Chapter 21 Break

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She was home with Regina for a bit before Killian got there. "How did Killian lose his hand?" Emma asks. "Umm," Regina sighed. "He... was... born that way," Regina said. "Lying," Emma states. Regina stares at her, not sure what to say, "He's Captain Hook isn't he?" Emma asks. "What?" Regina widened her eyes.

"I've been feeling things around the town, and Neal kept wanting me to talk to him about things. David and Mary Margaret are looking at me concerned nonstop, worrying, like they're looking through me," Emma said. "And Neal told me you're the Evil Queen, who cast a curse bringing everyone here," Emma said. 

Regina sighs, and feels something, she isn't sure what to make of her feelings in this moment. She's nervous, anxious, excited, scared, and feels a slight nausea even in her stomach. "I..." Regina started. "Your mother really messed you up didn't she? "Emma asks. Regina stares at her, furrowing her brow, "We talked about that, remember?" Emma asks. "Well she just wasn't nice, and didn't really care about my happiness," Regina said. 

"I bet she wouldn't want you marrying Captain Hook either," Emma said. "Well," Regina tried to laugh a bit. Emma was so calm, Regina didn't know what to think. "You brought me here so you could break the curse? Is that because you want your happy ending?" Emma asks. Regina sighs, "No." She shakes her head. Emma looks at her, waiting for the details. "I want everyone else to have theirs, and to remember who they are," Regina said. 

Emma smiles softly at her, "Then you have changed," Emma said. "I have my happy ending with Killian, we still fell in love, and..." Regina breathes. "I think with you being here, something more happened, finally," Regina smiles softly. "Who is still under the curse?" Emma asks. "Well, Killian, and the rest of the town, only your parents, and myself and Neal, know what's going on," Regina said. "And I bet they'll all want to burn you at the stake when they wake up," Emma said. 

Regina sighs again, "I hope not..." she says. "They won't, they'll realize that you brought me here on your own to fix your mistake," Emma said. "You would defend me?" Regina asks. "You took me in, took care of me, took me out of jail," Emma said. "I also cursed you away from your parents," Regina said. "Right, there's that, but you've tried to make it up to me," Emma said. Regina softly smiles at her, and hears the door. 

Killian enters, "Evening, sorry I'm late," He says. "That's my line," Regina smiles as he softly kisses her. Emma softly nods at him, and leaves them alone, excusing herself slowly. "Umm, I meant to continue our conversation," He said. 

Regina sighs, "No wait, I need to tell you," Regina said. "Ok," Killian nods softly and looks into her eyes. "We're not who you think we are," Regina says. "What?" He asks. "We're fairy tales, I'm the Evil Queen, and you're Captain Hook," She says it with the heaviest sigh in her breath. 

He looks at her, "Darling, I don't understand what you're trying to tell me," He shakes his head. "It's true, we're here from magic, that hook, is yours, I cursed everyone. I thought I couldn't get a happy ending without taking away everyone else's, time hasn't moved for 18 years, that's why we couldn't have a child," Regina said. He shakes his head in a confused expression, " should talk to Archie, or Whale," He suggests. 

"I'm not crazy. Emma, is the daughter of Mary Margaret and David," Regina says. "Darling they're only about 14 years older," he scoffs. "That's because the curse froze us in time, Emma grew up outside this world," Regina said. "Ok, I think.. you need to rest," Killian suggests. "When Emma came into town, time started moving, when David and Mary Margaret touched her baby blanket and her, they regained their memories," Regina said. 

"Regina, love," Killian touches her face gently, "You need a doctor," He said. "Killian!! You're a Captain!! You're a pirate!!" She becomes desperate, and starts to yell at him. "Ok ok, be calm please," He says. 

Emma comes down the stairs, "Umm, I'm sorry, I think my water broke," Emma said. Killian and Regina look at her and rush to her side, "Ok let's get you to the car," Regina said. "Ok can you call?" Emma asks. "I'll call him," Regina says, "And..." Emma looks at her, "I'll call them too," Regina nods. 

Killian gently supports Emma and guides her to the car, and they head to the hospital. Regina drives. "Oh god," Emma cringes in the back at the contractions. They arrive at the hospital, and Emma is taken into the room quickly, Neal follows behind. David and Mary Margaret clutch hands, and look at each other. 

"She believes," Regina says, "What?" Mary Margaret asks, "She knows, and knows who we are," Regina said. "I was trying to tell Killian," Regina said. "Did he believe you?" Mary Margaret asks. Killian hustles up behind them, "She all set?" Killian asks, "Yeah, umm why don't you and I take a walk?" David suggests. "No he didn't," Regina sighs as the men walk away. 

"Killian, Regina is telling you the truth," David said. "Oh mate, bloody hell," Killian sighs. "Killian it's true, why would Regina lie about that?" David asks. "And you are?" Killian teases, "Prince Charming," David says. Killian rolls his eyes, "Well that actually fits with your chiseled appearance," Killian said. 

Killian and David head back to the women, Regina looks up at him warmly, he gently touches her arm. Regina gently takes Killian's hand and walks around the corner of the hallway. "See how there's no babies? Time hasn't been able to pass, until 6 weeks ago when Emma showed up," Regina said. 

Killian sighs, "I was so afraid to tell you Killian, I didn't want you to hate me, I didn't want to hurt you. Two days into the curse, I knew it was a mistake, because you didn't even remember our time together before it," Regina said. "Regina, I know you want to believe this..." Killian sighs. 

"Oh.... Hi... Hi.." Emma gently holds the baby boy, just delivered. Neal smiles looking on. "He's beautiful," Neal said. "What should we name him?" Neal asks. "Henry," Emma smiles, "I like it," Neal said. "Henry, nice to meet you, I love you..." Emma smiles, and kisses the infant's head. 

Suddenly, a light flashes, Mary Margaret holds David for balance, and Regina holds Killian, the curse is broken. 

Killian stares at her, "Your majesty," he says. 

A/N--- Lalalala!! Curse broken.... and Regina isn't done explaining, now for Killian and everyone else's reaction, AND MORE (9 chapters left) 

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