Hospital Visit Chapter 22

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"Will isn't doing very good." Dana said. "Because I'm not there, I need to be there for him." I said. "Well, we were talking to Dr. Zayle about letting you go to to the Glen." My mom said. "But what if I faint or get sick?" I asked. "Bill and I would come and stay with you two." Dana said. "Are you sure it would be ok?" I asked the doctor. "Yeah of course." She replied smiling. "Good because I told him I would go to the Glen with him." I said making everyone laugh. "He's finishing ninth." I said at the end of the race. "Yeah, he's in the top ten." Dana replied. "Cole ended up in the top five." I then said. "Yeah, you must be proud of both." My mom said. "I am, especially Will with me being in here." I replied.

"Hey little marshmallow." Will said when I answered my phone. "Hey Will, I'm proud of you." I told him as our parents left the room. "Thank you, I would have done better but you're not with me and I'm still worried about you I always will be." He replied. "I know and I think it's so sweet, I have a picture for you when you come back." I told him. "Ok, hey I was thinking could I get an ultrasound picture and tape it in my car?" He asked. "I'll ask." I replied as my doctor walked in. "William wants a ultrasound picture of the baby for his car each week." I told her. "Alright, we can do that for the father to be." She replied smiling. "My doctor said you can." I told him.

"Good, I'd love to see the baby while I'm driving, just imagine me carrying around the photo." He said which made me smile. "You go to races with a picture of the ultrasound and I'll stay here making sure the baby and I are healthy." I told him. "Alright, that's a plan but are you sure you can handle not being at a track?" He asked. "Yeah, as long as you come back to me I'll be happy." I replied. "I can arrange that." He replied and I knew he was smiling. "Don't you have to come home soon?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'll talk to you in a bit I love you my little marshmallow." He said. "Yeah and i love you too Willy." I replied before we hung up. Our parents came in a couple minutes later and we talked for a while about the baby with Dr.Zayle. "Someone needs to go pick up Will." I said looking at the time. "Oh yeah we'll go get him." Dana said so she left with Bill.

"So I get to meet Will before I'm off, I'm your night doctor your day doctor will be in in about an hour to make sure you're ok." She told me. "Alright, will it be a lady?" I asked. "Yes it will." She replied before leaving. "Little marshmallow." I heard Will say when the door opened then he rushed to my side. "Willy." I replied sitting up and hugging him. "Hey my little lady." He replied smiling at me. "How are you feeling after the race?" I asked him and my mom brought a chair for him to sit on. "I could be better I didn't do very good." He replied. "Are you crazy you were in the top ten babe." I replied smiling at him. "Yeah true I was." He replied smiling at me before my doctor walked into the room.

"Dr.Zayle this is my husband William, Will, this is my night doctor Dr.Zayle." I introduced them to each other. "It's nice to meet you William." Dr.Zayle said. "It's nice to meet you too, thank you for taking care of Bells and baby Byron." Will said as they shook hands. "It's my job, and she's a sweet young lady." She said. "I'll see you tonight then." I said. "Yeah, my shift is over." She replied before leaving. "Oh, here." I said handing him a picture of the ultrasound. "This is our baby." He said sitting back down and staring at the picture. "This is our baby, baby Byron." I replied. They allowed Will to stay in the room with me while he's home while our parents go and get him things. Thursday Will and I said our goodbyes and he left.

*Will's P.O.V.*

"Hey Will." Dave said when he saw me. "Hey Dave." I replied. "What do you have there?" He asked looking at my hand. "Ultrasound of baby Byron." I replied showing him. "How far along is she?" He asked. "Seven weeks, I miss her I actually wish this never happened." I confessed. "But think of it this way, if everything works out and it's God's will you two will have a baby." He told me. "Yeah that's true." I replied smiling at the picture. "So do you want to put the picture in your car?" He asked me. "Yeah, motivation while my favourite person in the world and our unborn baby is in the hospital." I replied. "We can do that." He said. I walked to Cole's garage area to talk to him and Emerson.

"Where's Emerson?" I asked Cole. "Back at the RV trying to get us to Charolette to see Bella." Cole replied. "Alright, hey since I'm staying with Bella in the hospital if it helps you guys can stay in a guest room at our house." I told him. "That helps." He said before texting someone. "Eme says that helps a lot." Cole then said. "I'm glad that can help." I replied before we went to his RV and talked to Emerson about the trip. "We have an extra bag of clothes so we were going to go no matter what." Emerson said. "I'm glad I can help friends." I replied before I went to the RV and decided to FaceTime Bella. "Hey Bells." I said smiling at her. "Willy." She replied smiling at me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her before making myself something to eat. "I'm good, could be with you." She replied. "I know baby girl but this is better for you and the baby." I replied. "Yeah I know but I still miss you." She replied. "And I miss you, I want you here to cuddle with, when I get home we can cuddle for as long as you want." I told her. "Ok Willy, we can do that I'd love that." She replied smiling at me. "I love you Bella." I told her. "I love you too, hey I have to go do some test I'll talk to you later." She said before we hung up.

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