Chapter 27 Wings

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"Why are you suddenly so quiet?" Regina asks, coming behind Hook as he trudges, "Quiet? I'm not quiet," he defends. Regina purses her lips suspiciously looking at the pirate she knows all too well. "There's something, you've gone quiet since Neal mentioned this fairy," Regina said. "And? I just think a fairy isn't going to really help us here," Killian said. Regina quirks her left brow up slightly, just a bit, to taunt his suspect behavior. 

"Just tell her," Neal rolls his eyes walking past them, "Tell me what?" Regina asks, "Uhh, it was a long time ago," Killian said. "And wait a minute, how did you bloody know?" Killian asks. "I was on this island, a LONG time, and frankly she probably hasn't forgiven you, this will be amusing for me," Neal smiles. 

"Ok, well now I already know," Regina said. "What?" Killian scoffs, "You had a thing with her didn't you?" Regina asks. "Did she fly?" Regina teases. "Funny Regina, listen it was not love or anything," he defends. "You think I'm jealous?" Regina smiles, "Are you?" He asks, "I don't know," She shrugs. They're about to find out shortly, how Regina feels, or rather, how her pregnancy hormones will play with her mind a bit. 

"Are you mad at me?" Killian asks, Regina glares at him, "Mmm," She shrugs. "I married you, and you're having my baby," he said. "You could have had a baby with her if time moved here," She scoffs at him. "Damn," he sighs. "Exactly, as I suspected, well where is this fairy?" Regina smirks. 

Killian sighs, and follows ahead, "Why does she have a ladder, doesn't she fly?" Regina asks. There's a rustling, and suddenly, "Tink," Jon says. She shakes her head, "Tink, been a long time," Neal said. She looks at these young men, much older than she last saw them, "It's Baelfire," Neal said. "Bae?" She smiles. 

"Ah," she directs her attention at, "Well, look what Queen dragged in, Hello Hook," she scoffs. He dips his head, "Tinkerbell," he raises his brow. "Regina?" Tink asks, Regina sighs, "What? She knows you too?" Killian asks. "Uhhh," Regina shrugs. Killian smirks at her playfully, "Regina?" He asks again, with a jolly tone. "We ... met," Regina said. "You're the reason I'm here," Tinkerbell snapped. "Care to fill me in?" Killian asks. 

Flashback -- before the curse, Regina, roughly 17 years old 

"I can't do this," Regina sighs outside the tavern, "Pixie dust doesn't lie, Regina, you need love, and the man, is in there," She says. Regina sighs nervously, and looks through the window. "See? That man, dark hair, the leather jacket, that's him," Tink said. Regina stares at the back of this man. 

Not able to accept a chance at happiness, Regina turns away from the tavern and never looks back. Little did she know, that would cost Tinkerbell her wings, which would lead her to go to Neverland, where she would meet, the same man that the pixie dust had chosen for Regina, Captain Hook.

Captain Hook had gone back and forth getting things for Pan during this time, and he just happened to be in the very tavern Regina was meant to go into. The shining green pixie dust had landed over him. 

Present Day 

"Wait a minute, you were meant to go into a tavern and meet a man with dark hair, and a leather jacket?" Killian asks. Regina sighs, "Yes, wait.. " Regina looks at Killian, "It... was you..." Regina said. "It very likely could have been," Killian said. Regina sighs, "What's happening?" She asks out loud, "You're... crying..." Killian said. "Oh..must be the baby," Regina said. "Baby?" Tink asks, "Yeah umm, Killian and I are married and we're having a baby," Regina said. 

"I lose my wings, and you get him anyway, instead of listening to me then? And then he and I..." Tink stops. "He left me here, well then you two work well together," Tink snaps. "You left her here?" Regina asks. "Well, I .. it was complicated back then," Killian said. Regina crosses her arms, "Uhhh, ok, I'm guessing this is all pregnancy related..." Killian sighed. Tink glares at him as well. 

"Ah, this is really awkward now," Killian sighs. "You set yourself up for that," Regina snaps. "Ok, as much as this little triangle is really fun, can we ?" Neal interrupts. "We need to rescue Wendy," Neal said. "After all this time?" Tink asks. "Well, Pan apparently wants my son, and Jon and Michael were  trying to take him for Pan, so we are here to get Wendy," Neal said. "That's complicated, he's very powerful," Tink said. "Ok, can you at least help us?" Killian asks. "I won't," Tink shakes her head, "See what you did?" Regina scolds. 

"I'll help Bae, and Jon and Michael," Tink said. Regina laughs a bit, "What is this?" Killian asks, "She's a cute bug at least," Regina shrugs, "Aww, you're jealous," Killian smirks down at her, "I am not," Regina snaps. "Ohhh, I think you are," he says. "Technically... I was supposed to be with you..." She says softly, looking up in his eyes. He smirks, "I wish you came in that tavern," He said. "Better late than never right?" She smiles. "mmm, you really mad at me?" He asks. "No, but I think she is," Regina teases and walks off to join the others, with him following close behind. 

"Wendy is in his camp," Tink said. "Indeed she is," a voice calls. "Pan.." Killian sneers and takes his sword out, "Hello Captain, that's not fair, bad form, I would expect better from you, and Oh , congratulations on the baby," Pan smiles. Killian clenches his jaw more, and gently tugs Regina closer to him, "Now then, Jon, Michael, this is not part of our deal, and hello Baelfire," Pan smiles. 

"We just want Wendy," Jon said. Regina warms up her hands, "I say this is not a fair attack, Boys! Let's play!!" Pan says. The boys began to swarm around the others, "That won't be happening," another voice, "Hello Laddie," Pan says, as Rumple comes through the trees. The others watch on, as Rumple's magic has knocked out the lost boys. 

"I don't like how you defy me lad," Pan says. "Lad?" Neal asks, "it's a long story, you are not going to do this again, we just want the girl," Rumple said. "Well you'll have to find her, you never were one to work very hard, were you? Easy way out," Pan said. "Look who's talking," Rumple snaps. "What the hell is going on?" Neal asks. "This is quite the family reunion, Why not tell the lad who I am?" Pan asks. "You're not worth it," Rumple said. "Who are you?" Neal asks. "Well, you can just call me Grandpa," Pan smiles. 

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