Chapter 8 Kiss

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"So you're telling me that true love's kiss, even if we are true love, won't break this?" Regina asks. "Correct," Gold nods at the counter of his shop. "Well, what about Snow and Charming?" Regina asks, "THAT, is something possible to help, for sure, but you'll have to return the Prince's heart," he said. "Of course, I have a plan for that," Regina smiles. 

That night, Regina met Killian as planned for their dinner date. "Evening," He smiles. She can smell his soft cologne on him, and wore a blue fitted dress, "You look... absolutely stunning," he said. "Thank you," Regina smiles nervously, and tucks a loose piece of hair behind her ear. "Where are you taking me?" Regina asks, "Mmm, just follow along, I expect like most women, you want to be treated like a Princess," he smiles. "A Queen," Regina smiles, "Even better," he winks and offers his arm. 

He escorts Regina to a nice restaurant in town, gently he pulls the chair out for her. She sits, and smiles, she feels her excitement growing, just being out with him. He sits across from her. "So," he sighs. "So," She smiles. "You seem, a bit different than when we first met," Killian says. "Do I?" Regina asks.

Killian cannot actually remember when they met, as it's been over a year since the curse was cast. However, he's seen some changes in Regina over the course of time. "What changes?" Regina asks. "You seem a little more open, wanting to know people, and socializing," Killian said. Regina nods, he's indeed correct, she smiles at the idea of him paying such close attention to her. 

There was a draw to her, Killian was drawn to her, he never knew why, and never had the confidence in this world to make that move. Regina's laugh echoes in front of him, he stares at the shape of her eyes as she breathes with the laugh and shakes her head. He chuckles out loud, feeling more freeing inside himself. 

While the couple had not proven true love's kiss in the Enchanted Forest, there was a chance they would be true love. Regina knew that it wouldn't break her curse, but she desperately wanted it to at least have Killian remember her or even himself. The pair shared a relaxing dinner for the evening. They head outside, and Killian smoothly places his jacket over Regina's shoulders. 

"Thank you," She smiles, and he shyly and slowly laces his hand in hers to walk. "This town is peaceful," Killian says. "Mmm," she nods. "Sometimes I wonder if there's people out there doing this exact thing, right now, in another world," he said. Regina stares at him, "Maybe they are," Regina says. "Clearly there's so much world out there, to explore, travel," he said. 

She senses his Captain personality coming through, "What kind of travel?" She asks. "Mmm, perhaps travel by the sea, sail around, discover lands. To live would be an awfully big adventure," he smiles. "Suppose that's not the way to raise a family," he says. "Why not?" Regina asks, "True, kids like boats right?" He asks. She laughs again, the Captain is in him, they arrive at her house, "Thank you, Killian," She says. 

"Uhh, I....feel I should, I .. want to.." he stutters. She looks at his lips, and she can't help it, she tugs his collar and kisses him, hard. "Mmmm," he kisses back right away, placing his hand and fake one, around her back, holding his own jacket pressing her body to his. She breathes, feeling his kiss. They part lips, "Uhh," he shakes his head. 

"Did you feel anything?" She asks, "Well.. I am a man," he raises his eyebrows, "" she shakes her head, "Not that," she laughs. "But that's.. good.." She quickly corrects herself. He laughs softly, "Ummm," she has no idea what to say. "What did you mean then?" He asks, "Just it felt right," She said. "Indeed," he softly touches her cheek, and keeps his eyes locked on hers and gently guides her mouth to his again. 

Her heels give her a little height, but not tall enough to him without going up gently on her toes to kiss him again. "You should go, or I'm going to take you in there," Regina says. "Well I don't do that on the first date," He winks. "Right, Ok, Umm Goodnight Killian," She smiles, and he gently takes his coat off her, and she slowly goes in the house. He smiles as he watches her shut the door, and lets out a deep sigh, as he heads off towards home. 

The next day 

Regina finds her mother's magic book, she sits and thinks about it. She knows that she can put David's heart back, with just a simple potion she has in her vault. She simply has to enchant her hand with the potion to put the heart back inside him. She's sitting and has summoned him, and doesn't expect him to come bursting through the front door. 

She jolts around, "What on earth?" She snaps and stands up, "I don't know why I get called by you like this," he's aggravated. "Well, I just needed something, I need that light bulb fixed," Regina points. "Can't you ask Killian for this?" David asks, "We went out last night, I just wanted you to fix it," Regina defends. 

David climbs up on the three step ladder and begins to fix the light bulb. Regina secretly, gets his heart from the drawer, and holds it in the hand she poured potion on. He's not too high up, and Regina kicks the ladder a bit. "Woah!" it causes him to fall, she presses his heart back into his chest quickly as he hops quickly to his feet. 

She stares at him, with her hand still on his chest. "Sorry, you ok?" She asks, "I'm fine," David breathes, and a calmness came over him, with his heart now back inside. At this moment, Killian is outside, and sees Regina's hand on David's chest. He sighs, and looks at the flowers in his hand, and heads off, discouraged. 

A/N-- I love Jealous Killian.. haha 

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