Chapter 25 Henry

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"What are you eating?" Regina scowls at Killian, "Uhh, toast?" He asks. She cringes her face, "Umm, you ok?" He asks. "Morning, sickness, I was told it's normal," Regina sighs. "Mmm," Killian looks at her sweetly.  Regina is past the two month mark of her pregnancy, so certain symptoms will pop up more. 

There's a knock on the door, Killian opens it and is unpleasantly surprised. "Crocodile," He gleams. "Captain," Gold said. "What are you doing here?" Regina asks. "We have a problem, you are still the Mayor," Gold said. "What problem?" Killian asks, "The town is open, just because we can't leave, doesn't mean people can't come in," Gold said. "So what you want to seal it?" Regina asks, "Yes, now with magic back we can protect the town," Gold said. "What else are you not telling us?" Killian asks suspiciously, "I am saying now that our true identities are revealed and magic is returned, people may want to come and harm," Gold said. "Ok, we'll handle it," Regina said. 

Emma knocks on the door, holding baby Henry in his car seat. "Hi," Killian smiles kindly and takes the baby seat. "Hi little mate," Killian smiles. "Regina said I should drop him off early to get ready," Emma said. "Emma," Regina comes out in a cheerful smile, "Did you get sick looking at toast in the early stage?" Regina asks. "No, but chicken made me sick," Emma says.

"Well, we've got him, you go get ready, Killian has to work later, but I can handle Henry," Regina said. "Ok, thanks," Emma smiles at them and heads off. Killian starts making faces at Henry, "You are going to be really natural at this," Regina smiles. "Mmm, well he's a little man, we relate to each other," he said. "What about a little girl?" Regina asks, "Well, then you can relate to her and I can protect her from everything," he said. "Be her hero?" Regina asks. "Mmm, her father the villain," He sighs. "The baby won't think that," Regina said. 

"Mm, well, we've both come a long way," he says. Regina picks up Henry, and is simply overjoyed holding him in her arms. Killian can't help but smile at how happy she is with the infant. He imagines her being the most wonderful mother to their future child. The pair take care of Henry for a few hours together.

 At the loft 

"Ok, I want an honest opinion," Emma comes downstairs in a pale pink dress, "Wow, you look beautiful," Mary Margaret smiles. "What your mother said," David said. "Yeah? You don't think it's too much?" Emma asks. "I think it's perfect," Mary Margaret smiles and takes out a camera, and snaps away, "Ok, Mom, let's not oversell this," Emma said. "Henry is at Regina's?" Mary Margaret asked, "Yeah, I thought you guys could use a break too," Emma smiles. "Well thanks," David smiles. 

A knock on the door and Neal is there, "Wow, Hi," Neal smiles. "Hi," Emma smiles at him, "Ok, we should go before David wants to give you the overprotective Dad speech," Emma said. "What?" David asks, "I'll take good care of her," Neal said. "Yeah, you put her in jail and got her pregnant, but yeah ok," David looks at him curiously. 

"You sure you don't want me to drive?" David asks, "Ok bye.." Emma smiles and heads out, "You think I was too hard on him?" David asks Mary Margaret, she beams down at the developing polaroid in her hand. 

"Ok, you sure you can handle Henry?" Killian asks, "I can handle him, I'll have to handle ours, you won't be able to stay home every night," Regina said. "Ok, I'll see you later," Killian smiles, and kisses her softly goodbye, touching Henry's head gently before he leaves. 

A little while into the evening, Regina hears something at the back door off the kitchen, "Oh maybe Killian forgot his keys," Regina smiles at the baby, and hustles to the doorway. As she opens it, she's greeted by a gun in her face, and surprising her, a cuff slapped forcibly on her wrist.

"Ok, easy," Regina says. She backs up towards Henry in protection, "We don't want or have to hurt you, but we need him," one says. "What? You're not taking Henry," Regina snaps. "Oh we are, and you're going to give him to us," he said. "Where's your husband?" One asks, "Who are you?" Regina snaps, and places her hand over Henry. "You can't even get out of this town without magic, it's sealed," Regina smiles. The men look at each other, "Then we'll just have to take you with us, won't we?" He asks. 

At the Pub, "What's wrong?" Belle asks, "I can't seem to get a hold of Regina, she always replies," Killian sighs. "Uhh, do you mind covering? It's unlike her not to answer when I call, and with Henry over there," He said. "Of course," Belle said. 

Killian shows up at the loft, "What's wrong?" David asks, "I think something is wrong with Regina, she isn't answering, can you come with me? I have a left hook, but you've got the gun," Killian said. David trusts his judgement, especially with his grandson over there, and rushes off to Regina's house. They call Emma and Neal on the way.

David takes out his gun, and follows Killian into the house, they notice some things tipped over, "Regina!!" Killian yells. They rush around the house, and end up in the kitchen, the man with glasses has his gun aimed at Regina. "Easy, get away from her," Killian glares at him. David comes behind him with his gun. 

"They took my magic," Regina says. "He's not going to hurt you," Killian glares at the younger man. "We just want the baby, and to get out of here," He said. "You aren't taking my grandson," David snaps. 

Neal and Emma rush in, "Henry!" Emma yells, as one of the men is holding the infant. Regina is in between both men, "The Queen is going to get us out of here, with the boy," He said. "Over my dead body," Emma says. "Who are you?" Neal asks, "We are taking the boy," he insists again. 

"You don't understand," the man with the gun shakes, in his hand, "Ok explain it to me," Neal said. "We have to save Wendy," He said. Neal's eyes widen, "Wendy?" he asks. "Jon?" Neal asks. "What?" he gasps at him. "It's Baelfire," Neal confesses. "What?" the other asks. "Michael?" Neal asks. 

"Woah you know them?" Emma asks, "Jon, Michael, Peter Pan," Neal explains. "And I'm Captain Hook," Killian scoffs. "Give me my wife, and the baby now," Killian demands now, "Pan has Wendy?" Neal asks. "We have to bring him Henry to save her," Jon said. "We can help you, my father has more power than Pan," Neal said. "And that is my son," Neal said. Jon lowers the gun, and Regina walks to Killian, who grasps her in his arms. David walks slowly to Michael and takes Henry, giving him to Emma. 

"You can't help, he's too powerful," Jon sighs. "What do you say to an Adventure, Captain?" Neal asks. Killian's eyebrow quirks up. 

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