Chapter 4 Change

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Regina gets up the next day and shuffles around her large house. She attempts to pick an outfit. "Why am I worrying about this so much?" she asks herself out loud, looking into her mirror. The mirror doesn't respond, "You really should be talking to me dammit," Regina snaps at it. "It's fine, I know how to win him, I won him before, though that was when all I had to do was smile at him to get him to do what I wanted," Regina sighed to herself. 

She settles on a skirt suit and heads to Granny's. She's early, and sits at the counter. "What can I get you Mayor?" Granny asks, "Umm nothing yet, I'm waiting for someone," Regina softly smiles at her. "A Man?" Granny asks, "Not that it's your business, but yes," Regina nods. 

David enters, "Ah morning, the regular," Granny hands him coffee and a bag with a pastry. "Morning, Mayor," David nods to Regina, "Morning," she says through her small smile, and sees Killian coming towards Granny's. "Umm, can you just... save this spot please?" Regina asks, and nervously rushes out back. David looks at her confused, but nods anyway, "Sure.." as Regina rushes away. 

Killian comes in and pats David's shoulder, "Morning," Killian sits down at the counter, and looks around a bit, "Meeting someone?" David asks, "Uhh yeah actually, the Mayor," Killian said. "In trouble? Should I cuff you?" David asks, "Pretty sure it's more of a personal meeting thanks," Killian smiles. "Ah, that makes sense," David said. "What does?" Killian asks.

"Well she's been acting interesting, different, she wanted me to hang a mirror, then decided she wanted you to do it," David said. "Meaning what?" Killian asks, "She likes you, I mean come on, it's obvious isn't it?" David asks. Killian sighs, and blushes a bit, looking down at his hands. 

Regina peeks around the corner, "Well, I mean that's great, but..." he sighs. Regina furrows her eyes listening to them. "What's wrong?" David asks. "Well I mean, she's pretty refined for me don't you think?" Killian asks. "What do you mean? You think you're not good enough? "David asks. "Well I mean I don't bloody know, I mean I'm just some pub owner who pours drinks and listens to the woes of every sad love story of everyone that comes in," Killian said. 

"So you're saying you're jaded basically," David said. "Well I mean everyone's love stories seem to have this sad ending, there's no happy endings it seems for anyone," Killian explains. "Well that's a morbid way of viewing it," David said. "I don't see you dating anyone," Killian said. Coincidentally, "Good morning, Granny," Mary Margaret comes in smiling, "Guess I'll head to work," David heads out. 

Mary Margaret leans on the counter waiting for a to go order, "Killian," She smiles. "Mary Margaret," Killian nods. "You know just because you don't think you can have a happy ending, doesn't mean it's true," she says cheerfully. He raises a brow at her, "Everyone deserves their happy ending," Mary Margaret says. Regina breathes angrily, and walks out from around the corner, "Sorry, I'm late," She smiles. Killian and Mary Margaret both look at her together. "Morning," Killian smiles softly.

Regina shifts herself onto the bar stool, "Bye you two," Mary Margaret says heading out. "Morning madam Mayor," Killian said. "You can call me Regina," she smiles. "AH, ok, Regina," Killian says. She misses the way the Captain Hook version of him would say her name in the other world. 

Flashback -- Before the curse 

"Your Majesty," Hook bows softly, "Stop that," she scolds playfully. "You know you like that," He said. "Yes well, you like being called Captain too," she smiles. "Mm, yes, what is your plan for today?" He asks. "Normal things, telling people what to do," she says. "How about change that plan, and come with me somewhere?" He offers. "Where?" She asks. "You'll have to trust me to see," he smiles. "I do trust you, you know that," Regina said. He grins at her, slowly welcoming her for a kiss, she tugs gently on his shirt as he moves towards her. "What is it about us?" he asks, "I think it's our need to get revenge," Regina said. "Yes, I think there's more to us than that, don't you?" he asks. 

Present day 

Regina smiles remembering that she failed more than once to properly address her feelings to Killian in the other world. Here she was with her own curse, blocking this man from feeling anything for her or anyone else. She still would make effort, perhaps a kiss would break this curse. 

"What was Mary Margaret talking about?" Regina asks, not like she really has interest in knowing. "Well she was simply talking about Happy endings, and how everyone deserves their own," He said. "And do you believe that?" Regina asks, "Well, I suppose so, but not sure how I can get mine, given I don't really know what it could be," Killian said. "Why not?" Regina asks, "Well, I mean I figure, I would like to be in love, possibly start a family," He said. 

Regina sighs, he's quite dreamy talking in this way, she's never seen him like this. While she misses a part of his other self, she's almost becoming smitten with this version of him. "What about you? A Happy ending for yourself, what would that look like?" He asks. 

She stares at the structure of his face, the shape his eyebrow takes as he listens to her, "Well, I do have a large house, seems suitable for a family," Regina said. "You could fill it up with little tots running around," he smiles. Regina never thought herself capable of being a mother, given the example she grew up with, but Killian just talking about the idea of children as part of a happy ending, was striking a feeling deep within her. 

"Perhaps people just all have a different way of getting their happy ending," Regina said. "I suppose, everyone has to do what works for them," Killian said. "Do you believe that people can be evil to obtain their happiness?" Regina asks. "Well I suppose some people have vengeance and bitter hearts, darkness, if you will. If everyone has dark and light, they need to balance that," Killian says. "And what do you think of people who are Evil?" Regina asks, "Well I suppose something must have happened in their life to make them that way," Killian said. 

"So you believe that Evil isn't born," Regina nods, "Correct, it's made," Killian nods. 

A/N-- Yes Regina CAN have kids in this one, I refuse to write what Adam did making her infertile. 

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