The Christmas Egg ::27::

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***YOU GUYS! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in an eternity! I'm extremely sorry! I've just been so busy and school has been... ugh... don't wanna talk about it. Anyways, this wont' make up for the absence, but it's something! The next few chapters will be slow. Happy reading!***

She felt like a complete stranger. She was changing much to her disliking. The girl she was to this day was much different than the one starting her sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was no longer Lennocelia Alexis Kingsleigh.

She was indeed… an unknown person. Lennox Kingsleigh never would have threatened her younger sister… Lennox Kingsleigh would never have revealed her powers to the world… Lennox Kingsleigh would have never let anyone know about her dark past.

And Lennox Kingsleigh would have NEVER fallen for a professor, let alone kiss him under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve. Why couldn’t she be in love with Harry? He fancied her quite a bit… and he was closer to her age… and it was much less complicated.

This tournament had changed her… for the bad. She ended up hating herself. She considered herself to be evil. She was an evil person. She shouldn’t want things. She had a family to take care of… wanting things wasn’t part of the plan…

And yet she wanted Severus Snape with every morsel of her being… and last night had been the best night of her existence. She almost wished she could go back to being blind. Somehow it was much easier when she couldn’t physically see the world.

The task had been a few months ago, and she still hadn’t figured out that blasted egg. Every time she opened it all she would find was a massive amount of screeching and ear piercing noise. She’d end up closing it almost instantly.

She found herself staring in the mirror in the Slytherin girls’ lavatory. She turned the tap on, splashing water onto her face, and feeling the cold against her skin. It felt good. It was Christmas day… well Christmas night. It was about nine.

She was the only Slytherin, besides her family, left in the castle. Most other students had gone home for the holidays. She turned the tap off, and stared down at the golden object. It mocked her… taunted her… she hated the damned thing.

She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, and slowly reached for the cap. She unscrewed it slowly, and it fell open. As usual, the blood curdling screech had erupted from it. She looked down at it, a small drop of water falling from her chin and splashing onto the glowing light in the center.

For one moment, the sound changed and a beautiful note sounded instead of the horrible noise. She looked at it, completely perplexed, but quickly shut it when it went back to the terrible loudness. She bit her lip, quickly sweeping it up into her arms.

She smiled to herself, beginning a slight jog down the corridors. She was searching for someone… someone in particular. Who was to say that now she could see, she couldn’t still feel the earth for certain people. She slowly crouched to the ground.

She set her fingertips gingerly onto the cobblestone ground. She felt the vibrations. Good posture… the walk of a king in his palace… slowly but with purpose… yes. She found him. She hopped to her feet, practically skipping down the hallway.

She spotted him finally, his red flaming hair peeking out from underneath his hat. She took in a deep breath, and went into helpless blind mode. She slowly walked towards him. He must have seen her, or heard her because he was now walking towards her.

“You! Slytherin! What are you doing out of your common room?” he snapped. She faked a small trip over her own feet, and landed in his arms. She let out a small plea.

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