Chapter 12 Found

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We've reached Ten years in our curse over the people from the Enchanted forest. Again, only Regina knows how long it's been. To everyone else it just feels like weeks or months of their lives. No one aging, and mostly the same repetitive days happening over and over. However, within these repetitions, some love has been found. 

Killian and Regina have now been together quite a while, and are indeed in love. Mary Margaret and David have progressed slowly into a relationship, but even upon them kissing, the curse was not broken. Regina stared at the clock, frozen in time at 8:15 as she paced through the town. Even Gold and Lacey had formed a relationship of romance. Still, as Gold says, the curse cannot be broken from the true love of any couple, but of that product of true love out there, the savior. 

Regina paces around her office, still attempting to put the pieces together for this curse. The savior still hasn't been located despite all of Gold's efforts. She refuses to give up, she gets a call from Killian, "Hello," She smiles hearing his voice on the phone. 

Killian is swaggering down the street, "Morning Mayor," he says with a grin on his face. "What are you up to?" She asks, playfully, "Just heading to work, wanted to hear your voice once more," He said. "You are a bit of a hopeless romantic you know," Regina says. "I'll see you tonight," He says. Regina felt like a different person now in this world. She could now refer to Mary Margaret as a friend, rather than an enemy. Regina felt like her happy ending was possible.

She still felt doubts about herself, wondering if breaking the curse would destroy the progress she made with everyone within the town, especially Killian. She had no idea how he would react once he found out she had cursed him with the others for however many years it would be by then. She tried to brush the thoughts out of her head and move forward with her life, while remembering and planning to get the savior as soon as she could. 

Killian was also planning their lives, "Wow that's beautiful," David said looking at the shining ring in the box. "I can't wait to give this to Regina," Killian smiles. "And how are you two?" Killian asks, "We're good," David smiles, at the thought of Mary Margaret. "Things progressing forward?" Killian asks. "I think so, we just have this way of always finding each other," David said. "How so?" Killian asks, "I don't know, just... " he starts. "Thought I would find you here," Mary Margaret smiles, coming in. "See?" David jokes. Killian laughs. 

The evening progresses, and Killian heads off to meet Regina. He pauses to look at himself in the reflection of the window. "Ok, you can do this, this is a moment, but it's something you want," he says to himself. He adjusts his collar, his hair, and nods to himself, "And you're talking to a bloody mirror," he sighs out loud.

He arrives at Regina's and knocks, "There you are, lasagna is getting cold," Regina says, "Ah, sorry love, I was just giving myself a talk," He said. "Oh?" She asks. "You seem nervous," Regina notices. "Uhh, just this a big moment for me, for us," he corrects. "Are you ok?" Regina asks. "I am, I've never been more ok," he says. 

Slowly, in front of her, Regina watches Killian kneel. She gapes a bit, "Regina.... will you marry me?" he asks. She smiles, hearing her answer in her head, before it can make it out her lips, "Yes!!" She squeals a bit, and Killian places the diamond ring on her left hand. She kisses him, holding his face, as he stands up, moving her a bit off the ground onto the tip of her shoes. 

It was the start of happy ending, for Regina. She didn't think she would be able to get to this point with Killian in the Enchanted Forest, or even here, but here they were getting married. As time passes, the pair now has matching wedding bands, and Regina walks around her office. 

Mary Margaret enters, Regina leans against her desk, and sighs. "What's wrong?" Mary Margaret asks. "Just...." Regina sighs again. We've past more years in the time frame of the curse, and Killian and Regina have been attempting to have a child. Regina is fully aware she cannot conceive a baby while the curse is still enacted, as time will not move. She can't tell Killian that though, so he simply thinks it's just taking some time to have a child. 

Regina, however, feels the guilt of her own curse. Here she is not able to give the man she loves a child, and a family for them both. "Oh Regina, I believe that takes a while," Mary Margaret assures her, unknowingly of course that it's not possible for Regina to get pregnant until this curse breaks. 

Regina heads home that evening, Killian comes not too long later. He gently kisses her neck, she smiles, feeling the soft scruff of him. "What's wrong?" he asks. She faces him, "The baby thing?" he asks. She nods. In her awareness, it's been 7 years since they were married, Killian has no idea, to him it's only been some months. Regina is beginning to hate her own curse. 

"Regina, it takes time to have a baby, we've only tried a short time," he says. Regina wants to scream at how long it's really been, but knows she can't. She lets him comfort her gently, giving her a hug. "We're going to have a baby when it's right," Killian said. She softly forces a smile, he tilts her chin up to him, "Hey, I love you, and when it's right, we'll have a family," he said. "You're right, I'm sorry," Regina says. "And you have to admit, the trying is quite fun for both of us," he smiles and gently nibbles his own lip. She laughs, "Mm, true," she kisses him softly. 

The next morning 

"You've got something?" Regina rushes into Gold's shop, "Yes, someone," he said. "You found her," Regina said, with a smile. 

A/N-- YUP we've reached almost 18 years and they found Emma!! 

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