Chapter 30 Happy

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"One, two, three, four, five, six," a small voice counted, her hands pressed over her eyes, sitting on the steps of the house. Regina enters the house, "Mommy!" the little brunette girl squeals, and runs to her arms. Regina scoops her up, with a bright smile. "Well Hi," she says. "Pretty sure that means I wasn't going to be looked for?" Killian smiles, coming down the stairs. 

"I would have found you Daddy," Molly smiles with a cheeky grin at him, "Mmm, well when your mother comes home, you typically forget that you're playing a game, which, I don't blame you, I like mummy too," He smiles and kisses Regina. "Yuck," Molly scrunches up her nose. 

"Yuck," Killian mocks playfully. "When is Henry coming to play with me?" Molly asks. "Well, I'm sure soon," Regina said. "Aye, Daddy took the night off," Killian said. "Well that's nice," Regina smiles. "Yeah well, little family time, doesn't hurt," He smiles. "I sail," Molly said. "Tomorrow honey, not tonight," Killian said. 

"Well, 5 year old, happy and healthy, like family with Snow White, and her daughter you cursed," Killian smiles. "Trying to make me feel bad?" Regina asks. "No, trying to show you that villains indeed got a happy ending," He smiles. "Well, with a lot of work, and changing, I guess I really had what I wanted, right in front of me," She smiles up at him. "Well, had you gone in that tavern, our lives would have possibly been better, a lot sooner," Killian smiles. "Yeah, but what fun would that be? This was an adventure," She smiles. 

"Mmm true, and I do like an adventure," He smiles. The doorbell rings, "Mommy! Henry!!" Molly opens the door, excited as can be, and a somewhat same sized Henry, about an inch over Molly, came inside. "Hi Everyone," Regina smiles, as Emma, Mary Margaret and David, all enter with Neal as well. 

"Come, play," Molly says cutely. "Well I made Tacos, I don't know if they go with lasagna," Emma sighs. "It works," Regina smiles. "The kids will eat anything," Regina said. "Is the dark father joining us?" Killian asks, "Still have a grudge?" Neal asks, "Do you at me?" Killian asks, "Not really," Neal shakes his head. "I think Gold and Killian have a more complicated relationship," Regina said. 

"Indeed," Gold limps into the room, "Ah, right," Killian sighs. Belle smiles at everyone, "Well, we have news though," She smiles. "Congratulations," Mary Margaret says first, "What?" Belle smiles with a laugh, "You're simply glowing," Mary Margaret adds. "How does she do that?" Killian whispers to David, "It's a gift," David shakes his head. 

"Mommy!" Henry comes running into the kitchen desperately. "What's wrong?" Emma asks. "Molly, her hands!!" Henry yells. Killian and Regina sprint to find where she is, "Molly?" Regina asks anxiously, "Mommy!!" Molly cries, her hand is lighting up. "Ah, well, that's interesting," Gold said. "What?" Killian asks, as Molly cuddles into Regina's arms in fear. "She's got light magic, the product of true love," Gold said. 

"So she's like Emma? She has magic?" Regina asks. "Yes, don't be afraid child, you have the good kind," Gold said. "Mommy," Molly looks at her, showing her her tiny hand. Killian takes it and kisses it gently, "It's just because you were made from love," Killian says. "How?" Molly asks. "Oh... k...ummm, well.. "Killian sighs. He clears his throat, "I'm not upset I missed this talk with Emma," David jokes. 

"Regina?" Killian asks. "Umm who's hungry?" Regina smiles. "Why can't I know?" Molly asks, "I really would love an apple right now," Regina says. The group laughs. They share a nice long dinner with everyone together. Never did the group imagine that heroes and villains, would be sitting together at one table, with happy children and a positive future, and happy endings. 

The evening came to a close. "And the Fairest of them all, The Queen, learned to love. Not only did she learn to love others, but she learned to love herself. She saw that she could be that girl, the girl who was meant to go into the tavern and meet the man that would later become her true love. She was no longer the Evil Queen, she was just A Queen, and her little princess would be the thing she loves most," Regina smiles hovering over Molly as she's tucking her into bed. 

Killian comes to Regina, smiling down at the small child in the bed, "Daddy, sailing tomorrow?" Molly asks sweetly, "Aye, little Captain," He smiles. "Captain Princess!" Molly smiles. "Ok, Captain Princess," Killian lowers to kiss her head, and they leave the room. 

"I like that story," Killian smiles, "Me too, it has a happy ending," Regina said. "Mmm, so, our little magical child could pose a problem don't you think?" Killian asks. "How so?" Regina asks, "Well she's got our tempers love, her tantrums are quite challenging," He said. "Well her magic is light magic, so I think we can handle that," Regina said. "How about you put that magic of yours to use?" He smiles, with his eyebrows dancing up on his head. 

She laughs, and kisses him, "No, you unbutton everything, you have two hands," she smiles. He smirks at her in the dim moonlight of their room, as his mouth comes over hers, she gently falls onto their plush bed. 

"Mommy! Daddy!!" the sound of a their hyper morning alarm comes jumping down the hallway, suddenly their door is open, and the quick child has popped up on their bed. "How did you do that?" Regina asks, "I don't know, I just opened the door," Molly shrugs. "See? This magic could be a problem," Killian jokes as the small child comes to his lap and hugs him. 

"Daddy, sailors get up early," Molly smiles. "Ah, you are indeed correct my little Captain," Killian smiles, and carries his daughter downstairs. "Ok ok, hold on, stop jumping," Regina says, buttoning Molly's little coat on her. "She'll be ok Regina, it's not too cold," Killian said. "Ok, ok, let's go," Regina says. 

Walking to the docks, Molly holds the hands of her parents in between them, "Again!!" Molly laughs, and the pair swing her off the ground between them as she giggles. "Daddy we should name it the Molly Roger!!" Molly smiles up at him, "Mmm sounds very tough for a pirate ship," he laughs. "I like it," Molly smiles. "Of course you do," he laughs. 

"Ready loves?" He asks. "Yes," Molly smiles, "Let's sail away Captain," Regina smiles. "As you wish, my royal ladies." He says. 

The End 

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