Chapter 13 Cell

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"You sure I shouldn't go with you," Killian says, as Regina packs a bag. "No no, I'll be fine, don't worry," Regina says softly. "It's just a short trip, Mayor duties, very boring, but I'll be ok, just one night," Regina says. Killian of course is unable to leave the town, given he's cursed there. Regina, being the castor is able to leave. 

"Where is it you're going again?" he asks. "Phoenix," Regina answers. "Ok, well I'll miss you," He adds. "I'll miss you too," Regina kisses him, "Don't worry, this won't be long," Regina smiles once more, and Killian carries her bag out to her car for her. He kisses her, very passionately, as she leans against the car, "Ok ok, I have to go or I'll never leave, if you do that," She smiles. "Ok ok, I love you," he opens the door, and she sits in the driver's seat. 

They kiss again through the window, and Killian hangs on, stealing one more kiss as the car starts to move. He smiles as she waves, driving away. Regina has her information on how to get to the person she needs to find. Emma, Emma Swan is her name.

Emma Swan, almost 18 years old. She sits in her damp and chilly cell. Her round belly of her expecting child, she gently rests her hand. "I guess you don't really have a good chance here," Emma says. "Miss Swan," the warden calls out, "Someone is here for you," she said. Emma furrows her brow and has no idea who could possibly come to see her. 

Emma heads out of her cell, and she sees a well dressed woman sitting there. "Miss Swan," Regina smiles. "Umm, Hi," Emma says awkwardly. "You don't recognize me?" Regina asks, "Ummm," Emma shakes her head. "Of course you don't, you were far too little," Regina says. Emma has no idea what this woman is talking about. "Your Aunt has bailed you out," The warden said. 

"Aunt?" Emma asks. "Yes, Regina," Regina smiles at her, "Umm, I don't understand," Emma shakes her head. "Well, unless you want to have that baby in that cell," Regina shakes her head. "How did you get me out? I have 5 months more," Emma said. "Magic dear, and since you're a little under 18 they've consented to release you to me," Regina smiles. "Come on," Regina starts walking and the warden hands Emma some clothes of hers, "I'm not sure how much of that will fit you, at this point," she said. 

Emma changes into something at least somewhat able to fit her, given her 7 month pregnant state. "Well it's not ideal, but at least it's better than what you were wearing, come along dear," Regina says. Emma looks at the warden and the area once more, and then follows the heels of the woman who just got her out. 

"You're my Aunt?" Emma asks. "Something like that," Regina said. "What? You lied, I knew it," Emma said. "Well you do have some magic don't you," Regina smiles. "It's not magic, it's like a superpower," Emma said. "Ok, well do you prefer to have that baby in jail?" Regina asks. "Well, no, I was going to have them and give them up for adoption," Emma said. "To give them their best chance," Emma said. "I see, well this is a better chance, for you both," Regina said. 

Emma followed Regina, as she didn't really have another option. "Where are you taking me?" Emma asks. "Maine," Regina nods. "Maine?" Emma asks. "Yes, a town called Storybrooke," Regina said. 

Emma follows along, and they get to the airport in New York where Regina has left her car to drive the rest of the way. Regina's phone rings, "Hello," She smiles answering, it's Killian. "I'm on my way, I should be there late tonight, everything went... just fine," She smiles looking at Emma. 

"I'm dying for a grilled cheese and onion rings," Emma sighed, "Well, they gave you your belongings which included this money, here," Regina hands her some cash,  then returns to her phone call to Killian. "Oh ok, I'll be right back," Emma heads towards the food counter. Regina watched, and casually talked to Killian as Emma got something to eat. 

As she turns breathing in the scent of the onion rings, she bumps into someone. "Oh!" She startles, then looks up. "Emma..." he says. "Neal..." She sighs back to him. "Come dear," Regina comes up to her. "Uhhh," Emma stares at him. "Are you alright?" Regina asks. "Yes," Emma nods. "Who are you?" Regina glares at the young man in front of her. 

Little does Regina know that this is not only the child's father that Emma is carrying, but also the son of Rumplestiltskin. "Is that? Mine?" Neal looks down noticing Emma's expecting shape. Emma breathes, and looks at him, "Yes," Emma confirms. "I... I had no idea," Neal said. "Yeah well I took the test in prison," Emma said. 

"Of course you're the father, this would happen now," Regina scoffs. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Neal asks. "I'm Regina, I bailed Emma out and am taking her to a town in Maine," Regina said. "Why?" Neal asks, "Because your child deserves a chance, and not be born in jail and put into the same system that Emma was," Regina said. 

Emma is rather stunned by this woman's instant protection over her and her unborn child. "Were you ever going to tell me?" Neal asks, "Well how was I supposed to when you just left me to be put in jail," Emma snaps. "I had no choice," Neal defends. "I had to do the right thing," He said. 

Regina stares at him, and thinks, "Emma we're leaving, are you ready?" Regina interjects, "Yes, I should just go to the bathroom, this kid is active," Emma says heading off for a moment. Regina looks at Neal, "Who are you?" Regina asks, "Clearly that kids' father," Neal said. "Why did you have to do the right thing?" Regina asks. "Uhh, it's a weird story," Neal said. "Is it? Enlighten me," Regina said. "I had to let her fulfill her destiny," Neal said. 

Regina thought again, figuring out a puzzle, "What is her destiny?" Regina asks, though she knows. "That she's some savior," Neal said. "And how do you know that?" Regina asks. "I'm from the same world," Neal said. Regina stares at him now, trying to place who he could possibly be, "I'm Baelfire," he said. 

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