Baby Coming Chapter 37

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"Will's not here yet." I said when Dr. Trobey said it was time for the baby to come. "We can't wait for anyone." She said so I had to start pushing without anyone to support me. Halfway though Will came rushing in. "Bells, I'm sorry." He said before grabbing my hand. "I'm halfway done giving birth to our son." I told him gripping his hand. "I'm sorry babe, the shop." He replied kissing my forehead. "Start pushing again Bella." My doctor said and a few minutes later he was out but I didn't hear any crying. "What's going on?" I asked as they all rushed out of the room with Bennett. "What's going on Will?" I asked as my mom came into the room. "Where's the baby?" She asked. "I don't know, he wasn't crying when he made his appearance and everyone rushed out of the room." I said before a nurse came into the room. "I'm sorry Bella, your baby is a stillborn." The nurse said.

"What?" I asked grabbing Will. "I'm really sorry, would you like to see him?" She asked. "Yeah I do." I said before tears started coming out. "I knew this was a possibility but it still hurts." I said as Will sat beside me. "I know baby." He replied placing a kiss on my forehead. The nurse then gave me Bennett wrapped in a blue blanket. The nurse walked out with another nurse giving Will and I some time with our baby. "Hi Bennett, it's mommy and daddy, we love you so much and we wish this wasn't the outcome but sometimes God works in weird ways and we weren't meant to watch you grow up." I said kissing his forehead. Will got on the bed and I put the baby under the covers while we cuddled him making him warm. "Go get a nurse or the Doctor." I yelled trying to hold the baby closer to me. "What Bells?" Will said running out then ran back in with the doctor and nurse right behind him. I lifted the baby from under the blanket and he moved a little then opened his eyes then his mouth.

"What's going on?" I asked as the baby started breathing. "Get the baby into an incubator quickly." My doctor said as the nurse took him from me. "What's going on?" I asked watching her put the baby into the incubator they still had in the room. "It's a true miracle Bella, we thought he was a still born he wasn't moving and it didn't look like he was breathing." She told us. "Is he alive now?" I asked looking at the baby. "Yeah, kangaroo care." She replied. "I just wanted him to feel safe before someone took him from me." I replied. "Do you have a name for him?" She then asked. "Bennett William Byron." I replied smiling. I got up and we went to see him I got my phone and we got a couple of pictures of him. Then I sat back on the bed and posted the picture of him on Instagram and said "No mother wants to be told their child is stillborn, meet Bennett William Byron, after the nurse gave me my stillborn baby I cuddled with him while talking to him and he started to move and opened his eyes, this little human really is our family miracle."

"Can you bring in our parents please?" I asked the doctor. "One at a time then we will bring Bennett to the NICU." He said. My mom came in first. "His name is Bennett William Byron and he was a stillborn but my touch brought him back." I told her. "Awe he really is our family miracle." She replied looking at him. "Oh sweetheart how are you feeling?" She asked. "Scared, we aren't out of the woods yet, a lot longer to go." I replied. "Understandable." She replied kissing my forehead then leaving and sending in Dana. "Meet your grandson Bennett William Byron." Will told her. "What was going on with him?" She asked. "He was born a stillborn but Bella's touch brought him back." He replied. "Oh Bella." Dana said hugging me. "I knew it was a possibility but it was scary to actually live it, having someone tell you your child is dead, he really is the family miracle like my mom said." I told her.

"I'll send your dad in." She told me. "I can't wait for them to meet Bennett." I told her and she walked out of the room then my dad walked in. "Meet your grandson Bennett William Byron." I told him. "He's so tiny, your mothers told Bill and I what happened." He told us. "I'll send Bill in." He then said and left then Bill came in. "Dad meet Bennett William Byron." Will told his dad. "He's a tiny human, are you two ok?" He asked. "I am, I'm not sure about Bells." Will replied. "Well I birthed a dead baby and now he's alive." I told them. "Darling, everything is alright." Bill said. "Yeah, Bennett is just going to have to stay in the NICU for a couple of weeks." Will told me. "I'll be here for a couple more weeks." I said. "Yeah, now go to bed you need to rest for a little, I'm going to go see Bennett." He told me. "Ok." I replied before closing my eyes.

*Will's P.O.V.*

  "Hey Will, how are you?" My mom asked as she hugged me and Chrisy joined in. "My wife is stuck in the hospital for who knows how long because our son was a premature stillborn and our body heat and prayers brought him back." I replied. "Go be with your son, we'll stay around here." Dad replied. "Thank you." I replied then went to the NICU. "Come this way and we'll take you to Bennett." Bella's doctor said when she saw me. "Let's see my son." I said following her. "How's Bella now?" She asked. "Sleeping, I don't know how tired she is but after the events with Bennett she needs sleep." I replied. "Yeah she does need to sleep." She replied. "Here he is." She said as I looked into the incubator. "My baby boy, we were going to name him Bennett because Bennett shouldn't have been born and Bennett means blessing." I told her before sitting on the chair that was by the incubator. "Well now with everything that's happened he's here for now." She replied before leaving.

"Hi Bennett, it's daddy I'm so happy you came into this world and you're alive now." I told him watching him move around. "He's so tiny." One of the other parents said walking over to me I looked at the man then back at Bennett. "This little man has been through a lot, he was a stillborn but a miracle happened when his mother and I cuddled him after he was born and here he is." I replied. "Can I keep him in my prayers?" He asked. "Yes please." I replied smiling at him. "My name is Adam." He said. "Mine is William or Will and Bennett's mother is Bella." I replied. "My wife's name is Anna." He replied then he went back to his wife and child. An hour later Bella came in a wheelchair helped by a nurse. "How is he?" She asked putting her hand against the incubator looking at Bennett. "He's good, I'll be right back." I replied kissing the top of her head. I went to go see Adam the guy who came to see me and talked to me.

"What's her name?" I asked looking at their baby girl. "Her name is Giovanna." Adam's wife Anna told me. "How old are you?" Adam asked. "Nineteen, so is my wife." I replied. "When did you two get married?" Anna asked. "Last September." I replied. "Special reason?" Adam asked. "Bella's grandpa was sick and since we didn't know how long he had Bella wanted to get married before he died and she's the love of my life so I was down for anything she wanted." I told them. "Bless your heart and your family, we'll pray you get to take them both home." Anna said before I went back to Bella. "Did anyone happen to tell you anything about the baby when he was born?" I asked Bella. "15.2 inches, 2.54 pounds." She replied. "That normal for a baby at this point?" I asked. "Very  normal." She replied.

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