I Believe You ::12::

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***Yes... again, sorry about the darkness of the last chapter (if one could consider that 'dark' but one cannot be sure.) Anyways, here's a lighter chapter, and I'm working on some more. Hope you enjoy it! (P.S it may not seem to be progressing as much as you may like, but that's how I keep the lot of you interested you see;)) On any road, happy reading***

Lennox woke at exactly eight the following morning. She had received a peaceful five hours of sleep, even after the entire charade that had happened the previous night in the Potion's Master's office. She sighed.

She threw her hair up, and dressed herself in jeans and a blue sweatshirt, along with a pair of black converse. She yawned, and snatched Snape's cloak from the trunk at the foot of her bed. Then she was off.

She wanted to sit near the bank of the Black Lake, the place she'd liked to reside with Max, but he was probably still asleep in his own dorm. She made her way outside, not taking note to any other people that were out and about. 

She'd begun to pace to the weeping willow tree near the shore, and that's when she spotted a familiar face already there. Shaggy brown hair, circular glasses, and pale skin. And the lightening shaped scar on his forehead.

"Oh. Harry! I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." she apologized quickly, nearly stepping on him when she brought herself to a halt. He rose to his feet, but kept his green eyes on the ground, telling himself he better leave.

"Lennox... I... suppose you're going to rag on me about putting my name into the Goblet..." he scratched the back of his head, and looked past her towards the castle. If he started running now he could escape and save them from an awkward conversation.

"Oh. That... I haven't thought about it if I'm honest. But I reckon you aren't daft enough to put your name into that damned thing..." she furrowed her eyebrows, but shot him a friendly smile nonetheless.

He knitted his eyebrows together, confused by her statement.

"Well... that's a breath of fresh air." he sat back down with a chuckle. She joined him, hugging her knees to her chest. They sat together, staring out over the lake, both unmoving and silent. She rested her chin on her knees.

His eyes scanned the water, thoughts racing through his mind. The wind began to pick up, causing small white caps on the dark waves of the lake. Some leaves blew out into the open from the tree they were near.

"Ever wonder what's in there?" her soft voice broke the silence. His head turned, he looked her directly in the eyes this time. Curiosity was swimming through her green irises, thoughts trapped in the black of her pupils.

"The Lake? I have, yeah. But I'd be too afraid to ever find out." he laughed jokingly. She stifled a giggle, and pushed any thoughts of jumping right in aside. It would be best to leave it all up to the imagination.

"Oh... well..." she shrugged. They sat for a few moments, just hearing the sound of eachother's laugh. Then things grew a bit more serious.

"It's a scary thing to think about isn't it? The tournament..." he licked his lips. She nodded slowly, thinking about her family. She didn't have any idea what would happen to them if she died. She scooted closer, resting a head on his shoulder. He smiled to himself.

He then raised an eyebrow when his nose had detected an unusual scent.

"Lennox... your cloak smells like... a man... like..." he said sarcastically, sniffing the material attempting to make out what it could be.

"Like Cologne?" she asked. He nodded, taking in the scent closer. He had a funny thought in his mind. He decided she would laugh at it.

"Well it smells like a man and it's black... did you knick it from Snape?" he snickered. Lennox cracked a smile as Harry laughed at his own joke.

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