Chapter 6 Hope

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Mary Margaret has no idea where this book came from. It just seemed to appear, as if by Magic. Regina's conversation with Mary Margaret had actually enabled the book to appear there. While the town was still without magic, it was still based on magic, and had the ability to do remarkable things, if people would believe. 

Regina sipped a glass of wine in her home, and caught herself in the mirror. She stared at it, getting angry, and upset, given she still wasn't making much progress with Killian. Too much time had passed, and she was growing more and more disappointed. She looked in the mirror and she saw her evil self looking back her. 

The Evil Queen smiled at her, she was imagining it, "I will get my happy ending, and I won't do it your way!!" She yelled at her dark side, and threw the wine glass, smashing it to bits, along with the mirror. 

She's interrupted, "Regina! Are you ok!?" She hears Killian rushing inside. "Wha-- I.. what are you doing here?" She's caught off guard completely. He stares at her concerned, "Are you alright? I heard the glass breaking," he says. "Oh, I'm ... fine...." she forces herself to say, she's completely out of sorts and stares at him. His eyes are warm and kind, "You sure? You seem vexed," He says. 

"Nothing you did," Regina said. "Well I would hope not, then again at the pub I am good at dodging flying glasses," He jokes. She smiles, and looks at him, "What did you need?" Regina asks, "Well I had just thought you know we did the coffee thing, the lunch thing... I thought ...." He trails off, and touches his hair with his good hand.

Regina is realizing he does this when he's nervous, she smiles, "Dinner?" She finishes the sentence for him. "Uhh yeah, that," He says. "I would love to have dinner with you," she says. "Great, I umm just have to get Lacey to cover for me that night," He said. Regina clenches her teeth hearing the bookworm's alternate name, but forces a smile on the outside. "I'm sure she can handle the crowd for a bit," Regina said. 

"Great, well, ummm just let me know," Regina smiles, "Great, umm do you want some help cleaning this up?" he asks, "No no, I've got that," Regina smiles again, and he flashes a sweet grin and heads off. 

"Hey," Killian passes David on the way to work, "Hey, so, I've got a dinner with the Mayor," Killian boasts, "Really? Well it's about time," David said. "Yeah, well it took me a bit to get comfortable, not all of us have your chiseled looks, and are naturally charming," Killian said. "You should be careful though," David said. "What?" Killian is confused, "With her, she seems.... I don't know," David shrugs. "Seems what?" Killian asks, "Well you ever hear that saying that evil doesn't always look evil?" David asks. Killian stares at him a minute, "You think the woman is evil?" Killian asks, "Well, no, I'm just saying, she's powerful," David said.

"You're the one frankly who encouraged me that I was good enough to go out with the woman," Killian said. "I know that, I'm not changing my mind, I'm just saying what I thought," David said. "Ok, well, don't," Killian snaps, which is rare. 

Regina enters Granny's midday once again around lunch time, "Kale salad," she tells Granny, who gives her a nod to get it. She spots Mary Margaret, and heads towards her. She seems to be reading. She stares at the book though, that she spots in front of the former Snow White, "What.. is that?" Regina asks awkwardly. 

"Oh, Madam Mayor," Mary Margaret smiles up at her, "I'm not sure actually, I didn't know I had it," Mary Margaret said, "You had it?" Regina asks, trying not to look too concerned. "Yes, it somehow appeared in my closet after our talk the other day," Mary Margaret says. "Ah, I see, what is it?" Regina asks. 

"It's fairy tales," Mary Margaret smiles, "You know, just going through this book, I feel..." she sighs. Regina watches her closely, "A sense of hope," Mary Margaret said. Regina nods to her, "You know fairy tales are a reminder that things will get better,  if we just hold onto hope," She said. Regina sighs, and she once again sees that young Snow in front of her, full of life and hope and trust. 

Regina remembers the moment she let all of that kindness in herself go, when she lost her first love. Here she was though, feeling those feelings again, but for another man, Killian. They had made progress, but not fast enough for Regina, she looks at the book as Mary Margaret flips through the pages, and lands on the moment of Prince Charming waking up Snow White with true love's kiss. 

Regina thinks about it, "True love's kiss can break any curse," Regina said, "What?" Mary Margaret asked. Regina shakes her head, realizing she said that out loud and hadn't meant to. "Umm, true love's kiss," Regina says. "Umm I'll be going now," Regina stands up. Mary Margaret watches as she leaves, and continues to go through the book, "Emma..." She reads the infant's blanket appearing on the page. 

"Emma..." a voice says behind her, Mary Margaret turns to see, Mr. Gold. "Emma," he repeats. She looks at him, "What a lovely name," he said. Mary Margaret isn't sure why he seems overly pleased to hear this name. 

Regina rushes to Killian at the pub, he's supposed to be getting ready to open. Regina pokes around the window, and looks inside. She sees him stacking some glasses behind the bar. Before she knocks on the glass, to get his attention, she spots Lacey. 

Inside, "You know you should be possibly giving me a raise or something to cover for you, where are you going?" Lacey asks, "Umm, just need a nice night off," he said, not wanting to really give anyone details about him going to see Regina for a dinner date. 

Lacey twirls her fingers, and goes up to Killian, Regina watches, horrified, as Lacey kisses him. Regina gasps and places her hand on her stomach. She doesn't notice that Killian gently pushes Lacey away, "What are you doing?" He asks. "I thought you have wanted that," Lacey shrugs. 

"I..." he starts, then notices out the window, before she rushes off. "Regina?" Killian moves from behind the bar to head after her. 

A/N-- normally I'm down with Captain Beauty too, BUT no way, not in this one!! Things are getting interesting now!! 

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