The Forbidden Forest ::4::

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***Yet another update, because I have some spare time:) and I would just like to say hopefully some people start to read my story, it's quickening pace I believe! So enjoy please! Comment maybe too? I'd like to hear your thoughts! It starts out rather different:)***

'Honestly. This must be the most miserable bunch of first years I've experienced in my many years of teaching at this bloody school! The pop quiz I had given them on Thursday, the same one I give every year, was extremely disappointing.' Severus Snape thought to himself.

The average score for his first pop quiz, the exact same as it has been for at least ten years, was around seventy five percent. So far, if his calculations were correct, no student had gotten higher than a fifty two. That was painfully low, and would be fixed within time.

He glanced at the final parchment, which had all answers filled in, and not one had been left blank. He looked at the name in the upper corner. Jake Kingsleigh. The youngest child in the family, the youngest sibling to that insolent sixth year.

1. What would you get if you added Powdered Root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?

Draft of the Living Dead - Sleeping Potion.

2. Where can you find a Bezoar?

A goat's stomach.

3. What is the difference between Monkswood and Wolfsbane?

No difference. They are the same plant.

This was utterly ridiculous. No doubt he was as magically gifted at Potions as his eldest sister. She had a knowledge for everything to do with the subject, most impressive but slightly irritating. Then again, intelligence runs in their family. Every child in that family is practically a genius. 

It's maddening, and quite annoying if he's being honest with himself. His lip curled up in disgust. Lennox Kingsleigh. He shuddered just hearing the name. The girl is a menace to say the least. She's ungreatful, arrogant, insolent and-

"Severus?" a soft voice interrupted his thoughts. He scratched an 'O' at the top of the boy's paper. One hundred percent. Disgusting. He looked up at the elderly man that had just entered his office. Serverus's black eyes never seemed to penetrate his barriers.

"Can I help you... headmaster?" he questioned, straightening his sitting posture and adding the parchment to the rest of the pile. He walked in slowly, standing near his desk and looking at him with the same twinkle in his eyes that has been around forever.

"It would seem you are readying yourself for the Dark Forest tonight if I'm correct?" he asked curiously. How could he...? The man knows everything, no doubt about that. But why would he seem to care? Severus had been into the forest many a time.

"I am, yes. What concern is it to you? I'm in need of something for a potion." he looked at the Headmaster suspiciously. He nodded and waited a few seconds to speak again. Were the Centaurs acting up? Was it less safe this particular night? He looked at the clock. It was nearing nine, the girl would be here soon.

"Bringing a student into the Dark Forest is completely dangerous Severus you're aware of that." he glanced down at the Potions Master. Severus only snickered on the inside, at the thought of Lennox Kingsleigh screaming of pure terror as some beast stared her in the eye.

"I am headmaster. Lennox Kingsleigh is a well capable student. We will not be in the forest long." he assured him. The man knew of Lennox well, which surprised him that he was even considering to worry and fuss about her. Like Severus had reminded her yesterday, she was no feminine girl.

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