Chapter 9 Jealous

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Killian goes through the Pub doors, "Oh!" Lacey is startled, and he sees Gold next to her, "Ah, ok, am I interrupting? This is my place of business," Killian said. "Sorry," Lacey defends. "It's fine, I'm just not in the mood," Killian said. "Trouble in paradise?" Gold knows how to get a rise out of Killian, even in this world.

"Not really your business is it mate?" Killian snaps. "Well, I just thought you would want someone to talk to," Gold smiles. "I certainly don't, and not you, thanks," Killian scoffs. "I'll be back," Killian shakes his head. "You just got here," Lacey says. "Yeah well, you two, continue, whatever, and I'll be back later," he heads out the door again. 

He goes to Granny's, "Got anything stronger than tea?" he asks. "What's wrong?" David comes up next to him. Killian sighs angrily, smoldering almost, and looks at him. "Done helping the mayor?" Killian snaps. "What? Yeah," David nods. Mary Margaret comes in the door. 

David stares at her, and smiles, directly at her. Mary Margaret is taken a bit by surprise. "Hi," he smiles at her. "Ah, onto the next, you do like brunettes, maybe I should get into blondes," Killian scoffs. "What is your problem?" David asks him. "I saw you, with Regina," he said. "What?" Mary Margaret asks, getting involved. "I saw him at Regina's house," Killian said again. 

"What? I was fixing the light," David said. "Her hand had to be on your chest for that?" Killian snaps. "If I didn't know any better I would say you're jealous," David said. "So now you're smiling at Mary Margaret," Killian snaps. "Listen, I tripped on the ladder, she put her hand on my chest, as I got my balance again, that was it," David said. 

Killian sighs, and stares at him. Killian clenches his fist. "Nothing happened, at all, I feel different thought," David said. "How?" Killian asks, "Like I feel again," David says. "Great, so she awakened something in you too?" Killian snaps. "I'm not interested in Regina," David defends again. Regina enters Granny's, "Sorry I'm late...." she looks around awkwardly, since David and Killian's discussion is overheard by everyone. 

They all look at Regina, "What's going on here?" Regina asks. Killian sighs. "Killian here saw me fixing the lightbulb, and is ready to get into a fight and give me his right hook," David said. Regina looks at Killian, "O.. k.. umm, Killian," Regina nods her head the other direction hinting him to go with her out back. 

They head out back and David and Mary Margaret watch them. "Hi, I didn't get to say good morning," David smiles at her. "Hi," Mary Margaret smiles at him. "Coffee?" David offers a seat to her. "Sure," Mary Margaret excitedly sits down across from him. 

Out back 

"What is wrong?" Regina asks, "I saw you, touch him," Killian said. "And you're .... jealous," She observes. "Well....why are you looking at me like that?" He asks, as Regina is staring at him gaping, and hopeful. "Umm, nothing, just, it's kind of sweet that you're jealous," Regina said. "Oh, I'm glad you all find this amusing," He snaps. She sees the pirate shining through, but softer and sensitive. 

"He tripped up on the ladder, I hit the bottom of it, he stumbled, I pushed his chest, to help him, that was it," Regina explained. "Ah, that's what he said too," Killian said. "You're jealous," Regina states. "Ok, maybe a bit, I brought you flowers, actually," Killian said. "You did?" Regina asks, with a smile. "Ahh yeah, they're umm in the trash now sadly," He said. "Oh, got that upset did you?" Regina asks. "Yeah, I guess I did," He says. "I don't know what came over me, I wanted to...." he trails, she stares at his thoughts, he wanted revenge, she could tell. 

She smiles, she's actually happy to see him this jealous over her. Now with David's heart returned, Regina expects that he will feel drawn to Mary Margaret. "If you just look," Regina gently takes him to see around the corner. He spots David and Mary Margaret talking, passing smiles, "I think he's interested in another," Regina said. 

Killian sighs, "Ah, how about that?" He shakes his head, "I actually was encouraging him to talk to her, he seems to be similar to you, he seemed to have some more confidence today to talk to her, after he fixed the light," Regina said. She smiles up at Killian, "Well, you know, I wish you would call me to fix things, I may have one hand, but..." he says. 

"Ok, I'll do that then," she agrees. "Great," he nods. "You know you should try to trust me," Regina said. " trust you," He said. "Just I mean he's got two hands and..." he begins, "So?" Regina scoffs. "Really?" Killian furrows his eyes at her. "I was out with you, I kissed you..." Regina reminds. 

"I do remember that, it was last night," He smiles. "Good, maybe you'll remember that, and more," she smiles. "Umm, I'm sorry for my rudeness then, and jealousy," he says. "You don't have to apologize for the jealous part, I felt that too remember?" Regina asks. "Ah, yes, interestingly enough, I think I interrupted something with Lacey and Gold when I went to the pub," he said. Regina smiles, pleased to hear that. "Oh? That's an interesting pair," Regina says. "Well, fine with me," Killian shakes his head. 

"So, now that that crisis is over," Regina smiles at him. "Right, Umm, will you go out with me again?" he asks. "Yes, I will," She smiles. They softly kiss. 


Regina slams through Gold's shop doors, "Well, good day your majesty," Gold smiles. "Well at least you're keeping your bookworm away from my pirate," she says. "And you returned the Prince's heart?" He asks. "Yes, what else can we do?" Regina asks. "Well it appears the Savior, is off the radar in her world," Gold said. "What the hell does that mean?" Regina snaps. "It means, without the savior, we cannot fully break this curse," Gold said. "Well I kissed Killian, multiple times," Regina says. "As I said, that won't do it," Gold said. 

"He's definitely acting a bit more like himself though," Regina said. "Well that's a start, I certainly saw the angry Captain I knew," Gold said. "Don't test him, or me, we're together on this, just focus on your bookworm and helping me get us out of this curse," Regina said. "I am on your side, Baelfire, is still my top priority," Gold said. "Well good, perhaps we can find him and the savior at the same time and make this whole thing go away," Regina said. 

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