Chapter 5 Boxes

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Regina can't count the number of times that she sighed next to Killian the morning they had coffee. She kept looking at his fake gloved hand, where his hook would normally be, and a part of her was missing it so badly. 

Days later, they've crossed paths, and he's friendly and kind. In Storybrooke, the time they've been cursed has actually hit over 6 months, but only Regina is pained with the amount of time that it's been. She's finding herself started to pine and feel more and more empty wishing to be closer to Killian. 

She opens the drawer in her desk, inside is a box, inside that box, is David's heart. She looks at the pure red heart, without a bit of blackness, and wonders what it must feel like to have such a pure heart. Killian and hers are both not void of darkness, their pasts would have followed them into the curse. While Regina had hoped to have a fresh start and tormenting the very people who took her happiness, she felt more and more discouraged and lonely. 

Below the box containing David's heart, was another box. It was black leather, and she opened it, and inside was the shining hook, belonging to Captain Hook of course. The hook was laid in a red velvet shape around it. Regina smiles, gently touching the hook, with her fingers. 

She's interrupted, by the very man who it belongs to. She quickly shuts the drawer, "What's that?" Killian's voice asks, she looks up from her desk chair, "Nothing, can I help you or?" Regina stands quickly and adjusts her outfit. "Uhh, I just.. wanted to say Hi," Killian shrugs. Regina notices his nervousness, she thinks it's quite sweet to see this side of him. 

She wonders if this is the man she would have known prior to him becoming Captain Hook. If this was the younger Killian she didn't have the luxury of meeting. "Well Hi," Regina smiles at him, pleased that he's come to see her randomly. "I didn't see you around, and wondered if you were ... alright," He says in a muttering and soft tone, not really sure what words he should say. 

"Oh, I'm doing well, would like to see you, I'm happy you came by," She said. "Really?" He seems surprised, Regina smiles, "Well, yes, you're not too bad to look at you know," Regina teases playfully. He smiles, and gently touches his own hair with his good hand. He looks at his fake hand, feeling inadequate, he sighs, "Well I'll let you get back to running this town," He starts to head out. 

Regina's heels quickly go up behind him and touch his fake hand. He's surprised, "What's wrong?" She asks, "Nothing.. I just... have to get to work," he says. "Would you like me to visit the pub later?" Regina asks, his eyebrow quirks up, "Yes yes, that would be nice," He says. "Ok, great, I'll come in then," she nods. "Great," He heads off. 

Midday, Regina sees Mary Margaret in Granny's. She thinks to herself, and if anyone knows about lost love, not that Mary Margaret would remember, but her overwhelming positivity, certainly carried over into this world. Regina goes and greets her, "Hello," Regina says. 

Mary Margaret looks at Regina standing before her and is somewhat surprised to see her, "May I sit down?" Regina asks, "Umm yes oh yes," Mary Margaret answers anxiously. Regina sits down across from her, and places her hands on the table. "What can I do for you?" Mary Margaret asks. 

"Are you interested in anyone in this town?" Regina starts straight forward, to the point. "Oh, Umm, I mean, I think that the person I am interested in, doesn't even know I exist," Mary Margaret looks down. Regina can only imagine, she must mean David. "Who is that?" She asks anyway, playing coy, "Well the Sheriff," Mary Margaret shrugs. "Mm, David," Regina nods, confirming her suspicion that Mary Margaret is still drawn to her true love in this world. "Well perhaps he's just busy," Regina looks for something to say about his lack of interest. 

"I guess so, I mean when he has lunch sometimes sitting there, he has this smile, almost like he's looking at me, but he never really talks to me, more than a hello," Mary Margaret says. "And how does that make you feel?" Regina asks. "Well, I mean, hopeless," Mary Margaret shrugs. "You?" Regina is somewhat surprised the symbol of hope herself, Snow White, feels this way. Then again, this is Regina's curse. 

"I mean I guess not hopeless, just out of sorts I suppose, I like to hold onto hope for sure," Mary Margaret said. "David is complicated," Regina says. "Oh?" Mary Margaret asks, "Well, I suppose all of them are, I have my own issues with a complicated Man," Regina sighs. "Killian Jones?" Mary Margaret asks. "How did you know?" Regina defends. "Well, I saw you two meeting in here, he seems to like you," Mary Margaret says. 

"He does?" Regina asks, "Well, I mean he seems to, I don't know him that well," Mary Margaret said. "Well he seems somewhat closed off, as well," Regina said. "Perhaps he's had an unfortunate past," Mary Margaret said. Regina looks at her, waiting for more of her story. 

"People who have loved, and lost, seem to be the most vulnerable," Mary Margaret said. "You think he's lost someone?" Regina asks, "Well, he seems to have that look in his eyes, like he's loved and lost, more than once," Mary Margaret said. Regina sighs, "But you should..." Mary Margaret places her hand gently on Regina's, "You should keep trying and show him that those that love, and truly love, can always find each other," Mary Margaret said. 

Regina looks at her, and furrows her brows, thinking about their dark and unhappy past. "I don't think you've lost hope at all," Regina said. "No? I suppose not, I suppose I should believe my own words," Mary Margaret said. Regina quirks her mouth up, into a sincere smile. "I think you just answered your own question about David," Regina stands up. 

Mary Margaret went back to her loft that evening, and started digging through her closet. Suddenly, a box fell down from above. She looked towards her feet and saw a large book. It was brown and leather, and with gold trimming, "Once Upon a time..." she read on the cover. 

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