Baby Shower and Shopping chapter 32

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"Bells are you ready?" Will asked walking into the room. "Ready for what?" I asked. "The baby shower tomorrow after I come back from work." He replied kissing me. "So soon?" I asked. "Yes, Emerson is bringing Jax as well." He replied. "Oh yay, if I can't wait to hold Jax don't expect to hold Bennett." I told him. "I'll take care of him when I can so you can sleep and I'll hold my boy then." He replied. "Yeah that's the only time though, I won't let anyone hold this little one." I replied rubbing where Bennett is. "I'll wrestle you for him." He replied kissing me as my mom and Emerson walked in with things for the baby shower. "All this for me and Bennett?" I asked watching them set up the room. "And Will." My mom replied.

"Yeah and Will." I agreed. "So are you excited?" Emerson asked me when my mom left leaving us in the room. "Of course I am I get to hopefully have a baby of my own and I can't wait but I'm scared, Will's going to be traveling every week and the baby will be about twenty eight weeks premature so that means I won't be able to travel until like two months after he should have been born." I replied. "Oh yeah that must suck, and Will will be working every day of the week." Emerson said. "Not helping." I replied. "Sorry." She said and the doctor brought in chairs for people, we already have a couple of couches so we needed a couple more chairs. "Have as much fun today as you can Bella, I'll check in when I can." My doctor said. "Alright I will." I replied before she left.

"Where is Jax?" I asked Emerson. "Cole has him, daddy son time I guess they will finish their day here though." She replied. "That's nice, I wonder if Will will have daddy son time after Bennett comes." I said and my parents and Will's parents walked in. "Where is Will?" I asked. "Out doing stuff for us." Dana replied. "Now?" I asked. "He's picking up the final things we need." My mom replied. "Great." I replied as Cole walked in with Jax. "Cole, your baby." I said looking at them and sitting up entirely. "Hey Bella, Eme, everyone." He said taking Jax out of his carrier and sitting on the couch. "When is Will getting here?" Cole asked right before Will walked in. "Now." I told Cole pointing towards the dad to be.

"Everyone is here so we will get started with games." My mom said so we played some baby shower games then opened presents which was mostly little toys and some clothes. "This is so great." I said as cake was brought in and we all ate cake I had a lot of it since I've mostly been eating hospital food for a pregnant person. "This was great thank you everyone." I said smiling. "You're so welcome Bella." My mom said hugging me well everyone else said you're welcome and then hugged me. My parents left shortly after with Will's parents leaving Will and I with Emerson Cole and baby Jax. "This was fun." Emerson said. "It was fun now we need to start shopping for Bennett." I replied. "Yeah we do." He replied. "We are going to go, Jax looks tired and it's a little bit of a drive home." Cole said.

"Ok yeah go, get Jax to bed." I replied so we all said bye and they left. "Can we go online shopping for his stuff?" I asked Will. "Of course." He replied getting my laptop and sitting beside me. We made a list of everything we needed and looked for things online and created wish lists for what we wanted. "Will you paint his room?" I asked him. "Of course what colours?" He asked. "Blue and green." I replied. "Alright I can do that." He said kissing me then leaving with everything we got from the baby shower to take home. "So how was that?" My doctor asked walking into my room. "Good, I had a lot of fun Bennett got a lot of cool things." I replied. "Good." She said. "I can't wait for him to get here." I told her. "You'll have a lot of special moments when he does come but right now we just need him to be healthy." She replied. "Yes." I said then she left again.

"Come back ok." I told Will when it was time for him to leave for Texas. "I will for you and Bennett." He replied before kissing me. "Bennett and I will be cheering for you." I told him and he kissed me one last time before leaving. "I'm here to hang out with you." Emerson said walking into the room with Jax. "Awe so sweet." I said before my other friends came in. "We are all here to hang out with you." Lisa said before everyone hugged me. "I won't be lonely now." I said. "Nope, we are all here for you so you're not lonely." Lisa replied. So we hung around, talked and had fun. "Are you ready to watch qualifying?" My doctor said walking in. "Yeah let's go." I replied smiling. "He's starting ninth." I said throwing my hands up and cheering.

"Hey Bells." Will said when I answered. "Willy B, you did very very good." I told him. "Thank you Bells, I love you." He said. "I love you too Will." I replied. "What's going on?" He asked. "Well just hanging out with our friends." I replied. "Good, I never want you to be lonely." He said. "No, I know you care for me so much and I appreciate that." I replied sitting up. "I know you do my sweet Bella, I'm going to go and meet some fans and do stuff for the fans." He said. "Ok go make some fan's days." I said before we both said I love you and then hung up. "So what's going on?" Lisa asked. "Nothing much, he's going to meet fans and talk to them." I replied. "Alright, I can tell he's so good to his fans." Bryan said. "Yeah he is, I love watching him with them, he's the sweetest boy I've met and I just can't get enough of him." I said.

"Hey Bells." Will said when he picked up. "Hey Will, do good." I said. "I always will." He replied. "I love you good luck." I said. "I love you too and thank you for being here for me." He said then we hung up and the race started where he finished 9th.

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