Indianapolis Chapter 19

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Qualifying started and the drivers only had two rounds today and not their normal rounds. "Will's starting third." Dave said. "That's great, now before Will yells at me I may need a bit of help getting down." I said. "Of course." Dave replied helping me down. "Starting third today." I said hugging Will. "Yeah, a fast car means the world could know that we're expecting if the race goes our way." He replied whispering we're expecting and then kissed me. "So want to go have another picnic?" Will asked as we walked to his hauler. "Yeah sure it was fun yesterday, hey we should make it a race day tradition." I said as he grabbed a basket. "Will?" I asked confused. "My crew made it for us." He replied before we went to find a nice quiet spot for us.

"Your crew is great this year." I told him as we sat on the blanket. "Yeah they are." He replied. "I still miss Rudy." I then said. "When we go to a track with the trucks you can see him." He said. "Yeah I know." I replied as he got the food out and we ate. "I have a good feeling about today." Will said when we were sitting beside each other with his arm around me resting his hand on my stomach. "Yeah I have a good feeling about today too." I replied. "I have a good feeling about this little one too." He then said. "No comment." I replied putting my hand over his and he smiled. About an hour after just sitting in the grass then walking around so Will could sign things if people wanted we went to drivers meeting.

"This is the first time you've been to one of these this year." Will whispered. "Yeah it is." I replied. After the drivers meeting I went to find his crew and Will went to intros. "How's my favourite person?" Will asked snaking his arms around me. "I don't know how is your favourite person?" I asked. "Looking good, like always." He replied and I knew he was smiling. "Smooth boy." I said turning around and wrapping my arms around him. "I know, I've said things like this before, I can't help it when I'm around you." He replied. "I don't care, it's nice to hear you say something like that every once in a while makes me feel special." I told him. "I'm glad." He replied before kissing me.

Pre race ceremonies were about to start so the crews and drivers and drivers guest for today all lined up. "Can we pray?" Will asked when everything was over. "Of course." I replied and we bowed our heads. "Dear heavenly Father, we ask you to watch over all drivers, crews and drivers guest especially my beautiful wife Bella, I ask you to protect her and our unborn baby and help the baby grow big and strong for the rest of the baby's life, Amen." Will prayed. "Amen." I said then Will kissed me and he got into his car. "So are you feeling ok?" Dave asked me. "Yeah I'm feeling fine." I replied. "Ok, I got a few water bottles for you up here also a bunch of snacks and candy, and I did it before Will asked me if I could take care of you while he can't." Dave told me. "He's so sweet, and you're so kind." I told him. "Thanks." He replied.

"No problem now lets get this team a win." I said as I sat by Dave. "Come on Will hold him off." I said near the end of the race, he was currently first just in front of Paul Menard and Joey Logano. "He's going to win here." Dave said and I got so happy. "The youngest guy to win here." I said. "He is the youngest guy to win here." Dave replied. We watched William do his burnouts then went to victory lane. He finally got the car to Victory Lane and I watched everything going on taking it all in. He started to look around as an interviewer walked up to him so I ran and jumped on him. "Bella, be careful please." He said holding me to him tightly then slowly and carefully letting me down.

"Your first time here at Indianapolis and you win how does that feel?" She asked. "It's a good feeling, the team works hard on our car every week and winning my first time at a track feels amazing." He said as she interviewed him and he answered. "One last question, you told Bella to be careful when she jumped on you and I just wanted to ask is something going on?" She asked. "We said if you won." I told him when he looked at me. "When Bella was sick a couple weeks ago we found out that it was her body trying to fight off the embryo, Bella's a month pregnant and we know she's only a month along but since Bella can't have children there's a fifty fifty chance that the baby won't come into the world alive and since there's already a chance we are going to lose the baby why not tell everyone if I won today." Will told her. "Awe, congratulations on the baby, I'm sure it will be in people's prayers that we get to meet the little human growing in you." She said to us. "Thank you I hope so we need all the luck to meet this little one." I said before she signed off.

"Really Bella, I'll be praying for you and that the baby comes into this world." Kaitlyn said and I hugged her. "Thank you." I said before she went to go find other drivers to interview. "So I got us and our unborn baby into victory lane." He said. "Yeah, why don't we go kiss the bricks." I replied before a few drivers started to come around. "Hey Bells, let me see your phone." Dave said so I gave him my phone. After a few minutes of us doing whatever I got my phone back and we went so Will could kiss the bricks, the team will do it after Cup qualifying.

I got some pictures of Will and we went to go hang out around the garages so I went through my phone with Will. "Awe look Bells." Will pointed out one of the pictures. "We should each post that one." I said before going on my Twitter. "If you haven't heard the news I'm pregnant with baby Byron please keep our family in your prayers." I posted. "If you didn't hear my post race interview Bella and I are expecting a baby, this is already a hard and painful pregnancy for Bella, thoughts and prayers for my wife and baby would be nice." Will posted.

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