. "Yeah I want to get all of us a win we all work so hard." He replied pulling me to him. "All of you work so hard day in and day out I'm always proud and not just because I'm your wife." I said. "You work hard to." Will said gently pecking my lips. "I don't work." I replied. "You do so much, for me." He said pulling me even closer to him. "Well that's true I do so much for you, and you do that much for me." I replied smiling up at him. "What should we have for lunch?" Will asked. "I'm not sure." I replied. "Stand any closer to each other and you'll become one person." Dave said looking at us. "If that happened that'd be weird." I said turning towards Dave.

"Go have some time to yourselves." Dave then said so Will took my hand and we went to find something for lunch. "Can we get an outdoor swing when we go home?" I asked Will on our way back from lunch. "Of course, after the baby comes we can sit on the swing as a family." He replied. "You think about the future with me and the baby even if theres a chance we could lose the baby?" I asked. "Yeah, I know I shouldn't because of our chances but I can't help it, having a child with you is the best thing that's happened to me since we got married." He said. "You're my king." I said wrapping my arms around him. "And you're my queen." He replied placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Uh, is he in 25th place?" I asked Dave. "Yeah, he's not having a good weekend." Dave replied. "No he's not." I replied. Will finished the race P25 so after he finished with post race stuff we went back to the RV to cuddle until we went home. "Bella sweetheart can we go do something?" Will asked. "Can we go play laser tag?" I asked. "Of course." He replied before we went to go find a laser tag place. "Just you two?" The worker asked. "Yes." Will said. "Alright." The worker said before giving us our gear and we put them on then went into the room. Half way through Will pushed me into a corner of the room. "What are," I started to ask before he kissed me then shot me with the laser gun then walked away leaving me confused.

After that we continued our game until time was up and we left. "What was that?" I asked talking about him pushing me into the corner. "You looked beautiful so I had to kiss you, then shoot you with the laser gun because laser tag." He replied kissing me again. "But in the middle of the game and you shot me with the laser gun after." I said. "Tough little marshmallow." He replied then we went home. "Even if we've been together for fifty years you still manage to amaze me." I told Will. "Yeah well you still manage to amaze me too." Will replied. "How do I amaze you I'm boring?" I asked him. "You're far from boring Princess Bella, I love when we go to bed because you tell me about your day and you may think it sounds boring but you never do the same thing twice." He told me.

"I've never noticed that, let's set a time at the end of the day where we tell each other what we did during the day." I suggested. "Yes, that sounds wonderful." Will beamed. "I think we should get baby pictures of us." I then said. "Yeah we should." Will agreed so we went to our parents houses, I went to my parents house and Will went to his parents house. "Mom I was wondering if I could have some baby pictures?" I asked when I walked inside. "Yes of course they are in the basement." My mom replied so I went down and looked through the boxes. Looking through the pictures I started to put them into piles until I found pictures of identical twin girls who strangely looked liked my mom while I look like my mom. "Mom dad what is this?" I asked running up the stairs and showing them pictures of twin girls.

"Darling, this is, was your twin Alice

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"Darling, this is, was your twin Alice." My mom replied looking at the picture. "What?" I asked confused. "You had an identical twin, she got sick and didn't make it past your first birthday." My mom said. "Alice and Bella?" I asked before Will came in with his parents and pictures of most likely him as a baby. "What's going on?" Will asked looking from me to my mom and back to me. "Look at this." I said showing them the picture of me and my apparent twin. "Whos that?" Dana questioned looking at the picture. "Alice and I when we were newborns." I told her. "Who's Alice?" Will pose. "My identical twin." I replied. "Identical twin?" Will questioned. "Yeah, Alice got sick before their first birthday and we lost her, we didn't want to have more children after that, Bells was enough for us." My mom told us.

"Why did we move here?" I asked as Will showed me another picture of a baby boy and two baby girls who looked to be twins sitting together. "These three babies are us and Alice." He told me. "Mom what's going on?" I demanded. "Ok, Dana and I have been best friends since I moved to North Carolina." My mom told us. "So it wasn't weird for Will and I to become best friends or us to move?" I queried. "Not at all, actually Dana told me about this house being for sale and we just happened to get it." My mom explained. "Did you plan for Will and I to get married and become parents because you seemed to have planned everything else." I said. "No, that was just weird we didn't plan for most of this it just kind of happened to fit together nicely and since your dad and I took pictures of you and Alice separate we could hide the fact that you had a twin." My mom told us.

"I have a twin, I have the ability to have twins don't I?" I asked. "Yes you do." My mom told us. "But what if my children get what Alice had?" I asked. "It's why you can't have children so they may get it and they may die but they also may survive and theres a chance you can have a stillborn." My mom told me. "Oh my gosh." I said before the last thing I remember was seeing Will. "Bella?" I heard a voice question. "Will?" I tried to say but couldn't say anything so I started to move around. "Woah Bella stop moving around the doctor said you can't move." I heard Will's voice say so I stopped but tried to grab his hand. "Here Bells." He said giving me his hand. "If you're wondering the baby is fine, but after this whole thing you have to stay in the hospital for good the rest of the pregnancy." He told me.

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