Chapter 3 Hold

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Regina couldn't handle the idea of Lacey becoming remotely close to Killian in this world. In the other world, Belle was quiet, reserved, shy and a bookworm. Her alternate personality of Lacey was clearly more outgoing, flirty, and forward. Everything that Regina would not allow or want around a man whom she was interested in. 

She watched Lacey and Killian enter the pub, he's a gentleman and holds the door open for her to enter first. The left side of Regina's lip goes up in anger as she stares at them. She wishes with all her might that she had magic, or better, Lacey's heart, to get her away from Killian. 

She realized that she may need to get to know this Killian in order to get close to him, which was fine, she just hoped that her happy ending would be more easily obtainable. Her price however, was going to be to overcome her own curse, in order to really get what she wants. 

David had shown up at her office, ready to hang up her mirror, as she wanted. "Put that down, and don't break it," Regina snapped. He listened to her and placed it gently on the couch. "You can go," Regina brushed him off. "I thought you wanted me to hang it on the wall, not sit it on the couch?" David asks, "I'll ask Killian," Regina said. "Thought you can't, because of his one hand?" David asks, "Why is this your business?" Regina snaps. "It's not," David shakes his head, "Great, you're dismissed Sheriff," Regina snaps at him again to get him out of there. 

Regina picked up the phone, "Umm, ok Madam Mayor, I'll be right there" Killian hangs up. "Umm, Lacey, do you mind holding down the pub for a bit? The Mayor wants to see me," he said. "Sure," Lacey shifts towards the other side of the pub and under the bar to fill in for him. "Can't imagine what she wants," He shrugs into his leather jacket, and heads out. 

"Hey," David passes him by on his way, "Hey mate," Killian nods, "Going the Mayor's?" David asks, "How do you know?" Killian asks, "Because she basically kicked me out for a favor she wanted and said she would call you," David said. "Did she? What favor?" He asks, "Hanging a mirror," David said. "A mirror?" Killian is confused. "Yup, think someone may be smitten with you," David said. "Oh please, she's the Mayor, she's not interested in me," Killian said. "Never know, she's picking someone with one hand to help her hang something up on the wall," David heads off, patting Killian's shoulder. 

Killian shakes his head disbelieving, and heads towards Regina's office. "Umm, Madam Mayor?" He pokes his head in, "Yes, Killian, come in," Regina says, and gives him a smile when he enters. "Uhh, you wanted to see me?" he asks. "Yes, well I thought I would get to know people a little better," Regina said. "And you want to start with me?" He asks. "Yes, is that a problem?" She asks. "No," he shakes his head, "I was under the impression that you wanted me to hang something up," he said. "What? Who said that?" Regina asks, "David," Killian replied. 

Regina shakes her head, annoyed, "Well he misunderstood," Regina says. "Ok, so you just wanted to see me to get to know me?" Killian asks. "Well I mean, a little bit, we could get to know each other on a more casual level," Regina says. She's finding herself nervous around him. Even in their world, he was more forward than she was. She's finding that she's much less prepared. "You sure you don't want me to hang that mirror?" He asks. "Well, it's probably difficult," Regina said. "I'm pretty sure I can handle it, I'm used to one hand, if you'll just assist holding it on one side," he said. "Umm ok," she nods. 

Killian picks up a nail, Regina watches, wondering how he does intend to do this one handed. He puts the nail on the wall, and presses it, just enough to hold it on the wall. He picks up the hammer with his right hand, and looks at the nail, he hits it, once. Regina is impressed, "Now if you'll just help me get the mirror up," he said. Together they lift the mirror and place it on the nail. "There," He smiles. "You are a one handed wonder," Regina compliments, "Well thanks," he nods. 

"Umm, so the Pub is going well?" She tries to talk casually to him, "Umm yeah, business is fine." He shrugs. "And Lacey?" Regina begrudgingly brings up the brunette coworker of his, "Umm, I mean she's a good worker I guess, keeps the customers entertained and drinking," he says. "Pretty much all a bartender can ask for from a waitress," he added. "Ah, so you don't mix business and pleasure?" Regina hints, "Ummm what kind of pleasure? You mean the company of a woman?" he asks. 

Regina sighs, and realizes him just talking about this is pulling her own heart strings, "Well yes, you're a man," she says. "Thanks for noticing," he smiles. She sighs, appreciating that he was making a joke now, hoping that was him loosening up. "I mean, I don't typically do that, I guess, been a long time for that type of company," he said. "How long?" she asks, knowing that he actually doesn't know, because of her curse. 

"I don't really remember, that's tragic isn't it?" He chuckles softly, she forces herself to laugh as well. "Me neither," she shrugs, even though as the castor of the curse she knows how long it's been. The town under her curse has no idea how much time has passed or will pass, as they are frozen in age, and that was how the curse worked. Regina however, knows how many days have passed and will continue to know. 

How many of these days she will have to endure before Killian starts to feel is uncertain to her, but she's just beginning, and can likely get him to open up, or so she thinks. She certainly isn't going to give up, after all the work she did getting this curse to work in the first place. 

"Umm, would you be interested in having a coffee or something sometime?" Regina asks, "Ummm, sure," he shrugs, not overly excited, but not flat either. "Ok, Umm, I'm free tomorrow, before you begin at the Pub," Regina says. "Great, say 10 am?" Killian asks. Regina smiles, "Lovely, I won't be late," She smiles.

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