A Bright Blue Potion ::6::

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***That was fast wasn't it? ;) Yes well again, I wrote a lot of chapters while I was without a computer... but they aren't original, because I'm not good at spontinaity, and I have to write a description of ALL my chapters ahead of time so I know what's going on... because I'm a dork like that- and anyways my original chapter descriptions were on my old computer which, unfortunately, couldn't be saved... all my documents have been destroyed... sorry if that sob story made you sad, it sure does me! Have a chapter for compensation P.S I am aware that NEWT classes are available to 6th years, I'm changing a few things to fit better. Just go with it.***


Lennox finally glanced at the clock in the common room. Tearing her eyes away from the blazing fire she checked the time. It was five fifty nine. She sighed, realizing she had been up the whole entire night without even an ounce of sleep.

She sat still a minute longer, feeling the warmth of the fire before she had to venture into the cold of the dormitories. Lazily getting onto her feet, she walked slowly to the stone stairs, and began the climb. 

She gathered her cloak and uniform and made her way to the lavatory. She peeled off her pajamas and hopped into the stall, letting the hot water overtake her senses. She let out a sigh of relief when she began to wash her body and hair.

She closed her eyes and scrubbed the dead skin away with a bar of soap. She finally turned the tap off, and dried herself to get dressed. A quick drying spell later she was fully clothed, and curling her hair, then applying makeup. 

Today was her first day of advanced potions, which meant a whole new schedule. She was happy, she was expecting to received all O's on her O.W.L's. Advanced potions was a N.E.W.T class, and she was a year early for it.

She checked the clock again, seven thirty. She could eat quickly before her first class. Practically skipping, she entered the Great Hall and took a seat across from Ron and Hermione, sitting next to none other than Harry Potter.

"Hello." she greeted them cheerfully. Hermione returned with a 'good morning' while Harry smiled and waved. Ron only glared at her. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Had she forgotten to apply eyeliner to one eye? Did she forget to brush her teeth?

"What's your issue?" Harry nearly snapped at his best friend. She looked at him with surprise. Harry doesn't need to go around getting mad at people for for. Sje was perfectly capable of it herself... just ask anybody.

"She's a Slytherin." he replied instantly with hatred in his voice. That's all? He's angry with her and thinking of a hundred ways to kill her because she's a Slytherin? Well that's rich ins't it? They're both 'blood traitors' so how about he starts befriending her?

"You're not still on about that are you?" Hermione questioned after that, with as much disbelief in her voice as Lennox was thinking mentally. She could only shake her head. Ron over reacts about everything, so she'd been told.

"Yes. I am. Slytherin people are not to be trusted. They're untrustworthy. Next thing you know we'll be inviting Malfoy and his goons for a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks." Ron defended. Lennox rolled her eyes and took a large bite of her oatmeal.

Most of breakfast was shared in silence. She felt unwelcome, only because of the fact that Ron had only ever taken his eyes off of her when he looked down at his toast to take a bite from. Other than that Hermione was reading and Harry was staring off somewhere.

"Well I'm off to potions. I'll catch you lot later." she got up. Hermione looked up from her incredibly large book.

"I thought you had potions last?" she seemed confused, and tilted her head to the side, thinking it over.

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