A Menacing Detention ::9::

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***I realize I'm updating rather quickly, but that's in high hopes more people will read it... I sincerely hope people do... I've been waiting for... well not that long, I'm patient... anywho, another chapter from yours truly. Enjoy!***

“Good evening.” she greeted him quietly, walking into the potions classroom without asking for permission to enter. She had nearly reached his desk when she heard his cold voice collide with the bricked dungeon wall.

“Knock.” he warned, keeping his eyes directly on the assessments he had currently been marking. She let out a sigh, slowly backtracking herself taking five complete steps back, standing in the doorway now. She balled her right hand into a fist, her knuckles rasping against the hardwood door.

“Please your Highness, may I be granted with the honor of being allowed into your kingdom? Or shall you deem me unworthy?” she asked sarcastically, bowing graciously. He rolled his eyes, and motioned for her to enter.

She approached him, giving him a dramatic curtsey, and kneeled before his desk, linking her hands together in front of her, and knitting her eyebrows together, waiting for him to say something about her behavior.

“That is quite enough.” he ordered with an irritated drone. She rose to her feet, and sat on the corner of his desk, folding her arms across her chest. She waited a moment to mentally conjure the correct words to speak.

“You gave me detention. You’ve known me for over five years. You should know with your dealing with by now.” she told him, her voice dripping with snark and attitude. He glanced up at her, shooting her a dangerous glare.

“It would seem you’ve mistaken our conversation in Hogsmeade as one between friends. I am not your friend Kingsleigh. I am your professor, and I demand the respect I deserve.” he snapped viciously. She narrowed her eyes at him.

“When have I ever been formal with you?” When have I ever spoken to you as a professor?” she raised an eyebrow at him. He wrote a scratchy red ‘O’ atop of the quiz he had just finished grading. Outstanding? She squinted her eyes at the name.

Brad Kingsleigh

She smiled. ‘Atta boy.

“Must you waste our time being insolent?” his tone was dry, and had a touch of sarcasm hidden in the mix. She cracked a smile at this question, getting to her feet, and walking aimlessley around the lab tables.

“Again. You’ve known me many years,” she stopped herself, looking down at the hard stone floor, “how will I be serving detention tonight?” she changed the subject altogether. He threw his quill down onto the stack of parchment.

“Well,” he began, rising from his desk chair, “I was expecting two of you... but I see now you are in fact alone.” he explained, taking note of her presence alone in the potions classroom. She growled to herself mentally.

“Yes well... she received a last minute offer for a date...” she huffed angrily. He raised an eyebrow in amusement. He thought it to be humorous that she was so irritated with her sister’s social affairs. It was quite entertaining.

“And you’re bitter I take it.” the corners of his mouth twitched up into a smirk. She narrowed her eyes, glaring at him. Had her eyes been dagger, which they closely resembled, he would be laying on the floor in cold blood.

“Not bitter. Just angry. She’s supposed to be studying...” she replied, silently clenching her fists together and going off on some internal rage. A small laugh came from his chest, which was the first time in many months.

“Let me puzzle this Kingsleigh... you’re upset with her because... she isn’t studying... and not because she’s gotten a date and you haven’t?” he teased mockingly. She tasted a few vile words on the tip of her tongue, which she bit to keep quiet.

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