Home Race Chapter 29

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"Don't go." I said holding onto Will's hand tight. He's been doing amazing since the playoffs started and they are in Charlotte thankfully but I still didn't want him to go. "Hey, Bella I'll be back in a bit I just need to go for practices today." He told me and I knew tears were forming. "Bells darling, it's ok." He then said hugging me close to him. "I'm sorry." I told him. "I get it, Bells it's the pregnancy." He said and I shook my head yes. "If you let my hand go I can go find a nurse and ask if you can come with me to the track for the race but I have to go after I do that." He told me. "Ok." I replied letting him go. "For someone like you you are very strong." He said as he walked out of the room leaving me with my thoughts.

My doctor walked in after some time with my parents and Will's parents. "What's going on?" I asked. "Since the race is so close to home I am allowing you to watch him, but only for the race." She told us. "Ok I'm good with that." I replied. "We'll all come with you." My dad said. "What about Alice David and the twins?" I asked. "Do you want them to come?" My mom asked. "Of course I do." I replied. "We'll get them in then." Dana told me. "I want my family watching him." I said. At the end of the day Will came back and told me all about practices. "I want Alice David and the girls to come to the race." I told him when he was done. "That's a great idea." Will said smiling. "Where would they be?" I asked. "All can be on my pit box and I'll do the best I can for you." I replied.

My mom came by the hospital and we went to the track for the race. "Dave will be happy to see you, he misses you." Will said when he met us. "Shouldn't you be at drivers meetings?" I asked him. "Not yet I'll walk you to the garage area then I have to go." He told me so that's what we did. "You have a large group here today." Dave said when they came back and everyone was standing around talking. "Yeah, Dave this is my twin Alice and her daughters Catherine and Daelyn and my birth dad David." I told Dave. They all said hi then Will was interviewed and when prerace stuff was about to start we all lined up and I got nervous like always and felt a little better when Will put his arm around me. "Babe, what's going on?" He whispered.

"I'm nervous." I replied. "It's ok everything will be ok I'll finish this year a champ this time and we'll have our baby by the end of the year." He told me kissing me then pre race stuff started. "Do good." I told him after everyone else said good luck. "I always will." He replied before kissing me then I hugged him tightly. "Bella he has to get in the car." Dave said. "No." I replied. "The faster we get the race started the faster you can see him again." Dave said. "No." I replied. "Bells, please let me get into the car." Will said quietly. "I don't want to." I replied just as quietly. "The officials may give me a penalty or something if you don't." He replied kissing the top of my head then I slowly let him go. "Come on kid." Dave told Will and they went to the car while I stayed where I was. "Come on Bells." One of Will's crew members said so he helped over the wall and up the pit box.

"You don't always do that are you ok?" Dana asked me. "I don't know." I said before I started to cry and put my head on my mom's shoulder. "Pregnancy." Dana and mom said. "I was never like this with the twins, are you sure?" Alice asked them. "Bella usually actually pushes Will to his car and to practices and whatever but she hasn't done that this race weekend she wants him all to herself." Dana replied. "Will's off next weekend, they have all the time to be with each other." Mom said. "They're off next week?" I asked looking at mom and Dana. "Yeah I'm sure Will's told you that." Dana said. "Nope no mention of it." I replied. "Oh well he must have just forgot." Mom said. "Yeah maybe, hey I'm going to go find my friend." I said before going to find Cole's pit box.

"Hey Emers." I said getting up the pit box. "Bella you're here." She said hugging me. "Yeah I am, the Doctor said because we are so close to home I could come." I replied. "Good." She replied. Cole came to pit and we watched him, when he saw us he kind of waved then went back to waiting for the pit stop to be over so he could go. "He's great." I said as we sat down. "He is really great." She replied smiling. "You never told me what happened on his birthday." I said. "Oh no I haven't, it was interesting." She replied and I knew the look on her face. "Did you two?" I asked not really wanting to know. "Yeah our first time." She whispered. "Oh my how was it?" I asked. "Awkward and weird I mean it was both of our first time." She replied. "Oh, I remember mine and Will's first time." I replied.

"So I have a twin." I told her. "What really?" She asked. "Yeah her name is Alice and she has three year old twins Cathrine and Daelyn." I told her. "I have to meet her come on." She said before we went to the pit box and I introduced them. After the race where Will finished sixteenth our family left after saying bye to us leaving me with Will.

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