The Track Chapter 4

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"Atlanta Motor Speedway." Will said when we got to the track. "This is going to be a good weekend." I replied taking his hand and intertwining my fingers with his. "Can you feel it?" He asked and I knew he was smiling. "You'll be amazing in the car." I replied also smiling. "Thanks sweets." He replied. "Let's go." I said then we went to the RV unpacked then went to go see the crew. After a while of watching the guys work I decided to go back to the RV and have some alone time at the track.

*William's P.O.V.*

"I'll be there later." I said as Bella was on her way back to the RV. "Hey Dave I need to talk to you." I told him. "Alright what's going on?" He questioned. "Could we take fifteen minutes?" I asked him. "Yeah sure." He said and we went to the hauler. "What's going on?" He questioned. "I just need to talk to someone, after Daytona Bella told me that theres a good chance she can't have children, last year we uh did it unprotected and she should have gotten pregnant but didn't and before Daytona she went to the doctors and she said that Bella can try for a year but theres a chance we can't have children." I told him.

"Oh my ok what do you think about that?" He asked. "I don't care if my children are biological or not, as long as she is their mother." I told him. "What?" He asked. "I've always known I'd end up with her I never cared if our children where biological or not I love her and I only want to be with her." I told him. "And?" He asked. "She's heartbroken over it and I don't know what to do." I told him. "Then just be there for her she'll be happy you're supporting her no matter what." He told me and then we went back to work. When the day was done I went back to the RV, Bella did come by and she brought me lunch so we had a little picnic then she went back to the RV.

"Bells where are you?" I called when I walked inside. "Hey Will done for the day?" She asked. "Yeah, practices are tomorrow." I replied pulling her to me and hugging her. "I'm not going anywhere princess Bella." I told her resting my head on hers. "Thank you for being here and for loving me." She whispered. "I wouldn't want anyone else in my arms." I whispered back. "But I'm a mess." She whispered. "I love you mess and all." I replied before taking her hand and leading her to the bedroom. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?" I asked her. "Not today." She replied smiling.

"And your smile, it's so pretty then theres the way your eyes light up when you see things you love like the track or the cars and trucks during the weekend, how you keep up with my car each week and give my team pointers, how you are always on my pit box cheering for me, and when I'm racing I hear you when I have a pit stop and it makes me smile." I told her and she started to blush. "And your blush makes you look innocent, like the little girl I had as my best friend." I then said. "Where has this all come from?" She asked looking at me. "I just want you tell the things that make me love you." I replied. "Ok." She replied getting out of my grasp and laying under the covers.

I joined her under the covers and pulled her close to me. "Your kisses are magical and your hugs are warm, when you're sad all you want to do is cuddle with me and eat ice cream, you have always been apart of my family and I'm thankful your parents moved right beside mine when we were two." I told her. "Oh Will." She said moving closer to me and kissing me. "You're feeling down I need to help any way I can think of." I told her before we changed and climbed back into bed. "Goodnight babe." Bella said. "Goodnight Baby." I replied pulling her close and she put her head on my chest and fell asleep while I played with her hair. "I told you one day you would be my queen, and you're my queen now." I whispered to her before going to sleep myself.

"Thank you for last night." Bella said when she noticed I was awake. "I need to be there for you no matter what." I replied kissing her. "Ew morning breath." Bella said pushing me away. "Oh come on, you should be use to it." I replied then got ready for the day, then we ate and after I was done I left.

*Bella's P.O.V.*

"Hey Bella, what's going on?" Morgan asked walking into the RV. "I hate being alone." I told her. "What?" She asked. "I hate being alone." I repeated. "When Will leaves in the morning?" She asked. "I try to make him stay." I replied. "What are you doing about it?" She asked. "I got Anna but she's not helping much anymore." I told her. "Come on." She replied before we went to the garages. "Bella's afraid of being alone." Morgan told Will when he got out of the truck. "Thanks Morgan." I said before she left and Will pulled me into his hauler. "Why didn't you tell me before?" He asked. "Because you're happy, I was afraid if I told you all this wouldn't have happened." I told him.

"You're wrong, I would have been doing this but you wouldn't be with me." He said. "What?" I asked. "If you told me you're afraid of being alone, I wouldn't have came back for you." He told me which right after the last word came out I left the hauler fast. "Bella wait!" I heard yelled from behind me but I kept going.

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