Christmas Eve Day ::25::

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***I'm terribly sorry... you cannot even begin to realize how awful I feel for going so long without an update! I'm hoping this is compensation... but I'm guessing that it won't be. But a girl can try right?? I'm REALLY hoping to update once more this weekend, but considering I'm planning for the next chapter to be incredibly long... we'll see. I'll probably start working on it and then post it next weekend but if I get done with my chores, homework, and other things early I just might give into my creative needs ;) enjoy! Happy reading!***

The week had gone by in the blink of an eye, not that Lennox could have seen any of it. Severus had still been working on the cure for her blindness… and yet he wasn’t even relatively close. Try as he might, the only thing he could do now was apparate to St. Mungos.

There would have to be several forms filled out in order to do such a thing, so he had been putting it off until it was an absolute necessary action. The task was two months away after all, and yet Lennox Kingsleigh still saw nothing but black when she opened her eyes.

She sat in an armchair across the roaring fire in her Potions Master’s cozy office. It was nearly four in the afternoon on Friday, only hours before the Ball. Her legs were curled up next to her body, her arms latched around her knees.

“Have you managed to puzzle together the next clue to the second task?” he murmured softly, marking a few exams from his fourth year students. She let out a sigh, slowly pushing a few strands of hair out of her face. She shook her head.

“No… but don’t doubt that I’ve been trying like mad. There’s not much one can do when you can’t very well see what you’re doing… but I-“she stopped herself suddenly, the words halting on her tongue. He glanced up at her, raising an eyebrow.

“But…?” he coaxed, setting his quill back onto the tabletop of his large mahogany desk. She bit her lip, knitting her eyebrows together as she thought of the right words. Being completely honest with herself, she was at a loss of words on how to explain it.

“I… the egg… it…” she paused multiple times, confused with the things coming out of her mouth. What would be the correct way of putting it? Lennox Kingsleigh may have been a genius… but a genius with very rare and unusual powers. She wasn’t exactly sure what it was.

“It speaks to me.” She attempted. To her it was more of a question. She nodded, deciding that was a good way of stating it. The expression of Severus’s face changed suddenly. It had gone from curiosity to complete frustration. Obviously he didn’t understand.

“It speaks to you? Is that some sort of effect of your-“

“No. At least I don’t think so. I… don’t know. Sometimes I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and I’ll hear whispers. But I can never understand them. It’s like… I can’t explain it. Perhaps you can use Legilimency later… but right now I… I want to talk about something else…” she trailed off.

Severus could have sworn he saw a slight blush creep onto her face as she spoke the last sentence, the light from the flames licking every inch of her flawless open skin. The curiosity struck him once more, making him feel compelled to dig deeper.

“Perhaps… what would you like to converse about Kingsleigh?” he had returned to grading pieces of parchment, and yet he was still listening intensely and waiting for her to muster up enough courage for whatever subject she was pondering.

“I… well its Christmas Eve… and seeing as I will be at the Ball with Harry, I can’t come back to spend Christmas with you. Therefore, I find it suiting to… give you your gift. Now.” She could feel her voice shaking with each passing second.

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