Everything that Doesn't Matter ::13::

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***I would say these chapters are advancing at a rather fast pace (not the story line as much as my constant posting) which, by the way, is a result of me attempting for people to read it. All in good time though! As much as I'm a bit nervous about the 'unlucky 13' thing, I'll try to make this chapter worth while. Happy reading!***


Lennox picked at her chicken with little interest, stabbing it gently with the prongs of her silver fork. She rested her elbow on the table, letting her cheek sit still in the palm of her hand. She looked down at the food, clearly not hungry.

She looked at the time on her wristwatch. It was only six. Would that be too early to excuse herself to the dungeons? Her green eyes darted up to the High Table, seeing Professor Snape conversing with Professor Sinistra.

Odd... he doesn’t converse with anybody...

Of course everything he did lately was seemingly un-Snape-like. She licked her lips, taking a sip of her Pumpkin juice, and setting the cup back down near her very large, very uneaten, plate of delicacies. 

Meanwhile Liam sat across from her, loading his dish with several different things at once, scooping it into his mouth as if he had been dying of starvation, stuffing his mouth as he did every. Single. Night.

He made disgusting slurping and smacking noises as he chewed the macaroni, taking the largest gulp of water she had ever seen anybody drink. She felt her stomach growing upset just watching him attack the food.

She rested a small hand on her belly over her shirt and robes, rubbing it tenderly and looking down at the cold stone floor, attempting to take her mind off of her friend’s grotesque eating habits. She was feeling unusually ill.

She closed her eyes, taking in short choppy breaths, finally rising to her feet not five minutes later. She had decided to pay Madam Pomfrey a visit in the hospital wing. No use in meeting with Snape when she felt the way she did.

“Liam, I’ll... I’ll just see you later.” she placed a hand over her mouth to keep her insides... well... inside. He nodded, wiping the gravy from his mouth with his sleeve before she finally began to walk away. 

Severus watched her exit the Great Hall, mindlessly listening to Aurora Sinistra gab on and on about the zodiac signs. He wasn’t all that interested, but he had found it unusually hard to be rude to any human being since the previous night.

All day he had actually stopped and taken into account people’s... feelings. Even Potter had gotten away with brewing an absolutely disgraceful potion without being chastised or called a ‘dunderhead.’ He was quite wondering what had been happening to him.

She walked briskly out of the very large, student infested dining hall. To where? He obviously couldn’t be sure of that. He narrowed his eyes, watching as her slim figure disappeared into the darkness of the corridors. 

Lennox felt slightly better as she distanced herself from all of the food. The suffocating warmth, claustrophobic feeling from her classmates, and deafening loudness of their chatter had all gone by now, and she could feel herself actually breathe.

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