Chapter 29 Cry

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"How the hell could this happen?" Regina demands, "The magic of time in Neverland can have that effect, when you entered Neverland only 2 months pregnant, the amount of time different just added up, and didn't show until now. It's quite simple," Gold explains. "Could this be something that harms the child?" Killian asks, "No, should not harm them one bit, just rushed Regina's carrying of them," Gold said. 

Regina sighs, and Killian grips her hand, "Well, guess just a shorter amount of time for preparation, I guess," Killian smiles. "That reminds me," Regina turns her focus back to Gold, "I want his hand," Regina commands. Killian quirks his brow, "Excuse me?" Gold chuckles a bit. "I know you, and your sick ways, you would have kept it," Regina said. "Love," Killian says, "Don't you want to hold the baby with two hands?" Regina asks. "Well, I mean I would, yes," He nods. 

"Ok, then Gold, Give it to me," Regina said. "That hand is the man he used to be, vengeful, selfish," Gold said. "Don't try that, it's not true," Regina rolls her eyes. "Give it to me," Regina snaps again. "Well, given your condition, alright," Gold lifts a jar. "Bloody hell," Killian groans in disgust. 

"I'll do it," Regina scolds. Gold gestures to the jar. "Ok, take off the hook," Regina said. "You sure about this? Don't you like this attachment?" He smirks. "Killian, I think you want to hold the baby properly, and change diapers," Regina smiles. "Ah, I think I prefer the hook," Killian jokes. She glares at him, and he clicks off the hook, laying it down. Regina slowly and surely, reattaches his hand by magic. Killian flexes his hand, "Ah, brilliant," He says. "Now you can put your wedding ring on that hand," Regina smiles. "Ah you're right," Killian smiles. 

"Are we finished with this family moment? I've been asked to go see my grandson," Rumple said. "Well, look at you," Regina sasses. "And you're ... sure, that the baby hadn't been harmed by the sped up pregnancy?" Killian asks again, "I am sure," Gold nods. 

Killian and Regina head out of Gold's, they arrived there early in the morning, the town is active now, "Regina?" Mary Margaret rushes up to her, "the time difference in Neverland, made it, go faster, Gold says it's harmless," Regina said. "Oh that's good," Mary Margaret says. "I'm starving though," Regina says. "Uhh Captain Hand?" Emma comes up to them. 

"Ah, the umm crocodile was kind enough to return it, so I could hold the baby with two hands," He said. "And change diapers," Regina adds. "And... that," Killian smiles. "I'm hungry, I need onion rings, woah, did I just say that?" Regina asks. "I think that's standard for pregnancy," Emma laughs. 

The day goes on, and Regina heads to her office, Killian follows her. "Captain.. why don't you go to the ship?" She suggests. "Sick of me?" He asks. "No, I just think you're being paranoid, I'm fine, if I feel anything, I'll call you," Regina said. "I just want to be there, love," He said. "I know, and I want you there, but you're driving me crazy now," She smiles. "Mmmm," He grunts a bit, "Ok," He kisses her. 

"Ahhh!!! Come back!!" Regina yells, "Love?" He asks, getting to her side. "Ohhhh ok, that doesn't feel good," She groans, "Ok the baby is coming," Killian says, "Oh, I can drive!" He smiles. She glares at him, angrily, "Right, ok, come on," He helps her outside. "Oh this is good you have two hands because I'm going to break one!!!" Regina squeezes him as hard as she can. 

In the hospital 

"I can't do this!!!" Regina yells. The whole group gets to the waiting room, as they wheel her in. "Uhh I can go in?" Killian asks, "You're the father like hell!! You get in here!!" Regina yells. "In my era the men waited outside, while the women did this." he says nervously, "If you don't get in here, that hand goes back to the jar!!" Regina yells at him. 

Killian, while nervous, to watch his wife give birth, goes in the delivery room. "Ok just relax," Whale said. "Me?" Killian asks, "both of you!" Whale said. "Ok, Regina, you're going to push ok?" Whale asks. Regina nods, quickly, gritting her teeth through the excruciating pain, "Push!" Whale guides. 

"Ahhh!!!!" Regina screams, "Is this supposed to be this bad?" Killian asks, "Yes!" Whale yells, "Ok, Regina, I see the head," Whale says. "What? Really?" Killian can't help but look, "Woah! How are you doing this?" Killian asks, "NOT HELPING!!" Regina screams. 

"O.. k.. there you go," Whale says, and a baby starts to cry, "Oh..." Regina sighs. "It's a girl," Whale says, "Oh my... she's ... beautiful," Killian is lost for words as Whale places the baby on Regina and wraps her. "Hi..." Regina says in almost a whisper, as she holds her newborn daughter. 

"Oh Killian, She's perfect," she said. "Aye," he smiles softly, and touches the infant's head, "We're a family," Regina says. "I love you, Regina," Killian whispers in her ear. The others, enter the room, "Oh, Regina, she's beautiful," Mary Margaret smiles. "I would like to introduce you all to Molly," Regina said. 

"Papa Pirate?" Regina hands the infant to him, "I never thought I would have one of these, and with two hands at that," Killian smiles holding the tiny infant with his hands. "She's certainly beautiful, and we .... got you something, we didn't know of course what the baby would be but we figured the red, would work," Mary Margaret takes out a blanket. 

The blanket is just like Emma's, soft knit ivory, but with a red ribbon around the edge, "Granny can add her name," Mary Margaret hands it to her, Regina is without words, "I... thank you," Regina smiles at her, "Thank you all," Regina smiles. 

Couple days later 

*Baby crying* "Shh shhh, shhh," Killian's soft voice echoes as he lifts the swaddled baby from her cradle, "Shh," he steps towards the window, where the moon is shining in, "See that Molly? There's nothing more beautiful than the moon shining over the waves," he says. "At least I thought so, until you came," he says. The infant gently stretches in his hands, "You are the most perfect thing I've ever done in my life," He said. He smiles as the infant cracks her eyes open at him, "Yeah, Hi, you may cry sometimes, but I'll always be here, to wipe your tears," He says 

Regina sits up, and stares at the man in the moonlight as the infant is in his arms. She sighs, imagining that she almost didn't have this, her happy ending. 

A/N-- One more chapter of HQ cuteness.. then we begin a new story!! 

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