Chapter 10 True

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With the Prince's heart returned, he could now start to feel more himself, and capable of feeling something. With David's memory erased however, there was no way for him to make Snow remember. Had one of them remembered, there would be a way to break the curse through their true love. Regina would have to do more work in order to destroy her own revenge. 

Killian was opening up a bit more, the jealousy he felt was deep within him, buried in the curse, but still that pirate who didn't like anything taken from him. Regina felt very close to him, and the pair were becoming quite passionate. Regina had now realized that everything she wanted before was in front of her the whole time. 

Cora's constant control over Regina drove her to be this way. Rumple was her way out, but using that to his own advantage, he made Regina dig into the darkness, and set free a monster inside her, The Evil Queen. 

Captain Hook was attracted to the Evil Queen, her figure, her form, even her personality. Her quest for revenge was much like his own, and their pasts of lost love were something they shared. At the time, the Evil Queen didn't intend on allowing Hook to actually kill her mentor, Rumplestiltskin. The pair were close in the Enchanted Forest, Regina had even recalled a time that Hook mentioned Rumple's son, Baelfire. 

In this world, created by Regina herself, with the hand of Rumple helping, Killian's light side was showing the most. A light side that she liked, a lot. He was a gentleman to her, his 18th century charm shined through, escorting her around. In this world, however, they were equals. Killian was more humble than his counterpart of Hook, and Regina was finding that she really liked it. 

The pair of the Queen and the Captain were not the only ones growing close. Mary Margaret and David had not only started sharing regular coffee in the morning, but smiles and glances passing during lunch as well. "Can I get you anything? Or just wrap him up to go in a doggy bag?" Ruby smiles at Mary Margaret. 

"Hmm??" Mary Margaret realizes she's staring at David in the booth, as she's at the counter. "Someone is smitten," Ruby smiles. "Well, I mean we, it's just, I never thought he would talk to me so much, after all this time," Mary Margaret said. "Well, people change, and grow," Ruby smiles. "Good morning," Regina enters. 

"I wondered Miss Blanchard, if I could see that book you found?" Regina asks, "Oh, umm, sure, I can bring it to your office after school," Mary Margaret offers. "Lovely, thank you," Regina nods. "Speaking of changes," Ruby says quietly as Regina shuffles off. "You mean the Mayor?" Mary Margaret asks.

"Yes, she is a lot more relaxed, and less snappy at the rest of us," Ruby said. "Well, perhaps that's because of her relationship with Killian, love can change people," Mary Margaret said. "Umm, Hi," David comes up to the ladies, "Hi," Mary Margaret can't help but beam up at him, "Umm, after you take the book to the Mayor, would you like to take a walk?" David asks. "Sure," Mary Margaret smiles. 

Killian enters, "Morning Granny, I am extremely clumsy today, and need another cup," Killian says taking a napkin, and wiping down his vest. "Love does that," David said. "What?" Killian asks and the others can't help but grin at him. "You and Regina... you know you're making our lives easier, she's happy," David said. "Well.. Lo..Love?" He asks. "Umm I think you just answered your own question," David pats his shoulder, and heads out. 

"Regina, is definitely happier lately," Mary Margaret says, "Well, I mean, Love? You think she loves me?" Killian asks, "Not very perceptive are you?" Ruby asks, "Well.. I.. I mean, we've been seeing each other, I don't actually know how long," Killian says.

At Gold's 

"Oh, it's beautiful," Lacey smiles at a necklace. Gold smiles and gestures her to turn around, she gently lifts her hair and he latches the necklace around her neck. "Thank you," Lacey smiles. "You're very welcome," Gold smiles. "Umm," the bell rings, and Regina pokes her head in, "Yes, come in," Gold said. "I should get to the pub, to help set up," Lacey said. She gently touches her necklace, "Thank you, I'll see you later?" Lacey smiles, "Yes, indeed," Gold nods. 

"Well, things are going well there," Regina mocks, "And you?" He asks. "Doing great, any progress did you find her?" Regina asks, "No, I'm guessing the child is off the radar due to her being an orphan," Gold said. "Surely someone must have adopted her," Regina shakes her head, "Well, had they, we would know," Gold said. 

"It's been 5 years!!" Regina said. "The curse was designed to last 28, when the savior is meant to show up," Gold said. "You said I could bring her here earlier and it would work," Regina snaps, "That is true, but only if she makes herself known, so that we can find her," Gold said. Regina sighs, "Ok, so we keep waiting?" Regina asks. "Yes, I am powerless, I cannot do anything, my hands are tied," Gold said. "What if you brought magic into the town? Can't you do that?" Regina asks. "Perhaps, it's possible, but the savior is meant to trigger that ability," Gold said. "How did I let you talk me into this?" Regina paces. 

"You wanted this, to obtain your happy ending," Gold said. "Well this isn't my happy ending!" Regina snaps. "I'm enjoying Killian, and I'm falling for him, but I want him to know who he is, who I am...." Regina says. "Would that change anything? If the Captain had been in love with your alternate personality rather than this? would that matter?" Gold asked.

"Well I just... want him to remember who he is," Regina said. "You feel guilty," Gold said. "Yes, I do, I love this man," Regina admits. 

Regina goes into her office, and on her desk is a bouquet of red roses, Leroy is placing it down, "Oh, who are those from?" Regina asks, "One guess," Leroy hands her the card. She smiles reading it, 'I'd like to see you tonight, Mayor-- K'. 

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