The Daily Prophet ::23::

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*** Sorry it's been awhile... don't have much to say, other than enjoy! ***

Lennox waltzed into the Entrance Hall cautiously, taking extra careful steps as she went. She had Liam tell her the time before she left the common room. It was eight on Sunday morning, and she was heading to breakfast.

She had to take to a slower pace, still unable to see. She let out a yawn, and heard idle chit chat as she entered the large dining room. Before she could find her own table, she was approached by a female, of that she was sure. But she hadn't known who.

"Hey freak." the girl's voice rang out from behind her. She recognized her now. Lennox slowly turned on her heel, smiling innocently at the young fourth year before her. She felt the warmth from the girl's body within seconds.

"Good morning Daisy." she greeted.

"My name is Pansy." she growled angrily. 

"Daisy... Pansy... Like I care. They're both flowers. What do you need Daffodil?" she folded her arms over her chest and stood in place, waiting for the younger girl to pass on information and leave. She could hear the anger in Pansy's voice.

"Dumbledwarf is looking for you and Professor Snape. He wants the two of you in his office." she conveyed. Lennox raised an eyebrow. What on earth could Dumbledore possibly want from the both of them?

Lennox slowly knelt to the ground, setting her fingertips onto the ground and taking in a deep breath. Pansy looked at her curiously. Lennox felt the vibrations in the earth, and smiled to herself, quickly getting back up.

"Ah. Professor Snape is in Diablo's Tower. I shall collect him immediately. Thank you Tulip." Lennox patted Pansy's head cheerfully, and began to walk away.

"You're such a loser!" she exclaimed as she watched the blind sixth year waltz away. Lennox twirled her fingers and continued on. The floor around Pansy's feet twisted upwards past her ankles, making it impossible for her to move.

She struggled to get out of the earth's grasp, but could only stand in one spot at the most. She looked back up at the silhouette of her fellow Slytherin, angrily shouting and demanding Lennox let her go. Lennox only left without another word.

She snickered quietly as she thought about it. She walked completely to the other side of the castle, turning down a corridor- the beginning of what was Diablo's pass that led to the tower. It was unnervingly quiet.

She could hear herself breathing, and she walked slowly. Had she done something wrong that she was to be reprimanded by the Headmaster? And what part did Snape have in all of this? What is Bartemius Crouch was involved somehow?

'How can I be nervous about this? I've done nothing wrong... I've done nothing-'

"AHH!" she screamed loudly, jumping as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She nearly fell, but immediately felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her body, keeping her steady. She put her hand over her heart, feeling her pulse.

"Severus!" she hissed angrily. He so wished she could see the bemused smirk on his lips as he held her in the empty corridor. She put her hands on his chest, feeling the deep rumble as he let out a very small chuckle.

"It's not funny you insufferable man!" she caught her breath, hitting his chest gently and pushing him away from her. She held onto his arm as they exited the hallway. The scowl on her face stayed as the two walked together.

"The two of us are supposed to see Dumbledore in his office. Now." she explained. He nodded, and led her to their destination. They arrived at the statue that was the entrance, and she heard Severus mumble 'Saltwater Toffee.'

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