Chapter 24 Strangers

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"So Neal wanted me to have lunch today," Emma says. Mary Margaret is gently holding baby Henry, swaying, "Oh? And you aren't interested?" she asks. "Well, I don't know," Emma sighs. "That's ok, you don't have to be, you've been through a lot recently," Mary Margaret says. Emma smiles softly, it's weird for her to suddenly have a mother after all this time, but she feels very comfortable talking to her about her concerns. 

Emma is also very relieved that she has many people to help her with Henry. "I wasn't going to keep him," Emma says. Mary Margaret looks at her, "You didn't have a home," she says assuringly. "Yeah, and I wanted him to have a family," Emma said. "Well, he has one now," Mary Margaret smiles, "And so do you," she adds. Emma smiles at her. "Should I call you Mom?" Emma asks. Mary Margaret sighs happily, "I would... be so happy if you did," she says. "If you're comfortable with that," Mary Margaret smiles. 

At the hospital

Dr. Whale sits down, still a bit disturbed with Regina's curse. "Ah.. what is that?" Killian looks at the device he holds, "That is a sonogram, and this," Whale moves it around, "Is your baby," he points to a black and white screen. Killian squints his eyes looking at it. "See?" he asks. "That tiny little speck?" Killian asks. "Yes it grows," Whale said. 

"Who's car is that?" Killian asks, as they walk down the street, "I'm not sure, haven't seen it before," Regina said. They enter Granny's, "Hey," Neal comes up to them. "Hey," Killian nods to him, "Waiting for someone?" Killian asks. "Uhh yeah, Emma actually," he smiles. "How is that going?" Killian asks. "Well I mean, I kind of sent her to Jail, and while that was for a good reason, it's still pretty shitty of me," Neal said. "Mmm, she seems very forgiving," Killian said. "Guess I'll see," Neal nods. 

"You know we didn't talk about my forgiving you," Killian smirks at Regina, "Oh is that so?" Regina asks. "Mmm," he smiles. "The pirate is shining through," Regina said. "Well, I think I deserve a little pout after 18 years of being cursed," He smiles. "You can pout, what else do you want?" Regina asks. "I'll come up with something," He smiles. "Ok, I have to go to work, and still run this town," Regina says. "Mmmm," Killian softly kisses her lips and bends down, he softly kisses her stomach. 

She smiles, feeling happiness overwhelm her, as he stands and cutely brushes his knuckles against her cheek as she leaves. "Well, you forgave easier than I would have thought," Neal said. "Mmm, when you love someone, and I certainly love her," Killian said. "Did you know you could love her before the curse?" Neal asks. "I didn't think I could love anything before the curse, at that point I was still focused on vengeance of your father," Killian sighs. 

"So what were you and Regina? Or the Evil Queen I guess," Neal said. "mmm, more physical than anything, we bonded over both of us seeking vengeance, and the leather thing," He said. "Did you feel anything for her?" Neal asks. "Yes, I think so, but I was stubborn and not really opening myself to that, probably why it carried over into the curse." Killian said. "Well you changed I guess, with I could say the same for my father," Neal sighed. 

"He's not changed?" Killian asks. "Well, I mean, he's happy I'm here, and I guess he's changed a bit, I mean you're not dead," Neal jokes. "Right.. there's that," Killian said. "I have to get to work, just be patient with Emma," Killian said. "Yeah?" Neal asks. "Well I only spent about 6 weeks around her, but she seemed lost, and now that she's found, and a new young mother, she's probably confused a bit," Killian said. 

Neal waits and has a cup of coffee, twiddling his fingers. Emma suddenly pops up and sits down quickly in front of him. "Hi," he is pleasantly surprised. "Hi, first time I've left Henry, figured my ... Mom.. can handle that," Emma hangs on her words, still grasping at the reality of the situation. 

"I'm glad you came," Neal smiles. "Yeah, well I figured we should talk about you sending me to Jail," Emma said. 

Emma and Neal find it easy to talk over a nice lunch in Granny's. It hasn't been much time since they saw each other, and while things were definitely difficult upon their separation. Emma understood now, that it was for a bigger reason than she was able to understand at the time. 

Coming downstairs, "Are the rooms ok?" Granny asks the gentleman in glasses, "Yes, they're fine thank you," he answers. Emma smiles and stands, "I should go check on Henry, do you want to come later?" Emma asks. "We could Netflix and chill, if they have that here," Emma chuckles. "Sure, I would love to, I'll see you two later," Neal smiles. 

As Emma heads for the door, one of the young men smile, "Sorry you have a son?" He asks. "Oh, Umm, I'm Emma, hi, yes Henry, is my son," Emma says. "I see, sorry, you don't know me," he smiles. "No it's ok, I figured as the savior, everyone just knows who I am, I should get used to it," Emma smiles, and heads off.

"The savior," the one in glasses says, "Yes, that's what she said." His mate said, technically his brother. The pair headed to the pub, to just socialize, they see the man behind the bar, "Captain Hook?" one asks the other, "That's him," the other answers. "How did Pan say we were supposed to get him?" one asks. "We will, and then we can rescue Wendy, we just have to get the boy," One said. 

"Evening lads, what can I get you?" Killian offered, "Uhh, rum," One smiled. "Mmmm, haven't seen you two around, who are you? I mean, in our world," Killian said. "Just carpenters sons," they lie. "Mmm, well," Killian shuffles off to continue with the bar. 

Late in the night, Killian crawls next to Regina, "mmm," She groans, curling into his chest, "How are you?" He asks. "I'm good, I offered to watch Henry tomorrow, so Neal could take out Emma for a date," Regina says. "Well, glad they are making amends, good for the lad to have a shot at his parents together. Speaking of a baby, how is ours?" He asks. "Mmm," Regina smiles. 

"Hey in there Stranger, I'm your Papa, and I'm going to take very good care of you," Killian whispers to Regina's stomach before they fall asleep. 

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