Chapter 7 Sorry

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Killian gets outside, and doesn't see Regina anywhere. He sighs, and picks up his phone, he goes back inside the pub to call her. "You've reached Regina, sorry I missed your call..." Her voicemail goes off. Killian sighs, "Regina, please, I'm sorry, that's not what you think it was, please call me back," He hangs up. 

"I'm sorry, I thought you..." Lacey says, "Well, you thought wrong," Killian scoffs, and gets his jacket. The door opens, and Mr. Gold enters, "May I?" Killian asks, having no clue why he would be in the pub. "I came to visit," Gold says, and he looks right at Lacey, with a kind smile. "Uhh, well we're not open," Killian shakes his head. "I have to get somewhere though, so, by all means," Killian leaves. 

Regina has locked herself in her office, and is on the floor, curled up with her knees to her chest. She softly starts to cry. "Regina...." she hears his voice, outside her office, and lifts her head. "Regina, please, are you there?" He asks. He knows she is, "Regina, listen, I didn't kiss her, she kissed me, and I pushed her away. I don't know if you saw that part," He says. She listens to him. 

"I'm really sorry Regina, I didn't realize you felt that strongly about me. I definitely care for you... I just don't know what's wrong with me," he shakes his head. Regina sighs, she knows exactly what's wrong, her curse. 

She stands up. Killian can see her form through the blurred glass, she takes a deep breath and opens the door. He lifts his head and looks at her, with a tear still on her cheek. She crosses her arms, trying to look tough. "I..." he starts, "I heard you," she said. "Ok, I... pushed her away, I didn't kiss her," he said. "You said that," Regina said. "Ok, great... so then we're ok still going out?" Killian asks. Regina sighs, "Yes, tomorrow," Regina says. 

"You sure?" Killian asks, "Yes, I'm going out with you, now go before I change my mind," She says. "Ok, good," He nods, and heads off. She shuts her office door, and heads to her desk. She takes out the box, that holds David's heart. She picks it up and grips it, "Come here," She says into it, which will drive David to come to her, even if he has no idea why. 

David suddenly feels he has to go to Regina, which indeed is accurate. While she's waiting, "How is he going to help you? When the pirate is who you want?" Gold enters. Regina stares at him, "Pirate?" She tilts her head. 

"Yes, Your majesty," Gold nods slowly. "You.... are .. awake!" Regina gasps at him. "Indeed, I added a trigger in the curse, so that I could be triggered to remember who we are, just in case," He said. "What is this trigger?" She asks. "Well the name of the savior of course," Gold said. "The savior," Regina repeats. "Yes, the savior that is meant to break this curse in roughly 27 more years," Gold said. 

"What if I can't wait that long?" Regina asks, "You want to break your own curse?" Gold asks. "True love's kiss can do it can't it?" Regina asks, "Not this curse dearie," Gold shakes his head. "You're sure?" Regina asks. "You think kissing the pirate will be true love's kiss? You've kissed before," he said. "That was before the curse, he is just getting to know me all over again, if I kiss him now and it's true love," She rambles, "I'm afraid, the curse won't work that way," Gold said. "There are ways to break the curse, but that's not going to do it," Gold said. 

"What ways then?" Regina asks, "Well the savior is your best option," Gold said. "The savior is still a child right now," Regina said. "Correct, so you'll have to wait, to get what you want," Gold said. "Can you find her?" Regina asks, "I can," Gold said. 

"If we locate her before the 28 years, can I get her here and break it sooner?" Regina asks, "That is highly possible," Gold said. "We need magic," Regina said. "I can attempt to work on that," Gold said. "You can continue to attempt to win over the heart of your pirate," Gold said. "You will not touch him, we had a deal," Regina said. 

"I've no reason to, yet, and you are to live up to your agreement helping me to find my son," Gold said. "Why is Killian like this?" Regina asks. "Like what?" Gold asks. "Just, closed off, reserved," Regina said. "All magic comes with a price, you know that, we went over that. The curse affects people differently," Gold said. "That same pirate is under there somewhere, you just have to bring it out," Gold said. "Or you can," Regina says. "I don't think you want me to, since it's not his best side," Gold said. 

Regina leans against her desk, she's actually slightly received that Gold is now awake, and aware that he's Rumplestiltskin. "So we do this together ? Help each other?" Regina asks. "You know I figured you would have some interest in the Sheriff, that would indeed be more revenge on Snow White," he said. "I was interested in the Captain first, and that's not your business," Regina snaps. Gold heads out, as he does, "I am glad we're back," Gold nods. "Oh, and keep your bookworm away from Killian please," Regina sasses. "Oh I will," Gold nods, leaving.

"You wanted to see me?" David asks, entering, "Ah, yes, I wondered if you could just deliver something for me," Regina says. "Umm ok?" David is confused, Regina hands him a piece of paper, "Don't open that," She commands. "Can you please give that to Killian?" She asks. "Umm don't you have phones?" David asks. "Can you just do it?" Regina snaps. 

"You like him huh?" David asks. "That's not your concern, just give him that note." Regina says. "Ok, will do," David nods. "And, you know I think Mary Margaret needed some help with something at her loft," Regina said. "Oh, does she?" David asks, "Yes," Regina nods. "Ah, ok, well I'll go see what she needs then, after I deliver the note," David said. "Thank you, that's all," Regina nods him off. 

She could put David's heart back but until she figures out more from Gold about what to do about things, she will keep him close a bit longer. Sending him off to Mary Margaret though is the start of her attempt to break her own curse. 

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