Homework of Sorts ::14::

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***Thanks to those who have been reading! Here is yet another chapter at your convenience. It's times like this I wonder how grateful anybody is that I have no life and post chapterse qutie occasionally ;) anywho, I suppose you wish to continue on with the story eh? Happy reading!***

Severus had never fallen out of his bed before, so one could only imagine his complete shock when he felt his face collide with the thin silver and green rug that sat on top of the polished hardwood floor. 

He struggled out of his comforter, not even paying attention to the cold dungeon air he had grown so accustomed to in his many years at this bloody castle. He yawned, glancing at the clock that sat unmoving on his small nightstand.

It had taken him a moment to realize he had stirred at an annoyingly early hour. After rubbing his eyes he took note that it was only half past five. He silently cursed the time under his breath, gathering his clothes for the day.

He slipped on his usual white button up shirt, tucking it into his black pants, securing a belt around his waist, and slipping into the normal black frock coat. He grew frustrated momentarily when he could not find his cloak.

After he had thought about it, he remembered it was in the possession of Lennox Kingsleigh, the terribly insufferable insolent sixth year. He rolled his eyes, and stuffed his wand into his shirt, waltzing out of his private quarters and into the potions room.

From there he took each stair, step by step, into the Entrance Hall. It was then he realized he was not the only professor awake in the wee hours of the morning. Minerva quit her pacing, her heels clicking on the marble floor as he approached her.

"Severus. What are you doing awake? Do you not usually begin your day at eight on Sundays?" she inquired, her emerald cloak glistening in the dim light that peeked through the large window up the steps. 

He connected his hands together behind his back, standing with the straightest posture he could possibly muster, looking down at her with the usual emotionless face that he wore when conversing with other people.

"I have some business to attend to." he said dryly, his charcoal eyes following the beams of sunlight. She raised an eyebrow, suddenly growing suspicious of whatever actions he was referring to. 

"What business would that be?" she folded her arms across her chest slowly, narrowing her eyes as if she suspected he was up to no good. He took in a deep breath, restraining himself from giving her a sarcastic remark.

"I'll rephrase. I have some business to attend to... that is none of your concern. Now if you'll excuse me Minerva." he continued his walk, reaching the corridor that would soon enough bring him to the library.

He had checked his own private collection of books for something that may give him the answer he was looking for, but had come up short as he so feared. He figured skulking around the library at an ungodly hour would keep other students from interrupting his searching.

He walked through the double glass doors, seeing the entire room open in front of him. This room itself was larger than the Great Hall. Filled with books that had been written over the past however many milleniums.

He stopped, looking around at the scene. Empty tables, books magically floating to find their places on the shelves, and of course the marble statues that sat proudly in different locations. He saw something move from the corner of his eye.

His head turned, and he noticed the librarian hustling around her desk and sweeping books into a very large plastic bin that sat on a trolley. They must have been returned books. She was waving her wand over it, watching as they all flew away.

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