Chapter 17 Snow

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"We'll ummm see you later, ok?" Mary Margaret makes eye contact with David, in a sense of urgency. "Ok," Regina nods, as does Emma, and David and Mary Margaret leave. Emma sighs, and thinks about the fact that she saw such a resemblance in the storybook of the people around her, and now the blanket that she's had her whole life is a match to the story book as well.

"Are  you alright?" Regina asks, noticing Emma's face of concern, "Yes, I am, I'm ok, just probably should feed this kid," Emma said. "I made lasagna, Killian will be along shortly," Regina says. Emma smiles softly, her mind is wandering, taking in everything around her and the visuals she's seeing are making connections in her mind, but a puzzle, a puzzle with missing pieces. 

Killian comes home, "Evening," he smiles, "I like this you home for dinner more often," Regina smiles. "Do you? Well clearly getting more people to help with the bar is useful in our relationship," He smiles. 

At the loft 

David and Mary Margaret pace in opposite parallel directions, the touching of Emma's baby blanket, her and each other regained their memories of who they really are. "Well at least you didn't lose your charm in this curse," Mary Margaret attempts to lighten the situation, given David is becoming angry. 

"How can you be so calm?" David asks, "Well, Emma is 18, and she wasn't even supposed to arrive for another ten years, Regina clearly went to get her," Mary Margaret says, "Yes, but for what? For all we know she wants to kill her or her baby!" David panics. "David, I don't think Regina wants to do that, not at this point," Mary Margaret defends. 

"You trust her?" David snaps, "David... she was pining after Killian for almost 10 years, she's fallen in love, we've watched them get married, and she's.... trying to have a baby with him," Mary Margaret said. "So you think the Evil Queen has changed?" David asks. "I know she has, you can see it in her eyes," Mary Margaret said. 

David sighs, "David, that book appeared the day after Regina spoke to me, it's like she was trying to get me to believe again," Mary Margaret. "So what does that mean?" David asks, "She wanted us to get out of the curse, she was encouraging me to see you, talk to you, she thought that our love could break it," Mary Margaret said. "So now, we're out of it, what about the rest of the town?" David asks. "I don't know, Emma, we know Emma is the key, she has to believe or something to break it over everyone," Mary Margaret said. 

"Emma is staying at her house, and pregnant with our grandchild," David gasps, "I know, but I really don't think Regina is going to harm her, she brought her here, to break the curse," Mary Margaret said. "The curse she put us in!" David snaps. "That was 18 years ago, we have to give her a chance and trust that she's changed," Mary Margaret said. "Why?" David asks, with his hands on his hips. "Because that's what heroes do, they believe in others," Mary Margaret says. 

David knows that Mary Margaret has many points here, and is likely correct about Regina. Regina has tried for now 18 years to break the curse that she cast on the town. She's given triggers to Mary Margaret and attempted to jog their memories every way she could. Regina indeed had changed and her heart had become open to love. 

"What is Killian going to do? He's Captain Hook," David reminds. "I'm very sure that he loves Regina, and once he is out of this curse, he will likely still love her," Mary Margaret said. "And if he doesn't? Regina goes back to being Evil," David said. "You have no idea what either of them will do, Regina technically hasn't lost her memory, which means her change is real," Mary Margaret said. 

"What do we do about Emma? I'm her father, I want to tell her, help her through this, she should be living with us," David said. Mary Margaret gently takes his hand, "We have to let her realize it for herself, that's part of how she can break this curse," Mary Margaret said. "Wait, Rumple, he must know already," David said. The pair decided he's the one they need to talk to. 

At the Shop

"You're the father of the Savior's child?" Gold asks, "Yes, kind of ironic don't you think? I didn't even know, and here I was almost having nothing to do with them, and here they bring me to you anyway," Neal sighs. "Son, this curse, I wanted it to find you," Gold said. "How did you not know where I was before this?" Neal asks. "I didn't know," Gold said. "I was in Neverland for the longest time, you had no idea?" Neal asks. "Son.. the laws and rules of magic are only so deep, I can't do everything," Gold insists. "Yeah well I suppose it was good that Captain Hook turned me in to the Lost boys, otherwise that baby wouldn't be on the way," Neal said. "You came across Captain Hook?" Gold asks. "Of course I did, he was in Neverland, of course trying to destroy you eventually, which I can see he didn't, and I'm assuming that's because you still have your power," Neal said. 

The pair are interrupted when David and Mary Margaret come in the shop. "Gold," David snaps. "May I help you? "He asks. "We're awake, we know who we are," Mary Margaret said. "So this is what Emma was supposed to do right? Break the curse?" Neal asks. "Well it's not broken yet, just us, we touched her and her baby blanket at the same time, got our memories back," David said. 

"I see, and time is moving, and the quake the other day," Gold said. "That was all because of Emma?" David asks. "Yes," Gold nods. "But you don't have magic still?" Neal asks. "No, I can obtain that at this time, Emma must break the curse," Gold said. "And how do we get her to do that?" David asks. "She must believe, first of all, and then she must commit an act of true love," Gold said.

"So we are all aware, Regina is, why haven't Regina and Killian's kiss broken anything?" David asks. "Just like yours and Snow's have not, the curse cannot be broken by true love's kiss, unless it's the savior," Gold said. "So Emma has to have a true love's kiss?" Neal asks. 

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