The Second Task ::34::

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***Do you hate me yet? Sorry it's been so long... I truly am. Please forgive me! This chapter is pretty exciting and action packed so hopefully this makes up for it... happy reading! Cheers xoxox***

Lennox was not one to panic, but the fact that she had absolutely no idea where Severus was this very morning made her more nervous than she had ever been in her entire life. Damn that man. She could feel herself becoming lightheaded as she breathed too quickly, nearly falling over in front of Liam when he entered the common room.

“Len! You alright there champion?” he grabbed ahold of her arm, holding her up firmly. She nodded quickly, realizing that everybody else had already gone to the stands in the middle of the lake. She still wasn't fully aware of what this task entailed. What was she supposed to be looking for?

“Have you seen my siblings? Are they on the boats already?” she questioned as they walked out of the dungeons together, hustling to the shoreline of the Black Lake.

“Yeah, all of them except Skylar. Couldn't find her this morning, but I'm sure she's there already.” he assured her, doing his best to make sure she felt a little better about the task at hand. She had to admit, learning that her sister was missing frightened her a bit too, but inside she knew she was more nervous about not knowing the whereabouts of her fiancee- but she didn't dare tell that to Liam.

“What are you going to do about your swimsuit when you surface? It'll be gone you know...”

“I am fully aware of that. After I dive in, go to the lower areas of the stands and use the dialysis spell to hook a new swimsuit onto the outside, that way I can swim up and slip it on quickly before I resurface. Got it?” she asked. He nodded, and the two hopped into the boat that was waiting for her on the docks. It was Barty Crouch, who was looking very upset that she was late for her own task. She couldn't help it, however, she was too busy worrying about Severus. It wasn't like him to just disappear without telling her where he was going.

“I sure hope the beginning time of this task hasn't inconvenienced you Miss Kingsleigh.” he gritted through his teeth, giving her a sarcastic smile. She bit her lip.

“I'm sorry Mister Crouch, I was looking for Professor Snape. He is my advisor afterall.” she replied with a shaky voice. Liam took hold of her hand, squeezing it affectionately for the course of the trip to the stands. She spotted Harry and the other champions standing and waiting as she arrived. She ran to her spot, and slipped off her shorts and t-shirt, leaving only her in her swimsuit. She gave Harry a smile before they were to line up for the start.

“Each of these champions had something taken from them last night, and now it is their job to retrieve their missing item. Mister Crouch if you would be so kind as to put one hour onto the clock,” Dumbledore waved to the ministry official, who did as told. He then turned to Filch.

“Now at the shot of the canon-” he was cut off by a large booming noise, to which everyone turned their attention to Filch, who had lit the canon ahead of time. The contestants dove into the water, beginning their search. Lennox felt the cool water overcome her body, engulfing her with a fresh feeling sensation. She immediately hunched her back, feeling the skin on her body changing into fur, and felt her face becoming more elongated, as well as her torso and limbs. As soon as her eyes detected white fur, she began her search. She used her paws to glide through the water with ease, practically flying through the kelp forests and oddly shaped rocks. She still had no idea what she should be looking for, but she found that getting around was much easier this way. After ten minutes of swimming, she finally heard a melodic tune in the distance. It seemed as if something had been singing her name.

Lennocelia. What you truly desire, is what you seek. Now is not the time to be meek. Come find him my dear, and you'll never hear, how much we can make you look weak.

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