Chapter 28 Father

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"He's your son?" Regina gapes at him, "How is that possible?" Killian asks, "Well much like several of you here, I don't look my age," Pan boasts. "You have no reason to keep Wendy, you're not going to get my son," Neal said. "Well, we'll see about that, I need him," Pan said. "For what?" Regina snaps. 

"Magic, of course, that boy is going to grow and have the ability to believe like no one else," Pan said. "And?" Regina asks, "Means he will be important to me, I've been waiting for him since even before you were a boy, Baelfire," Pan said. "Well you're not going to get him," Neal snaps. "Is that so?" Pan asks. "Where's the girl?" Rumple asks. "What would you care?" Pan asks. 

"I care, she was a family for me," Neal said. Rumple looks at him, "When I fell through the portal, I landed in London, with the Darling family, they took care of me," Neal said. "I see, that's why," Rumple sighs. "Isn't that sweet? And then Wendy left, going after you," Pan said. "What?" Neal asks. "It's true, she didn't want you to not have a family," Jon said. "It's quite sweet," Pan smiles, wickedly. 

"Ok, well I'm making it up to her, and you're going to give her to us," Neal said. "Oh well, you can find her and see if she wants to go with you," Pan said. "Why wouldn't she?" Michael asks. "Well, Wendy has been here a long time," Pan said. "Doesn't mean she would stay rather than be with us," Jon snapped. "Enough of this," Rumple snapped, suddenly producing a box, Pan looked at it, hinting a glimmer of fear. 

"Oh yes, you're going away," Rumple opens it, and the last expression on Pan's face is shock as he's sucked into the box. "What is that?" Neal asks, "That is Pandora's box," He says. "So you had that the whole time?" Regina asks, "Thought we may need it, now, we find the girl, still want to do this without me?" Rumple asks. 

"Well we have the lost boys to worry about, and we need to find Wendy," Neal said. "We can find her a lot easier without him in the way," Killian said. "What about getting out of here? You can only leave if he allows," Tink said. "I can handle that, the shadow," Neal said. "Didn't I teach you to navigate the stars?" Killian asks. "Yeah but I can't fly, we can fly the ship," Neal said. 

"Ok, Shadow, you and Hook go find that, and we'll go find Wendy," Regina said. "All do respect my expecting Queen, I don't want to part from you," Killian said. "I can handle some smug teens, and He's coming with me, so you two don't kill each other," Regina said, looking at Rumple. "I don't want to just part with you, given your condition," Killian said. "Ok well Papa Pirate, I can handle it, you have a shadow to collect," Regina said. 

"Be careful," Killian says softly, "I will, you too," Regina smiles. The others look away, Gold of course rolling his eyes at their soft moment, "Ok, could we?" he interrupts. "And I'm warning you crocodile, to be careful with my wife," Killian said. "Why would I harm her?" Gold asks. "I don't know, but I don't want to risk it," Killian said. "I can handle him," Regina assures and heads off. 

"Where are we going?" Killian asks, "Dark hollow," Neal said. "That sounds pleasant," Killian sighs. "Come on," Neal heads off, "After you," Killian smiles at Tink, she rolls her eyes at him and heads off. "Where are we going? Dark hollow is that way," Tink said. "Right, I need to get something," Neal said and they get to the outside of a cave. "Ah, haven't seen this in a long time," Killian sighed. "Yeah, well I needed a place to hide after I left your ship," Neal said. He headed inside and retrieved a coconut, "What is that for?" Killian asks. "Light it, trap the shadow," Neal smiles. "Resourceful," Killian nods. 

A little while passes by, and the group reconvenes at Tinks. "Wendy?" Neal asks, noticing the blonde with her nightgown, the same from all those years ago. "It's Baelfire," Neal adds as she looks at him. "Bae? You've grown up," She smiles, and gives him a hug. 

"Well, we've retrieved what we came for, let's get out of here," Rumple said. "You're just going to take that box with us to Storybrooke?" Regina asks, "He can't get out," Rumple defends. "And the shadow we plan to attach to the ship?" Regina asks, "Cannot be controlled by anyone but Pan himself," Rumple said. "Even you?" Neal asks. "Bae, I have no reason to deal with him, in any form," Rumple said. 

"Ready Regina?" Neal asks, she nods and warms up her hands. Neal releases the shadow, and her magic pulls it forcefully to the mast of the ship. While their journey to Neverland was a matter of possibly a week, the timeline of magic changed that, and it had really been quite a while, since they left Storybrooke. The group would discover just how long it was, upon their return. 

Their journey home, the ship sails through the protective barrier, and lands in the Storybrooke bay. The town rushes to them, and slowly the passengers leave the Jolly Roger. "Henry?" Neal asks, and Henry is a bouncing 6 month old, "How is that possible?" Neal asks. 

"We've been gone 6 months?" Regina asks, "Yes," Mary Margaret nods. "Neverland timeline," Gold said, as Belle hugged to his side. "Well, you're home now," Emma said. "Has he smiled? Driven? Have a favorite liquor?" Neal asks. Emma laughs, "That should be rum," Killian smiles. 

"Happy to be home?" Killian asks Regina as she changes for bedtime. "Yes, now we have to prepare for this little one," Regina said. "Mmm," he smiles, and Regina gently leans against him, as he sits on the bed. Gently, Killian puts his hand over her stomach, and kisses her softly, as she holds his face. 

In the night, Regina jolts awake feeling something like bubbles in her stomach. She gasps, and sees that the time, has caught up to her baby. She now displays an 8th month term pregnancy. The baby kicked, she sighed as she touched it gently, looking down, "Killian?" she shakes him awake. 

"What's wrong?" He asks, then notices, as he turns on the light, "Bloody hell, are you ok?" He asks. "Yes, I'm fine, just, the Neverland timeline must have affected the baby, it won't be long now," Regina's eyes display worry. "Well we waited long enough," he smiles. "We'll check with Gold tomorrow and go see Whale," he said. Regina nods, "we're going to be a family," she wells up, "Aye, we are," he smiles. 

A/N-- Yeah I needed that little twist so we could have some HQ baby fluff ;) And in the real Peter Pan story that's what the time is like in Neverland, being there hours is actually days. 

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