Chapter 14 Bae

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"You're? Baelfire?" Regina asks. "Yeah, I go by Neal now obviously," He said. "How do you know who Emma is?" Regina asks. "Pinocchio," Neal said. Regina sighs, "Ok, so he told you to let her go to jail, so she could fulfill her destiny as being the savior?" Regina asks. "Basically," Neal said. "Ok," Regina attempts to think quickly, knowing that part of her deal with Rumple is to reunite him with his son. 

"You need to come with me," Regina said. "Me? Why?" Neal asks, "You're going to be a father first of all," Regina reminds him, "Well, I mean, I can't just follow Emma if she doesn't want me to, we didn't part on good terms, given she was arrested because of me," he says. "Well, you can find a way to fix that, I'm taking Emma to the very place where she needs to break the curse," Regina said. "Wait, so you're?" He asks. "I'm... was.. the Evil Queen, who cast this curse," Regina said.

"And you're trying to break your own curse?" Neal asks, "Yes, it was a mistake, she's destined to break it in ten years, but if I bring her now, I can do it sooner, but she's the key," Regina said. "And why on earth would I go there?" Neal asks, "Like I said, to be a father," Regina said. "Don't you want to do that and not make the same mistake yours did?" Regina asks. 

"You know the Dark one," Neal states, "Yes, I do, very well, you don't want to be like him now do you?" Regina reminds. Emma comes back out, "Ummm, Neal.. I.." Emma sighs. "Do you mind if I follow? I still have that yellow bug, it should make it," Neal said. "You want to come?" Emma asks, "I would like to meet my child, if that's ok with you?" Neal asks. Regina looks at her, "I think it's good the child knows their father," Regina says. 

Emma stares at them both, for whatever reason, she trusts Regina here and nods. "Ok, great, I'll follow Regina," Neal said. Regina nods with a thin smile, and escorts Emma to her black Mercedes outside. Emma breathes heavily in the passenger seat, full of worry, and uncertainty. "Don't worry Dear," Regina says. "No? Don't worry? I just ran into the father of this kid, who had no idea I was pregnant, who actually sent me to jail," Emma said. "Well people make mistakes, and everyone has regret," Regina said. 

"You think people can change?" Emma asks. "Oh I know they can," Regina smiles and keeps her eyes peeled on the road, glancing at the sparkling diamond on her hand representing Killian. She smiles, thinking about seeing him in a few hours. Neal is behind them, "Why would he pick yellow?" Regina asks out loud. 

"He didn't, he stole it," Emma said. "Oh, well that's actually not surprising," Regina chuckles, thinking about how he is the Dark One's son. Neal currently is unaware that this town will contain his father, as well as the man who would have been his stepfather as well, Hook. 

In the town, at Granny's. "Oh thanks, I've probably reached my limit for caffeine today, but waiting for Regina, I'm definitely not sleeping," Killian said, as Granny filled his coffee cup. 

David enters, "Hey, any word from the wife to be?" David asks, "She's on her way, says she's bringing a young woman back though that needed help," He said. "Really? Well, Love has changed Regina for sure," David said. "Oh come on, mate, she always had a heart," Killian said. "Mmm, I suppose, I felt like I didn't even have one for a while, so I guess I'm not one to talk." David said. 

"So, are you going to tell me who you really are?" Emma asks, they're not far from the town. "Well, I knew your parents, that is the truth," Regina said. Emma believed her, knowing that she could tell when someone was lying. "I see," Emma nods. "Do you happen to know why they gave me away?" Emma asks. "To give you your best chance," Regina states, passing a glance at Emma. Emma furrows her brow in thought, and looks towards her expectant bump. 

"Oh, easy in there, kid," Emma says. "Are you alright?" Regina asks, concerned, "Yeah, just this little kid is very active, and likes to do backflips, it's almost like their feet are in my ribs," Emma shifts. "I see, just let me know if I need to pullover," Regina says. "Do you have any kids?" Emma asks. Regina sighs, "No... not yet... my .. husband and I are trying," Regina says with a solemn expression. 

"I can't be a mother," Emma sighs. "Why do you think that?" Regina asks. "Well I never had one," Emma shrugs. "Well I had a horrible one, so you never know," Regina says. "She was horrible?" Emma asks. "Well she was just controlling, she was unhappy with herself and forced things on me to make up for it," Regina said. "I'm too young to be a mother," Emma sighs again, "You're 18, and you never know, you may surprise yourself," Regina said. "You have to believe in yourself," Regina said. 

As they approach the town, Regina looks in the rearview making sure Neal is still close behind. His yellow bug headlights shine, and she looks towards the road. "Storybrooke?" Emma asks, seeing the sign on the side of the road, "Yes, Storybrooke," Regina smiles. 

She drives over the town line, and feels sensation come over her. She smiles, and sees that Neal is still behind her crossing into the town. Obviously, born in this world, Neal can enter the town. Regina drives, and they reach the main street of the small town. 

Emma looks out the window, at the story like town around her, with the street lights dim, and the shop windows mostly dark. Granny's is lit up, as usual, as is Killian's bar. Emma looks up, "It's definitely later than 8:16," Emma says. 

"What did you say? You mean 8:15, that clock is stuck," Regina said. "Not anymore, it says 8:16.." Emma says. 

Regina looks up out of the window of the car, and smiles, "Indeed, it's moving..." Regina smiles. 


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