Chapter 15 Time

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Regina pulled up the car outside Granny's, and nods to Emma to get out. Neal parks up behind them and gets out of the bug. "Does this place have grilled cheese?" Emma asks. "Yes, umm go ahead in, I'll be right there," Regina says. Emma glances at Neal and avoids his eyes and heads inside Granny's. 

Regina approaches Neal, "I think you know that people you know are in this town," Regina said. "Let me guess, My father?" Neal asks, "Him, and..." Regina starts, but is interrupted, "There you are," Killian comes up and hugs Regina, bringing her for a kiss as well. Neal stares at him, "Captain Hook," he sighs softly to himself. 

"Uhh, Killian, this is.. Neal," Regina's eyes open towards him. "Hello," Killian holds out his hand. Neal shakes it, "Hi," he nods. "Umm, he's a friend of Emma's, we have to talk about some things," Regina said. "Ok, everything alright?" Killian asks, gently. "Yes yes of course, I just offered Emma to stay with us, as you can see she's young, and expecting, Neal here is the father," Regina explained. "Ah, I see," Killian nods. 

"Yeah, Umm, I'm going to go inside and talk to Emma, if she will listen to me," Neal sighs.He heads off leaving Regina to talk with Killian. Killian looks at her warmly, and softly kisses her. "Miss me?" he smirks, "Yes," Regina smiles. 

Suddenly, the clock dings. "Wow, the clock finally moved," Killian smiles. "Yeah, how about that," Regina smiles. "Tick tock," he smiles again, and kisses her.

Inside Granny's 

"So I umm, I know you probably want an explanation, but I can't really give one yet," Neal says. "Why?" Emma snaps. "Maybe Regina can explain that, but I will, ok?" Neal asks. "Fine, do you know her?" Emma asks. "Regina? Not really no," Neal shakes his head. Emma knows he's telling the truth, thanks to her superpower. "Do you know what the baby is?" Neal asks. "No, I don't," Emma shakes her head. "Ok, Umm, I'm going to talk to Granny about staying here, and we can talk more?" Neal asks. "Sure," Emma nods. "Great, and for what it's worth to start, I'm sorry," Neal says. 

Killian and Regina enter, "Emma, so this is my husband, Killian, and he's fine with you staying with us," she says. "I can just stay here, I don't want to impose," Emma said. "No no, I brought you here, and we have space," Regina said. "Aye, lass, Granny's beds aren't the most comfortable, and you're expecting, so," Killian smiles warmly. "Ok," Emma nods. "Grilled cheese and onion rings at 10 pm, here you go," Granny said. "Can you wrap that for her? We want to get her home," Regina says. 

Emma sighs, pleasantly happy, she feels that this woman will take care of her in a way, she's never had a home. Killian and Regina enter their house, Killian is carrying Emma's bag, "Wow," Emma looks around at the large stairway in front of her, and the shining floors. 

"It's a bit extravagant I know," Regina said. "Regina, being the Mayor, our house is definitely a bit large," Killian said. "It's beautiful," Emma shrugs. "Thank you, make yourself comfortable, there's a room on the opposite side of the hallway up there, should suit you," Regina said. "Ok," Emma nods to them. Killian places his arm around Regina as they watch Emma slowly go up the stairs. 

"Sweet young girl, she seems lost," Killian said. "Yes, that's why I brought her, I couldn't' just leave her there, with that baby on the way," Regina said. "Speaking of that," Killian smirks at Regina. "Well, luckily her room is the other end of the hallway," Regina smiles. "That's just what I was thinking," he smiles and kisses her, giving her a proper welcome home. 

Killian and Regina enjoy their reunion that night, passionately making love. With the time now moving in Storybrooke, things will change moving forward. Emma settles into the comfortable room, the most beautiful she's stayed her whole life. 

In the morning, Emma comes down the stairs late in the morning, Regina and Killian are in the kitchen. "Ah, morning, we have company," Regina smiles and gently pushes Killian's hand off her hip, as the pair were sharing a kiss. "Sorry lass, we're still in the newlywed stage," Killian smiles. "It's ok," Emma smiles. "Did you sleep ok?" Regina asks, "Yes, best sleep I've ever had," Emma said. "Well good," Regina smiles. 

"I'm off to work, ladies," Killian kisses Regina's cheek, "Bye," he says sweetly and heads off. Emma smiles, "He's a nice guy," Emma nods. "Mmm, he is," Regina nods. "Ok, so I obviously should explain myself a bit to you," Regina sits down next to Emma. 

"Oh wait," Regina rushes off quickly. She comes back holding the book. "Once upon a time?" Emma reads. "Right, what do you know about fairy tales?" Regina asks. "Well, I mean we all read them, they're fun, Knights and princes and princesses, evil villains," Emma describes. "Ok, umm anything else?" Regina asks. "I mean it's fantasy," Emma adds. "Right, but do you believe in ... anything?" Regina asks. "Is this like a religion question? You're not some nun right?" Emma cringes. 

"No, no, umm, just, here," Regina offers the book to Emma. Regina hopes that by Emma's touch, something will happen, Emma takes the book from her, and softly smiles. "Right..." Regina sighs, as nothing happens. "Well, if you would like we could go around town," Regina suggests. "Sure, now that I'm free, I may as well act it," Emma said. 

"Great, we'll take it easy of course, given your condition," Regina said. "Right, I feel fine though," Emma said. "Ok, great, umm, I can take you to the Sheriff Station, and around town," Regina said. "Are  you related to me at all?" Emma asks. "Well, I am, in a way," Regina nods admittedly. "I thought so," Emma said quirking her left side of her face, "What?" Regina asks, "Just, I don't know, something, about you," Emma said. "What?" Regina asks, "Like I know you, It's weird right? I'll go get ready," Emma said. 

Regina nods, and thinks to herself, she plans to introduce Emma specifically to the parents that she hasn't seen in 18 years, the parents that don't remember even having her at all. She hopes it will help. 

Emma gets ready and heads out with Regina, Regina escorts her through town. "Oh, I have a craving for hot cocoa," Emma says. "Oh, umm ok," Regina chuckles a bit. Just looking at Emma's expecting bump makes her long for a child even more. Emma is roughly 15 years younger than Regina, and Regina feels a sense of responsibility for her, which indeed she is responsible for her life so far. 

They enter Granny's, "Oh, sorry," Mary Margaret happens to bump into them, "Oh it's fine," Regina smiles, "Mary Margaret, this is... Emma..." Regina says, waiting for something to happen. "Emma..." Mary Margaret smiles. 

A/N-- yeah i'm letting you soak that moment up ;) hahaha 

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