Chapter 11 Story

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As planned, Mary Margaret showed up at Regina's office with the book. "Sorry I'm late," Mary Margaret smiled, Regina moves her eyes side to side thinking about this phrase. She resumes, as Mary Margaret comes to her desk. "Oh these are so beautiful, Killian?" Mary Margaret asks, "Yes," Regina nods. 

"You know looking in this story book is almost magical," Mary Margaret said. "Well you said it just appeared, that's almost magical in itself," Regina said. "Yes, looking at the pictures in it, are like memories almost," Mary Margaret says. "Have you showed David this book?" Regina asks. "Oh, No, I... do men like fairy tales?" Mary Margaret asks. "Well, I'm pretty sure, everyone does," Regina said. 

She flips through the book, and reaches the page of herself, in her black long gown, as she's entering Snow White and Prince Charming's wedding. She sighs to herself, and attempts to keep her eyes focused, "The villains are always so sad," Mary Margaret says. "Sad?" Regina asks. "Well, look at her," Mary Margaret opens to another page of the Evil Queen, a close up. 

"Look at the hurt in her eyes, she just doesn't know how to be happy," Mary Margaret says. "And you care about that?" Regina asks, nervously, "Well, it just shows that she was unhappy, and sometimes when people are unhappy, I suppose that's why they want to hurt others, because they've been so hurt themselves," Mary Margaret said. "Yes, seems they don't know how to be happy, or how to find it," Regina said. "Sometimes we can't see it, even when it's right in front of us," Mary Margaret says. "There's a lot of things in front of us that we sometimes can't see," Regina adds. 

"Oh, David," Mary Margaret gasps, "What?" Regina looks at her curiously, hoping this is some trigger, "I meant to meet him after I dropped the book off," Mary Margaret says. "Oh," Regina sighs, "I can bring this back later," Regina said. "Oh, sure, that would be great, umm how do I look?" Mary Margaret asks, "Umm," Regina shakes her head uncertain, but picks up an answer, "You look great," Regina nods. "Ok, thanks, umm bye," Mary Margaret giggles a bit, and rushes off. 

Regina searches some more through the story book, and is greeted, pleasantly. "Good afternoon," Killian's voice sounded, Regina smiles, "Hi," she gets up to greet him, with a sweet kiss, "Well I like that greeting, I see you received my delivery," he said. "Yes, they're beautiful," Regina nods. "Mmm, well figured they matched your red apples and your..... lips." He smiles softly. Regina can't help but feel a blush come over her, "I thought you wanted to see me tonight, that's what your note said," Regina said. "Well that is true, I.. would like to see you tonight, I just couldn't wait," He smiles. 

Regina feels herself nervous, excited, and becoming quite giddy. "I thought, I mean, unless you think it's too soon, I thought we could, spend..." he hesitates, "Ummm, this is a little awkward to say I guess," he chuckles. "You want to spend the night together?" Regina finishes for him. "Ah, then you knew what I was getting at, umm unless you aren't ready, by all means..." he goes on, "No no, I... yes.. that would be lovely," Regina says. "Ok, I mean I don't want to rush you into something physical..." he says. "I would like to be with you, wake up next to you," she smiles. 

He blushes slightly, and nibbles his lower lip. She does the same, "Umm, I don't know what you're doing to me," Killian shakes his head. "What do you mean?" Regina asks. "Just, you're changing me," he said. She sighs, thinking about how much she indeed did change him, he takes her hand, in his. She loves how small her hand is to his, he kisses the back of it. "I just, love ...." he pauses, and Regina feels her chest heave, "You," he shrugs, with a smile. 

"You... love me?" Regina asks, "Yeah... that's what it is, I love you. Been trying to figure out for days what I was feeling, kept waking up and just thinking about you, and missing you and wanting to see you," he smiles. She smiles and breathes a soft laugh, "I love you too," she meets his eyes. He sighs, like he's relieved, "Well how about that? Now we're a couple in love," he says. "I guess we are, even more appropriate to spend a night next to each other," Regina bites her lip, "I would really like that," he gently touches her cheek. 

"What's this?" Killian notices the book on her desk, "Oh, it's a book, that Mary Margaret just loaned to me," Regina said. Killian stares at the page, and turns it, on the page, is a young man, a boy, standing at the helm of a ship. Regina watches his face, as his brows furrow a bit, "Wonder what the tale is about this lad," he said. 

"Well, I'm sure the book tells his story," Regina said. Killian turns the page again, his large hand over the parchment, as he arrives at a page with a man at the same helm as the previous page. The man, has a hook. 

Regina stares at him, hopeful, as Killian focuses on the page. "What are you thinking?" Regina asks. "Umm, just, I don't know," He shakes his head, unsure. Regina forces a smile, "I suppose fairy tales are something to believe in, when people don't believe in themselves," Killian said. 

"Well, do you believe in yourself?" Regina asks, "I didn't...." He says, in a solemn voice. He gently touches the pages again, getting to the page where Snow White and Prince Charming hold their infant daughter, Emma. He softly smiles, "I believe in myself now," he looks at Regina. 

She smiles at him, "Perhaps we can have this," he looks at the page, Regina smiles, "A baby?" She asks, "Well, that... and ... a happy ending, isn't that what all these stories have?" he asks. "They're supposed to," Regina nods. "Well, perhaps we can make our own Story," he says. 

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