An Awful Morning ::17::

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***Sorry it's been so long mates! Been very tired lately, wouldn't be surprised if I'm coming down with an illness. No worries though! It'll blow over fast, just overworked. Anywho, here's what you have been waiting for. Whether it was WORTH waiting for, well that's up to you I suppose. Cheers! Happy reading.***

It hadn’t taken Lennox very long after rising from a deep sleep to piece together that her day was going to be very bad. She had many days like it before, yet the sixth year still became quite irritable and nearly impossible to be around on such a day.

She had fallen asleep peacefully in her dorm at exactly ten the previous night, falling into a dreamful sleep, although she didn’t quite remember the details of it, and hadn’t even woken up one time to turn over in her bed.

Much to her misfortune and terrible dismay she was shaken awake by none other than her younger sister. Skylar. She hadn’t opened her eyes, but as the voice whispered in her ear just the tone of it could be distinctified as Skylar’s. 

“Lennox.” her soft voice swam through the canals of her ears. Lennox fidgeted, waving a hand to shoo the person away. She had only felt a warm hand touch her bare shoulder, and she could feel her body being disturbed.

“Lennox.” the voice said a bit louder, but still soft enough as to not wake any of the other sleeping Slytherin sixth year girls. Lennox’s hand grew less friendly, now swatting her sister’s limb away. She only shook harder.

“What. Do. You. Want?” Lennox gritted quietly through her teeth. Skylar gently moved up from the foot of the bed to sit closer to her head. Lennox still kept her eyes shut, but fuming nonetheless at the young fourth year.

“I... er... am not tall enough to reach a book on the top shelf of the bookcase in the common room.” Skylar bit her lip, speaking as softly as she could, hoping that in return her older sibling would not get as upset.

Although she wasn’t sure what the decibel of her sound had to do with the level of anger her sister may or may not have at this point. Lennox’s eyes shot open, and she sat up in bed, combing the hair from her eyes, and snatching the watch from her bedside table.

“It’s five in the bloody morning... and you’re getting me up for a damn... BOOK?!” she exclaimed in a hushed tone. She heard an irritated ‘shh!’ from the bed to her right, but didn’t even bother to tear her eyes from Skylar’s.

“It’s freezing down here! Why are you only wearing... that?” she changed the subject, noting Lennox’s attire. She looked down at her bare stomach, noting the goosebumps. Although she was entirely too annoyed to generally care.

The only thing Lennox had remembered was that the dream she had, which she still could not puzzle out, had left her extremely warm, to which she immediately solved subconsciencley  by taking her tshirt off and tossing it to the ground.

She had slept the whole night in sweat pants and a sports bra. She uncovered the rest of her body, feeling the cool air attach itself to her bare arms, belly, and back, and the top part of her chest. She motioned for Skylar to follow her.

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