The First Task (Part 2) ::21::

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*** Alright folks! Part two of the first task! It's going to be intense (hopefully)! Only a few more chapters until the Yule Ball. Won't that be exciting? ;) << that was not a foreshadow that suggests anything interesting is going to happen at the Ball... Because I don't do that....(<<)
Happy reading!***

 “Here.” he tossed her a jersey that had two different colors. The torso was split, making half of it black and the other green. The Slytherin insignia had been stitched near the lefthand shoulder. She flipped it over to the back.

It had her name in bold letters, along with a small star just underneath it. She let out a deep breath, and tore her eyes from the fabric, glancing up at him. He was seated at his desk, and gathering a few things.

“Put it on.” he ordered as he stood up. She nodded, and slowly began to lift her sweatshirt over her head. She felt a strong hand grip it and pull it back down to cover her stomach once more. She looked at him quizzically.

“Merlin! Wait until I leave dammit!” he snapped. She only rolled her eyes, and repeated the actions to take her shirts off.

“I wouldn’t see how it would matter when they’ll have to strip me completely to embalm my dead corpse.” he didn’t even want to look at her as she put the shirt on, knowing very well what would happen the moment he laid  eyes on her revealed skin.

“Will you stop with that? You are not going to die. You are the most clever and powerful witch that’s ever competed in this tournament, and I can assure you that your performance will be no less than extraordinary. Now shut up.” he growled.

She smoothed out the wrinkles in her jersey and followed him out of the dungeons. They began their silent walk out through the Entrance Hall, past the courtyard, and down the dirt path to the Quidditch field.

Many excited students were already gathering and taking their designated seats in the pitches, chattering away with anticipation and betting on who would win. Lennox had to close her eyes and breathe through her nose to keep calm.

The two hadn’t talked the entire ten minutes to the champion tent. Inside was Dumbledore, Crouch, Harry, Fleur, Viktor, Karkaroff, Madam Maxime, and Moody. The moment she stepped foot into the tent, she rushed to Harry.

She embraced him tightly, feeling his arms latch around her waist. Severus watched with disgust from the corner of his eye. He wandered over to speak to Albus while Lennox and Harry hugged, both enjoying eachother’s presence.

She pulled away and they looked into eachother’s eyes for what seemed like hours, when in reality it was merely a few moments. Harry gave her a reassuring smile, which she returned all too quickly.

“Nervous?” he inquired. She nodded slightly, letting out a breath of anxiety which she disguised as a small laugh. He replied with a ‘me too’ but it was gladly and quickly dismissed by the both of them. Lennox lightened the mood.

“Neither of us can get hurt too badly. We have the Ball to attend mind you.” she nudged him. He grinned widely, but didn’t say anything. She left him to speak with Hermione, and then they gathered around Bartemius Crouch.

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