Chapter 18 Talk

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"I can't just not talk to Emma, we've waited 18 years," David sighs. "Well we can't talk to Regina, unless Killian is gone," Mary Margaret said. "There's nothing that can trigger him?" David asks. "I'm sure if there was, Regina would have done it, don't you think?" Mary Margaret asks. "Only one way to find out," David says. They head out.

At Regina's

"So, you just add, cinnamon, and a dash of sugar," Regina describes. "I guess growing your own apple trees, you got used to baking with them," Emma said. "Yes," Regina nods. Emma thinks, it's just a bit coincidental the apple theme and forest in Regina's house. "So I didn't get to talk to you about what you want to do about the baby and Neal?" Regina asks. "Well, I don't know, I can't really raise this child on my own," Emma said.

"Do you think Neal coming along was good?" Regina asks. "I don't know, it seems he wants to be a father, by coming right?" Emma asks. "I think that's a good sign," Regina assures, and hands Emma a bowl to mix. 

Regina begins laying out dough on the counter, "Do you think people can change?" Regina asks. "In what sense?" Emma asks. "Well, if someone were Evil say, would you think they can change?" Regina asks, trying to remain casual as she rolls out dough across her counter. Emma slowly stirs apples in the bowl as she watches her, "Well, I guess there should always be good in everyone," Emma said. "Do you really believe that?" Regina asks. "Well, people that Evil usually have a reason to be that way, something bad happened to them," Emma said. 

Regina nods, taking in the knowledge of the almost 18 year old. She's been through a lot, because of Regina, she had no one, and her parents were here. Regina takes responsibility for that, but can't really tell her all the details quite yet. She will, however, encourage and try to get Emma to believe in Magic. 

As much as Regina would love to just put on a magic show, showing Emma that magic exists, she can't really do that. "These smell so good, this kid could definitely go for an apple turnover," Emma said. Regina smiles, "Mm, Killian usually swipes some before they can even cool, it's nice to have someone patiently wait," Regina smiles. 

There's a knock on the door, Regina goes to get it, and sees David and Mary Margaret, "Oh is everything ok?" Regina asks. "Smells like apple," Mary Margaret observes, "Yes apple turnovers," Regina said. "Mmm secret ingredient Poison?" David asks. "David.." Mary Margaret scolds. Regina looks at him funny, "Umm," she thinks. 

"Love have you seen my phone? Ah guests," Killian comes down the stairs, "It's in the kitchen, could you take Emma into town with you?" Regina asks, keeping her eyes focused on David's. "Sure, everything ok?" Killian asks. "Yes, and don't take too many turnovers," Regina smiles. Killian kisses her cheek cutely and heads to the kitchen. He heads out the back door with Emma. 

Regina sighs, "So you're awake?" Regina asks, with a positive smile. "Yes," David snaps. "David." Mary Margaret scolds gently. "Please, sit, we should talk," Regina said. "I don't have magic," Regina sighs, trying to convince them. Mary Margaret heads to the couch and sits down, "David.." Mary Margaret nods. 

David reluctantly sits down. "I know you're angry, but I just want to say, I am so glad you're awake, I was trying to get you to wake up for 10 years," Regina said. "Ok, noted, what else?" David asks. "I knew that Emma was the only one that could break the curse, but we couldn't find her, and then she was in jail, so it showed up in our searching," Regina explains. "So you got her out?" Mary Margaret asks. "Yes, about 5 months sooner roughly," Regina said.

"So my daughter is expecting the grandchild of the dark one, and we're here still cursed by you," David snaps. "I don't know how to make it up to you, I just... I cast the curse trying to get my happy ending, and I realized that the price was Killian not remembering me, in the way we knew each other. He also changed, under this curse," Regina said. 

"And you still fell in love," Mary Margaret said, with a warm smile. "Yes, I love him, I..." Regina looked at the pair, pleading for forgiveness in her eyes. "I couldn't lose him, I wanted to marry him, and the curse of course made it impossible to conceive his child," Regina said. "So with Emma here, time is moving, do you know any other way to break the curse?" David asks. 

"She has to believe, in us," Regina shrugs. "Ok, I'm going to give you a chance, since you don't have magic, and you're clearly taking care of Emma," David said. "What... may I ask what gave you your memory?" Regina asks. "The blanket," Mary Margaret said. 

"Touching the blanket between the two of us, with Emma, made us remember," she explains. "I see, ok, we're getting there, time is moving," Regina said. "Please, I'm .... sorry, if this curse has taught me anything, it's that I just needed love, and Killian loves me, I hope he still does after this curse breaks over him," Regina said. "I'm sure he will," Mary Margaret stands to offer her support. 

"You're welcome to spend as much time around Emma, perhaps it could help?" Regina asks. "Oh we will, what do we have to do?" David asks. "I'm not exactly sure, first step we have to make her believe that we are fairy tales. I don't really come off too well in that though," Regina sighs. "Well like you just said, you've changed," Mary Margaret said. 

"I don't know what Killian will even feel about this when he finds out," Regina says. She looks at Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret looks at David with a hopeful look. "When men love, they love," David said. "If you were able to fall in love within the curse, then, I don't think that will change," Mary Margaret assures. 

"AH, Hi," Emma says, as Neal approaches her as they walk through town. "Umm, could I talk to you?" Neal asks. "Sure," Emma nods, and looks at Killian, "Umm sure, I'm just heading to work," Killian said, heading off. 

"I know we haven't talked much," Neal said. "I'm starting to think I know why you didn't tell me anything," Emma looks at him. "Really?" Neal asks. "Something about this town, it's magical," Emma said. "What?" Neal asks. 

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