Chapter 20 Hook

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Another week later.... 

"Hey," Neal comes up to Emma in Granny's, "Everyone just hangs out here," Emma says. "Yeah, thought I would find you here getting a cocoa," Neal said. "Yeah some things don't change, and this kid definitely wants it," Emma said. They go outside for a bit, "So Emma, you know when I'm telling the truth, right?" Neal asks. "I think my superpower still works," Emma smiles. "Ok, I left you, because Pinocchio told me to," Neal says. Emma stares at him, "What?" Emma asks. "Everyone in this town, is a fairy tale, your parents.." Neal began. "Gave me away," Emma snaps. "They are Prince Charming and Snow White, they're here," Neal said. "What? Are you insane? You're telling me you left me and let me go to jail because a wooden puppet told you to?" Emma gapes at him.

"It's true, and you said so yourself that this town is magical and like a story book, admit it, when you look at that book you see some familiar faces," Neal said. Emma shakes her head thinking, and looking him right in the eye, "Who are my parents?" Emma asks. "David and Mary Margaret," Neal said. "They're the same age as me," Emma scoffs. 

"That's because the town was frozen in time until you showed up, that's why the clock moved," Neal said. "You're the savior Emma, you're here to break the curse that the Evil queen cast," Neal said. "And who is that?" Emma asks frustrated, "Regina." Neal nods. Emma looks at him extremely confused, "What? She's the Evil Queen? the one that poisoned Snow White?" Emma asks. "Yes, but obviously she's changed," Neal said. "You are insane, absolutely insane," Emma scoffs at him. 

"Love? Regina?" Killian enters Regina's office looking for her. She calls him, "Ah, hello," he answers, "Sorry I'm late, I'm on my way," Regina said. "Ok, take your time, see you soon," Killian walks around her office and sits down at her desk, taking an apple and biting into it. 

He notices the drawer is slightly opened, and looks inside. He spots his eyes on a black leather box. He's never seen it before, and takes it out. "Curious," he says to himself, and opens it. Inside it, is the shining hook, once upon is left hand. He furrows his brows and takes out the hook from the soft red velvet that surrounds it. 

"Sorry I'm late.." Regina comes shuffling around the corner. She freezes in her tracks, and stares at him, he's holding the hook up in his right hand. Part of her wants him to realize who he is, but the other part of her is terrified of his reaction. She has so many things to tell him, and talk to him about. 

"What's this?" He raises his brow, "Umm, that's a hook," Regina nods, "Well obviously, just, seems like it's something special to you, encased in red velvet and leather," he said. "Umm it belonged to a very important man in my life," Regina said. "Your father?" He asks, "Something like that," she shifts uncomfortably. "Regina, are you ok?" He asks. "You've been a little tired, you feeling okay?" he asks. "Yes I'm ok," Regina nods. 

"And I suppose I shouldn't worry about this?" He holds up the hook, Regina wishes it was in place of the fake hand he has, "What do you think when you look at that?" Regina asks. "Well it looks like the bloke in the book, with the Hook, what's his name?" He asks. "Captain Hook," Regina nods. "Right, looks just like his," He said. "Does it make you think of anything else? Anything at all? "Regina asks. 

Killian places the hook back in the velvet and looks at her, "Sweetheart, are you sure you're ok?" He asks. "I am," she sighs. "Why do I feel like there's more?" He asks. "I just, if I had to tell you something, what if I was afraid?" She asks. "You can tell me anything, love," he says warmly. "What if it's something that I hid from you?" Regina asks. "Well, I'm pretty sure it's not another man right?" he asks. "No no no, of course not," Regina shakes her head quickly. 

"Ok, well, then, I'm pretty sure whatever it is, I could handle it," He said. The pair are interrupted by his phone ringing, "Uhh, hello Lacey, yeah, ok," he speaks concerned, "bloody hell, sounds like some people are a little rowdy at the pub, she tried to call Gold..." he shakes his head. "Ok, go, it's ok," Regina nods. "Are you sure?" He gently touches her cheek, "Yes, I'm fine, we'll talk tonight," she smiles. He kisses her softly and turns to walk away.

"Killian..." she pleads, he turns, "Regina, just know, that anything you've done, it won't ever change my feelings for you," He said. He turns again with a wink and heads out of her office. 

Emma shows up, "Hi," she waves, and looks around Regina's office, she notices it's like being in a forest. "Miss Swan," Regina nods. "Oh, can I have one of these?" Emma asks, pointing at the apples, "Oh yes, you must be hungry, I'll go get you something," Regina offers. Emma has never had anyone look after her like Regina has the past 6 weeks, "Oh ok," Emma nods. "Just wait here, I'll be right back," Regina nods and heads off.

Emma sits down behind Regina's large desk and bites into the apple. Funny enough, she sees the leather box on the desk. Her curiosity takes over, and she opens it. She stares at the shining hook in the red velvet. She thinks for a moment, and remembers that Killian doesn't have a left hand. She's been told and read stories of Peter Pan, and the villain Captain Hook, who lost his hand to a crocodile. 

She shuts it, and just thinks about it. In her head she was picturing the couple, holding the baby, with her matching blanket. How the couple resembled David and Mary Margaret. She remembered she did see a page with Captain Hook, and he had a slight resemblance to Killian. Regina, she thought more about her, and the fact she had apples, and trees, it was like she was the Queen. Regina certainly didn't seem evil to Emma at all. She wasn't sure what she was thinking. She blamed her own pregnancy hormones. 

However, things in her mind didn't make sense. Neal wasn't lying, she could tell, but at the same time, what he was saying sounded insane. How could everyone in fairy tales be real? It would explain why so much of her life didn't make sense. She thought about all the images in the town, the clock, the man with the umbrella walking the dalmatian, Granny, so many things and images that appeared in stories. The blanket, her blanket she had her whole life, matched the story book, and the people holding the infant in it, were uncanny to David and Mary Margaret. 

She muddled the thoughts in her head, her baby on the way was actively moving around. "What do you think?" she asks out loud, and the baby softly kicks her. 

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