Chapter 14

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He didn't hear them immediately.

"It's Cosmo!"

Willow turned around in concern and surprise, then saw them and ran in their direction.

"Be careful!" Archer yelled.

"I was looking for you!" Willow called out. "And who is this?"

"Archer. I don't know much about him either, he's gonna tell us later. Right, Archer?"

He nodded, his cheeks red from exhaustion and heat. Cosmo was much more tired than he was, but he tried not to show it.

"Think we should go home now," he said. "I assume we'll take the safer side."

Archer laughed.


Willow took Cosmo's hand and looked at him the entire way. Archer was leading them to the valley, his own movements open and confident, Cosmo's movements full of thought, yet clumsy. Rarely he would roll off and pull Willow after himself, but before he could tumble off his feet, he caught himself and stopped.

The bruise on Cosmo's leg didn't get any deeper, but the pain never left. He barely contained it before he was down in the valley, filled with pride, ecstasy and relief.

"Thanks, Archer," he managed to mutter, out of breath.

"You live in the cottage, right?"


"You wanted me to heal something?"

"Indeed," Cosmo was now almost moaning.

"Let's go then."

He opened the door, letting Archer in. He couldn't keep his excitement inside, so as he saw the first room from the porch, he immediately let out a gasp of surprise.

"And you live here?"

"For a while."

Archer sat down on the couch, smiling.

"So, why are you really here?"

Cosmo pointed at the bruise starting where his shorts ended.

"Oh, right," Archer immediately stood up. Cosmo was sitting on the carpet, the damaged leg folded up. Archer sat down next to him and looked at it.

"What about it?" Cosmo asked after a while. Willow crawled closer and leaned in to look, curious.

"Not really deep. Can't see why it hurts so much. Have any bandages?"

"Sure," Cosmo stood up. "And that's it?"

"That's it."

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