Chapter 16 Mom

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Regina watches as Emma and Mary Margaret gently touch hands, no light waves over them, but Mary Margaret smiles, "That's a very pretty name," she said. "Thanks," Emma nods, "I hope I can think of one," Emma looks down. "Yes, congratulations," Mary Margaret says. Regina smiles, and was hopeful that Mary Margaret meeting her daughter, and her soon to be grandchild would do something. 

She knew this curse was far more complicated, but perhaps spending so much time opening herself to love, she was becoming more hopeful as well. The time was moving, so Emma was certainly having an effect on the town as a whole. "Emma is a long lost relative," Regina said. Emma smiled a bit with a flat line on her mouth, knowing that that wasn't necessarily the case. 

At Killian's Pub

"How was your stay?" Killian asks Neal, who sits down in front of him. Neal remembers the Captain all too well, but knows he doesn't remember that life or of course the young boy who was the son of his arch enemy. "It was alright, I'm happy you let Emma stay at your place, it was probably a lot more comfortable," Neal said. "Mm, what can I get you?" Killian asks. 

"Beer," Neal shrugs. "You're older than Emma," Killian places the glass down, "Yeah, umm, about 4 years or so," Neal said. While it was a lot more than 4 years, more like 200. "So you two were not together until my wife showed up and played matchmaker?" Killian asks. "Well it's kind of complicated, I ran into them at the airport," Neal said. "Well, almost like fate," Killian said. "Yeah, I guess that's kind of like fate," Neal said. "You both seem rather lost, I'm guessing the pregnancy wasn't planned," Killian said. 

"Yeah well, I also didn't know about that until I bumped into them," Neal admits. "Ah, I see," Killian said. "Bit of a shock?" Killian asks, "Yeah, definitely, never thought I would be a father," Neal said. "Regina and I have been trying since we got married," Killian said. "Mmm, you want to be a father?" Neal asks, though he knows very well that answer. "Yes, I would love it, to take care of someone small, teach them things," Killian said. "I didn't have a father, he abandoned me," Neal said. "I see, sorry to hear that mate, when?" Killian asks, "Long time ago, I was about 14," Neal said. 

"Well, just because your father made that mistake, doesn't mean you will," Killian said. "Think so?" Neal asks. "Well the sins of the father don't always follow the son," Killian said. "Being a bartender you must gain a lot of wisdom," Neal said. "Yeah I feel like sort of an old soul," Killian chuckles. 

Lacey comes in the doorway, "Sorry," She says. "It's alright, I sense you were with your what do we call him?" Killian asks. "I know you don't like him," Lacey says. "It's not that, I just.... he's kind of a snake," Killian said. "He's really not," Lacey shakes her head. 

"Ok, how about a crocodile?" Killian asks, "Why do you say that?" Lacey asks, "He just seems like someone who will strike when you least expect it," He said. "Who is this?" Neal asks. "Ah, Lacey, meet Neal," Killian introduces. "Killian just is not a fan of my boyfriend," Lacey says. "Gold as a boyfriend just doesn't sound right," Killian said. 

"He's not that bad, you and him just don't get along," Lacey said. "He doesn't really get along with anyone," Killian said. "Sounds like a great guy," Neal says. "You forgot this in the shop," a voice enters the pub, Neal lifts his head up and stares straight ahead. 

A cane clicks against the floor with shoes, as Lacey heads around the counter, to get the sweater the man has brought to her. "Thank you," She smiles at him. Neal turns his head to look at the man, and it confirms his thought, it's his father. "Killian.." Gold says with a sly inflection, "Gold," Killian squints his eyes at him. Gold heads off, Neal can't help but watch him limp off through the door. 

"That's Gold?" Neal asks. "Yes," Killian nods, "What does he do?" Neal asks, "He owns the shop down the block, Pawn shop," Lacey said. "Yeah well who knows where he got all that," Killian said. "Of course you two don't get along," Neal mutters, and shakes his head. "What?" Killian asks. "Nothing, Umm, thanks a lot man," Neal gets up. "And umm thanks for letting Emma stay there," Neal said. "Think about what I said," Killian said. Neal stares at him, remembering the same man in a red vest and leather jacket, with a hook, looking down on him promising him to change. 

Neal heads out of the pub and walks around a bit through the town, he sees the shop with the sign above it, "Mr. Gold's." He thinks for a moment, and goes in the doorway, the bell dings, as he enters. "Can I help you?" Gold comes around from the back, Neal sighs, and stares at him, "Uhh, I can probably help you," Neal says. Gold stares at him, curiously, Neal tips his head a bit, and thinks, "It's Baelfire," he says. Gold stares at him, taking in every bit of his face, "Bae?" He whispers. 

Meanwhile, Regina and Emma had some time walking around town, and are now heading back to Regina's. Killian was planning to come home soon, however, Mary Margaret and David happened to show up. 

"What's wrong?" Regina asks, "Well we have a mine collapse, we've closed the area, it seems ok for now, just we should post some notices," David explains. "Sorry Emma, being the Mayor, and everything," Regina says. "Oh it's ok," Emma keeps herself busy for a moment going through her things. She takes out an ivory blanket, that she's kept for 18 years. The same blanket she was once wrapped in, in the Enchanted Forest before going through the wardrobe. 

As she places it down, she notices the page opened on the large storybook. She focuses her eyes on the page of the couple holding the infant. The blanket is almost exactly the same, as hers, including the purple woven string and the name, Emma. 

Emma thinks a moment, and looks around the room she's in. The walls have a tree pattern, almost like apple trees. She looks again at the couple holding the infant, and she sees a resemblance that's almost uncanny to the people downstairs, David and Mary Margaret. She thinks she's going mad at this point, or maybe the pregnancy hormones are playing tricks on her. 

She takes the blanket with her, down the stairs. Forgetting how pregnant she is, she drops the blanket. "Thanks Regina, we'll let you know if anything else," David and Mary Margaret walk out, "Oh," Mary Margaret sees Emma starting to bend down for the blanket. 

Mary Margaret bends towards the blanket, and David gently guides Emma down the stairs, as David's arm holds Emma gently, Mary Margaret picks up the blanket, handing it to Emma, David and Mary Margaret's eyes light up. 

A/N--- Now we're getting somewhere... 

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