Chapter 23 Talk

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"Ah, that's much better," Killian smiles, reattaching the hook to his left hand. "Come on love, they're probably waiting, hopefully I can hold the baby with this, I have one good hand, luckily they start small," he smiles. 

"I don't know why I'm letting you talk me into this," Regina sighed and put her coat on, with Killian's help. "Because, we should announce our news, and Emma is introducing the baby to everyone," Killian said. "They're all going to hate me," Regina said. "And I'll give them my left hook," He winks. "Why are you so calm about it?" Regina asks. "Well I didn't curse them," Killian teases. 

"Funny," Regina sighs again, "Regina, come on, Emma, Mary Margaret and even David want you there, they've found peace and forgiveness for you, clearly," Killian said. "And you?" Regina asks. "Regina, I'm still here," he smiles, "We're going to have a baby," He smiles. "I know," she smiles, "I can't believe it, after all this time," Regina said. "You had to count the days until I woke up right?" He asks. "Yes, I know exactly how long it's been," She said. "Ok, well, it's over now," He smiles warmly. 

"The curse changed you," Regina said. "Yeah, well I am still changed from it I think, though, I suddenly feel the urge to get on the sea," He smiles. "We should, when I'm not... queasy," Regina sighs. "Right," he chuckles, "How are you feeling?" He asks. "I'm ok, let's ... go," She says slowly and heads out with him.

Everyone is inside Granny's, Emma is gently holding the baby, as the others are gathered around her. "He's so beautiful," Mary Margaret says, "Just like you," David kisses Emma's head again. The bell to Granny's opens, and Regina comes in, holding a casserole, "Sorry I'm late.." She said. Everyone silently looks at her, and Killian comes behind her. 

Killian puts his arm around her for support, "Hi, umm I should say something, honey," Regina hands Killian the casserole. "I'm sorry..." Regina looks around the room at everyone. They listen attentively, "I know you can't just believe me, but I have changed, and I wanted to break this curse for a long time, and I was only able to, with Emma," Regina said. Emma smiles softly, as Henry coos in her arms.

"And, Regina, and I .." Killian comes next to her, "Have an announcement," he smiles. The group waits patiently, "We're having a baby," Regina says. Emma stands and holds baby Henry, going to Regina, "Congratulations," She smiles. "Thank you," Regina nods. "Can you hold him with one hand?" Emma offers the baby to Killian, "Sure..." he slowly allows Emma to put Henry in his arm, "hey mate," he smiles at him. 

"I think we should eat and be together," Emma said. Mary Margaret smiles proudly at Emma's initiative to welcome Regina. "I made Lasagna," Regina said. "My own special recipe," she adds. "What's the secret ingredient? Poison?" Leroy asks. "Red pepper flakes, gives it some kick," Regina says. "Leroy," Mary Margaret scolds a bit. "No, it's fine," Regina says. 

"He's a handsome lad," Killian is quite taken with the little boy in his arm, "Yeah, so you're next," Neal said. "Yeah well I am 300, so it's about bloody time right?" He asks. "You know we should talk about what happened," Killian said. "About you giving me to Pan?" Neal asks. "Aye, being selfish and doing that and trying to kill your father," Killian said. "If you hadn't given me to him, this guy wouldn't be here," Neal says looking at Henry. 

"Here," Regina places a plate and drink in front of Killian, he smiles at her, and she can't help swoon inside looking at him holding the sweet infant. "Care to share him?" Regina asks. "Sure," Killian smiles, and they transfer baby Henry to Regina's arms. "Hello Henry," Regina smiles. "Well see? Lad doesn't think you're the evil Queen," Killian said. 

"So, Emma, umm, we don't have much space, at the loft, but, we would really like if you and Henry..." David started, "If you want to," Mary Margaret interjected, "Stay with you?" Emma asks. "Yes," Mary Margaret smiles. "I think that's a good idea, I would like to get to know you, outside the story book," Emma said. 

"See? That evening was successful," Killian smiles. Regina smiles at him, and gently touches her stomach, "They'll be here soon I guess right," Regina said. "Aye, a sweet little baby, ours," He smiles. "Do you want a boy?" Regina asks. "I want either, no matter what they'll be beautiful, just like you," He said. "Maybe they'll get your accent," Regina smiles. "Mmm, cute," Killian nods. 

That evening, Mr. Gold makes his way into the forest, with the dagger. With some potions, he pours into the well, he waves the dagger over it, creating purple smoke. It lifts out of it, and into the sky. "What's that?" Killian looks out their window, "That.... is magic," Regina said. "Dangerous?" He asks. "No, it's just magic being brought back," Regina looks down at her hand, and produces a fireball, "That could get interesting given your pregnancy hormones," Killian jokes. "I won't burn you," Regina said. 

"So I'm guessing that has to be Gold doing that," Killian said. "Who else," Regina shrugs. "What of him? Where do you stand with him?" Killian asks. "Good terms, I did return his son," Regina said. "True," Killian nods. "Is vengeance inside you since the curse broke?" Regina asks. "A bit, but I wouldn't do that to Neal, not again," Killian said. "And Gold has magic now," Regina said. "Is the town safe?" Killian asks. "It should be, I don't see why the seal on it would break just because of magic," Regina said.

Unfortunately, Regina is mistaken that the town can remain hidden. With the curse over Storybrooke broken, and now magic returned, the town could possibly be open to strangers and intruders. In the dark light outside the town, near the town line, a car drives, the headlights shine on the Storybrooke sign, and enter. 

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