Chapter 26 Ship

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"Ok, so who's going?" Neal asks. "Well I have to go, it's my ship," Killian said. "You will not be able to defeat that demon, without me," Gold walks in the room. "You? Since when do you know Pan?" Killian asks. "I've been around centuries like yourself if you remember," Gold asses. 

Killian rolls his eyes, "Ok well if you're both going, then I have to go," Regina said. "What?" Killian asks. "You two will kill each other," Regina sighs. "The baby..." Killian said. "I'm two months pregnant, not dead, plus time doesn't move there," Regina said. "I don't know Regina," Killian starts to shake his head, "You don't really have a choice, I'm the Queen, and I have magic, I can help," Regina said. 

"She has a point," David said. "Ok, So Jon, Michael, the Captain, Papa, Regina, and myself," Neal said. "Ok, I'll stay here, take care of the town," David said. "And Emma and Henry," Mary Margaret nods. "They'll be safe here, the town is sealed," Rumple said. "And me?" Belle asks, "You stay here too," Rumple said. "What? I want to help," Belle said. "It's better for you to be here," Rumple says. 

"Ok, well, let's go," Neal said. "Regina," Killian begins as the rest shuffle out to send them all off. "I'm going," She insists, "I know, just Pan is the most treacherous villain I've ever faced," he said. "Even worse than me?" Regina asks. Killian smirks, "I'm not kidding love, he is, he may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon," Killian said. "Well, I think our group can handle him," Regina said. "What is Rumple's connection?" Killian asks, "That I don't know, but I bet we will find out," Regina says. 

"Hey," Killian tugs her gently, "I love you, and I just want you and this child safe," he said. "I love you too, and no one is going to hurt me or this baby," Regina assures him. Softly the pair kiss, "Now, let's get you that Captain's jacket that I miss," she smiles. 

The group heads to the docks, Neal says goodbye to his son, and Emma, "Be careful," Emma says. "I will," he nods. "Should have known you were a lost boy," Emma teases. "Yeah, something like that," Neal said. 

Rumple kisses Belle goodbye, "Well, how are we getting there?" Hook asks. "You think I didn't prepare for something like this?" Gold reaches into his pocket, "A magic bean," Neal sighs. "I obviously had to ensure other options if we needed them," Rumple said. "You're not using dark magic in Neverland," Neal says. Gold looks at him funny, "Well we may need to, to obtain this girl," he said. 

"Only when it's necessary," Neal says and heads onto the ship. Hook and Regina follow everyone in suit, Killian has retrieved his former pirate garb, and his cascading leather coat. Regina cutely attaches his sword around his waist, "Why do I get the feeling you missed these attachments ?" He smirks. "Easy Captain, we have company, not really the best kind either," Regina glares at Rumple. 

"Ok, let's go," Neal says. Rumple holds the bean for a moment and throws the bean into the water. As the ship moves, Killian guards the ship towards the spiraling area in the water. "Hang on!" Killian yells, and the groups holds tight. "Oh I should have considered feeling Queasy!!" Regina cringes at the movement, her early pregnancy symptom hitting her a bit in the moment. 

"How are you feeling love?" Killian asks as Regina approaches the helm, "Mmm," she groans a bit touching her stomach, "I think it passed," Regina said. "Ironic, I spent many years here trying to plan my revenge on Rumplestiltskin, and then getting out of here, and here I am sailing right back into it's heart with him as my guest of honor," Killian said. 

"Well I know how that feels," Neal comes up to him, "Aye," Killian nods, looking at the helm in front of him where the letters signifying Port and Starboard are crossed out. "It was a long time ago," Neal said looking at where Hook's eyes were focused. 

"You were a little smaller then," Killian forces a chuckle, "Yeah, well, I guess I grew up," Neal sighed. "Is that it?" Regina looks ahead, "Aye, Neverland," Killian said. "Well, how are we going in? He will know we are here," Michael said. "We sneak attack, go around the back of the island," Killian said. 

"That .. .will not work, he knows already," Gold said. "Oh that's a nice use of our time, a wardrobe change," Killian snaps noticing Gold in new attire. "I thought we were in this together? You don't even know Wendy," Regina snaps. "Oh we are, I'm just dressing the part, and you all would be wise to listen to me," Gold said. 

"I spent more years here than you did," Killian snaps. "You may know the Island Captain, but I know Pan, better than most," Gold said. "How?" Neal asks. "Pan destroyed my father," Gold said. "Do you know where Wendy is?" Neal asks. "Probably wherever Pan is," Jon shrugs. "Well that's helpful," Killian sighs. "We'll find her," Neal assures. 

The group lands on the island. "Ok, well, I guess we start the journey," Neal said. "You do that," Rumple said. "Where are you going? We are doing this together you said," Regina said. "We didn't agree, and you five likely will lead us in the wrong direction, "Rumple said. "I know this island like the back of my hand," Killian said. "That's not a lot to rely on," Rumple sneers. 

"We didn't make any such agreement, I can lure Pan, and I can't do that with you," Rumple said. "I thought you wanted to help me? How is this helping?" Neal asks. "It is, in the end," Rumple says, he poofs off. 

"Well," Regina shrugs. "I guess I'll lead this mission," Killian steps forward, "Be careful, look sharp everyone," Killian said. "Oh, umm thought you may want this," Killian hands Neal, "My cutlass," he smiles, "You kept it?" Neal asks. "Aye," Killian nods. "Ok, everyone let's go find Wendy," Neal follows behind Killian.

"Woah, love," Killian pulls Regina back, holding her tights to his body, "Not now, we have company," She sasses. "Love, that's dream shade, don't touch it," He said. "And here I thought.." She teases. "This pregnancy is working for you," he smiles. 

"Could we?" Neal scoffs at their overly romantic moment, "Sorry," Killian says, and they head over to a hill. "Ah, the jungle has grown over last I got here," Killian said. "So where do we go to find his camp?" Jon asks, "We get someone to help," Neal said. "Who now?" Regina asks. "Tinkerbell of course," Neal said. "Oh bloody hell," Killian sighs guiltily. 

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